Seeing his army, generals, and cars destroyed in a horrific explosion, Thanos had no mercy or sadness in his eyes.

Because the vitality in his body is blocked, and the vitality continues to flow under the influence of the injury, despite this, his weak but anxious eyes still stare at Jossen, trying to let him spare his favorite daughter.

On the other hand, Gamora, did not feel the father's father's sincere father's love comparable to gold.

She was amazed that she was unobstructed in being exposed to a vacuum, but she didn't feel any discomfort.

Joson controlled the father and daughter naturally with his intentions, opening up a safe space for living things to live in the vacuum of the universe early in the morning, ensuring that the Gamora would not be frozen into lifeless ice in the harsh environment of extremely low temperature and vacuum, and radiation.

"Well, one can't always lie down on the merits of the past and sleep, you have to learn to look forward.

Joson turned into a philosopher, casually patted the Titan Tyrant's shoulder, and showed a nuclear smile in the latter's almost fire-breathing eyes, "By the way, don't thank me." "


—I thank you so much!"

Let's go, we have other tasks to complete. The

swirling golden rule lines reappeared, and a "dimensional gate" expanded rapidly in front of the three people, revealing a dead silent planet one-third wrapped in a cloud of mist dust behind the circular door.


In 2012, Vormir Star.

Under the purple-red sky is an endless dry desert, and in the middle of the desert rises a castle-like mountain, at the top of which stand two symmetrical obelisks, which seem to be the gateway to the abyss where the demon inhabits.

- Here it is....

Seeing the landscape of this planet, Gamora's heart was touched when he recalled the information he had harvested during helping Thanos find the "Infinity Stones".

Thanos, who remained in a near-death state, fought against the pain and weakness caused by the passage of life, and looked at Joson with doubtful eyes.

Gamora's failure to report all the information he gathered, caused Thanos to not know the secrets of this barren planet.

Coming to the bottom of the mountain, a rugged and winding mountain road leads to the summit, probably to test the sincerity and attitude of visitors, and it seems that it is very difficult to walk.


Joson snapped his fingers again.

The two accompanying them only felt that the surrounding scene was blurred for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, they came down from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

A black-robed figure shrouded in mist turned around and said sadly: "Welcome

..." "Thanos, son of A. Lars..." "Gamora,

daughter of the Titans..."

Huh?" the voice of the black-robed godstick stuck on Jossen's introductory words, and he said suspiciously, "Strange earthling, why can't I see your past?" As

a ten-year fan of the MCU, Joson knew that this black robe dressed like a Grim Reaper was the Hydra officer, the Red Skull, who failed to compete with the American team for the "Cosmic Cube" more than 70 years ago.

Perhaps he was gifted and was directly selected by the "Infinity Stones" and came to this barren planet as a cell boss for more than 70 years.


if he had seen an old friend, Joson stepped forward a few steps enthusiastically, leaned into the ear of the black-robed man dressed as the Grim Reaper, and whispered: "Hail Hydra!"

"Ahem... It seems that you know my past, Joson," the voice of the red skull with the half-heavenly stick in the past, "those are all gone, and now I am just a guardian who will be trapped here forever, or a guide, guiding you, and all those who search for the Soul Gem." "

Thanos: !!

the Titan tyrant at this moment finally knows the purpose of Joson's trip, one of the "Infinity Stones" he is searching for, the "Soul Gem" is actually on this desolate planet!


can be seen that after being imprisoned by the "Infinity Stone", the Red Skull's temper has converged a lot, and now he is like a real Huangquan leader, performing his duties with all his heart.

Joson followed the Red Skull to the end of the mountain with two pendants, passed through the portal composed of two rocky towers, and a quaint magic array appeared on the ground under the feet of several people.

Further on, there are abrupt roads and daunting cliffs.

Johnson glanced down.

Nothing to feel.

He did not see the traces of space folding or space-time distortion, thinking that the operation of this magic array is gravitational acceleration, anyway, at this height, as long as it is not mastered by the ability to fly, even the alien race with strong physical fitness rarely falls to death.

At this time, the red skull behind him was still babbling about the rules: "In order to get the "soul gem", you must lose your cherished things, this is an eternal exchange..."


this, Thanos' father and daughter were observant, but their expressions were complicated.

Snap -

Johnson snapped his fingers, and the crisp sound echoed between the deep valleys, and the chains that bound the faces of the two were untied.

"What else to say goodbye, although it is said," Joson patted the shoulder of the last tyrant, "after all, this time the separation is forever." "


, I have a question," Kamora did not respond to Thanos' deep gaze, but instead frowned and looked at Jossen, "Your name is Jossen, right?

Gamora's gaze looked at the dying Thanos and scoffed: "The whole universe knows that he loves no one."

Thanos was silent, and Jossen came to Gamora's body with a smile on his back and explained: "The truth may be a hundred million points different, except for the goddess who can't be chased in the next life, his favorite in this world is your daughter!" "

How is it possible..."

Kamora subconsciously wanted to refute, but was pointed at by Jossen's finger.

"See for yourself. "

Gamora:"..." In

the blink of an eye, Gamora's gaze passed through hollowness, doubt, and finally became surprised and dazed, and Thanos roared angrily: "What did you do to him!?" Johnson did

not speak, and Gamora, who read the plot of Avengers 3 through quantum reading, had a complicated look in his eyes.

"No, it can't be..."

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