With Gu Yi's eyesight, he naturally knew that the existence of the F cub was similar to some kind of special spiritual body doppelganger, not Jossen's soul entity.

After all, that smelly boy is still blinking his eyes right now!

In the end, Gu Yi determined that Josson's comic ratio would indeed not cause harm to the multiverse (mainly because it could not be handled), so he routinely warned two sentences.

Sending this great god away, Qiao Sen was also relieved.

There is a way that the strong dragon does not suppress the earth head snake, Gu Yi as a supreme mage suppressed the earth's luck for 500 years, even if the god king Odin saw her, he had to be polite, and Thanos' "Infinity Stones" philatelic plan was dragged on until she died (ran away) before daring to invade the earth in real life.

What is the deterrent power of a bald head! (tactical recline. JPG)

The ancient mage leaves, and Joson cleans Tony's bar with a snap of his fingers, only then flying out of the balcony to find his teammates to converge.

"Hey, guys, what is this?"

Tony Stark shook his eyebrows as he shook the lockbox containing the "Cosmic Cube" in his hand, and the moustache was eager to rise to the sky.

As the leader of the Avengers, the captain is naturally not as showy as Tony.

But seeing this, he couldn't help but smile, and raised his hand to show the suitcase of the "Spiritual Scepter".

Joson and Dr. Banner, who fell from the sky, glanced at each other and revealed their respective collection of "Infinity Stones", which were orange "Soul Gems" and green "Time Gems".

The four couldn't help but smile.


Well, it seems that our group should have gained the most," the captain looked at the group with satisfaction, and pressed the crossing bracelet to summon the quantum battle suit, "There is nothing left behind, if not, I am ready to go back."

Seeing this, the others also finished their quantum suits, and Dr. Banner sighed: "I hope the other two groups are also going well."

The captain was aroused and nodded heavily: "It will be." Joson

sent a magic light wave and made a box that could store the "Infinity Stones", and then put the "Soul Gems" in it and handed it to the captain.

"Captain, you go back first, I still have some things to do," Johnson said, "I will set the return time the same as yours, and see you at the base then." The

captain took it and nodded: "In that case, let's bring the gem back first, and we'll see you later." Watching

the three enter the quantum realm and leave, Joson also put on the quantum suit.

Since he and Green Fat teamed up to beat Loki's variable into an idiot in advance, there was no incident in this timeline where Loki got the "Cosmic Cube" and sneaked out of prison.

Therefore, Iron Man and the captain don't have to go out of their way to the 70s.

But Josson decided to go.

Just as Dr. Banner and the captain were worried, he was also worried about what would happen to the other two gem squads again.

After all, there is a data exchange between the nebulae in the two space-time, and in order to prevent that chick from introducing the ghost into the village again, Joson decided to go there himself.


the time node to the travel time of other groups to ensure that they go to the same time and space where they are.

No matter how long they were delayed in other worlds before, it would not affect their arrival at that point in time at the same time.

As for the lack of energy to traverse,

this problem is easy to solve.

Anyway, in the New Jersey military base in 1970, there were enough freshly baked "Pym particles" tubes.

Dr. Hank Pym: Both of them are old six!


In 2014.

The red and white color matching quantum suit appeared out of thin air, magnifying from a particle state to Jossen's tall and tall figure.

When he appeared on the earth in this time and space, it means that he has traveled more than once.

It turns out that the heavily guarded US military base is a fart in front of the strong.

Even though the Hydra elite operators gathered there, Joson easily packed all the twelve tubes of "Pym particles" in the cabinet and took them away.

This led to a heart-wrenching scream in the base office building -

"Who did this!!"

The camera turned.


?" Black Widow Natasha looked strangely at Joson who had blended into the Power Gem squad, wondering, "Hey, Jossen, you can't be in the wrong place, right?"

"Trust me, there's nothing wrong," Jossen shrugged as she looked at her blonde and burgundy hair color, thinking about going back to give the tornado a whole, "Believe it or not, I just saved the world once." "

Oh, that's really cool!" Colonel Rhode of the War Machine applauded and casually asked, "So you helped us defeat the invading Zitauri in the past?"


OMG..." War Machine opened its mouth, "Then why did you choose to come here, isn't everyone's Pym particle only enough to make a round trip?"


Don't worry, I've got enough Pym particles from somewhere else," Joson smiled behind his back, not denying his claim, "Trust me, if I don't come, you'll be in big trouble." "

I believe, I believe!" Ant-Man snapped up his hand and at the same time raised his hand to touch Jossen's pectoral muscles, "After all, his muscles and outfit make me feel safe, hey man, are you cosplaying that Superman?"

He's right.

Just as Johnson and Ant-Man were excavating, Nebula, who had always been silent, calmly spoke: "At this point in time, it is not only us who are looking for the Infinity Stones, but also Thanos, Gamora, and... At this time, me.

"Does his plan start so early, doesn't sound good," Warmachine's face changed, "so where should 'you' be right now?"

"I have a question.

In the eyes of everyone, the Ant-Man elementary school student raised his hand: "Now that we have Joson, why don't you let him do that Thanos again?"

"That's a good idea," Joson gave a thumbs up to the witty Ant-Man, who grinned like Wang Yousheng in the bright sword, not to mention how proud he was, "if he rushes over and dies." "

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