After another outright failure, the aggrieved Thor was now like an active volcano about to erupt.

"Because you don't belong to this world, you haven't experienced the same pain as us, so you can still talk so easily!" Thor

roared out in her loud voice, and the captain's eyelids jumped when he heard it, and he quickly stepped forward to stop it: "Hey, Thor..." Thor

, who was locked by the captain's strongman, was like a brute in heat: "Don't stop me, Steve... I've put up with him for a long time

!" "Hey, calm down, frighten the male protagonist!" Seeing

that the captain's strength alone was not enough, Iron Man, who saw the bad situation, took a big step and quickly rushed up to help hold Thor.

"Jossen, he has no malice, we are all a gang!" Iron

Man saw that the situation was not good, and the MK85 nano armor that was upgraded again after returning to Earth was instantly dressed, and the thrusters behind him burst out, and he also joined the ranks of the strongman lock man, and the captain set up Thor left and right.

Thor's sudden outburst made everyone nervous, and Black Widow and War Machine persuaded, but the furious Thor only had Johnson in his eyes at the moment.

Seeing that another Avengers civil war was about to break out, Jossen, as one of the parties, did not get angry, but raised his head and looked around.

Well, the planet has a moon.

After obtaining the superpower of "Eternal Titan", his control of energy has increased.

A proper target is needed.

So, he opened his hand in the puzzled gaze of everyone and aimed at the moon with half of its face exposed in the sky.

The golden "qi" converged in his palm, and then a straight beam of energy with brightness beyond the sun swept across the sky, as if it instantly connected the planet and the moon hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

The Avengers heroes only felt that their eyes were shaken by a strong light, and then a grand firework bloomed in the sky.


The explosion occurred in the vacuum of the universe outside the planet, and the sound naturally could not be transmitted.

However, the Avengers heroes automatically made up the huge roar of the star core shattering in their minds, as if the explosion was happening right in their ears!

Far beyond the sight of the heroes, the sea water was pouring back under the influence of the sudden disordered tidal force, and an extreme tsunami and unprecedented superstorm were brewing that affected most of the planet's coastline.

Predictably, due to the disappearance of the moon, the garden-like planet is about to undergo a major change in climate and ecosystems, and it is very likely that the future will never be as prosperous and beautiful as it is today.

And this huge change that affected the entire planet actually only stemmed from an energy beam emitted from the man's hand

! Seeing the moon silently turn into a pile of radial cosmic dust, completely annihilated in the universe, even the most knowledgeable Avenger couldn't help but gasp at this moment, and his heart was shocked!

! Thor, the god of thunder who was frantically trying to break free from the shackles of the shield and iron in the last second, also froze on his face at this time, like an engine that suddenly soaked in water when starting, completely muted.

Although he had pulled the stellar forge in the flesh alone in extreme anger, it was only a dwarf machine transformed from the core of a dead planet, not a real star.

You know, when the last Asgardian god king Odin fought in the Nine Realms, Thor was still running around in open pants

! Although he also participated in some important battles to suppress the "evil race" when he grew up, but basically they all happened on the surface of the planet, and this outrageous scene of one-handed star explosion has never been seen!

As for what is the power of

Asgard repeatedly mentioned, let's just say that the reason why Hela, the Norse god of death, can have almost unlimited divine power after returning to Asgard, and can easily suppress Thor, who is also the bloodline of the god king, is the result of the blessing of Asgard's power.

This innate divine power has always been mastered by the god king, and it is the key to the Asa god race's self-proclaimed gods.

It's a pity that Asgard is no longer available at this time.

Although Thor was able to use some of Asgard's power after refining the God King's weapon, before Asgard actually completed the reconstruction, the blessing he received was only a drop in the bucket compared to the dead ghost father and his own sister Hela.


Josson clapped his hands again, as if to slap away some non-existent floating dust.

"I especially appreciate the famous quote of a Supa special soldier in my hometown, which roughly means..." Johnson

turned to Thor, the god of thunder who was still standing there, and casually squeezed the knuckles of his fist with a crisp explosion.

"My strength allows the fool to speak to me calmly, and my wisdom can speak to the fool calmly.

"How, is there a calm point now, Your Excellency Hammer God?"


: "..." Avengers: "..." ×

Tony Stark saw that this fight was basically impossible, and immediately let go of Thor, walked over to Josson, and took the initiative to explain: "Don't mind, man, he's just not in a good mood lately, of course, we all have the same."

"Don't worry, Tony," Joson smiled and spread his hands, "Do you look like I'm angry?"

"Emmm..." Tony Stark couldn't help but look at the giant fireworks in the sky that hadn't completely dissipated, and shrugged, "Of course it's better if you're not angry." "

To Joson, Tony treated him like a true friend.

The last person who saved him was already sleeping in the desert, so this time he became especially cherished.

"Okay, Joson..."

The captain took a deep look at Thor, followed Tony and let him go, while changing the subject: "Tell me about it, what are your plans."


Josson nodded, his expression suddenly became divine: "Guys, do you know quantum mechanics?" Bruce

Banner: Tony Stark

: The two men with the most PhDs in the room looked at each other strangely, and Tony couldn't help but speak: "Joson, you don't want to say time machines or something, do you?" Dr

. Banner:

"Don't be fooled by the science fiction movies of the last century, those are not scientific!" "

...... New York, New Avengers Base.

A group of Avengers gathered on the lawn outside the base, seemingly waiting for something.

"How long it will take," Thor played with the axe handle irritably, "why hasn't that guy come back." "

Take it easy, Thor," Black Widow glanced at him and smiled, "Earth has only one moon, and we don't want to lose it yet." "


"Don't worry, I won't mess around, I'm not some mindless fool... Wait!"

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