"What!?" "×N


The rocket raccoon knew the seriousness of the matter, no longer played treasure, the little paw grabbed the driving stick and pushed it to the end, the Betana roared again, and the next second the speed skyrocketed, following Jossen's trajectory and galloping away.

Planet surface.

Qiao Sen burned the golden flame formed by the power of the super race every week, and the electromagnetic force field of the "heart net" exploded, encompassing the entire planet in the breath.

The spirit bodies of countless protists on the planet emerged in the "heart net" in the form of biological magnetic fields, and one of the powerful biological magnetic fields, which was very different from ordinary creatures, attracted Joson's attention.

The other party's biomagnetic field is weakening at a rate visible to the naked eye, but it is still similar to Thor, the god of thunder.

According to the titan body shape in the "Heart Network" feedback and the coconut shoe chin, there is no doubt that it is Thanos.

However, Johnson frowned and looked in the opposite direction to Thanos.

There, a mysterious individual far beyond the speed of the third universe left the surface of the planet and disappeared into the vast sea of stars before the "heart net" was completely captured.

"Could it be an illusion?" Johnson

scanned all the information around the planet again to make sure that there was nothing abnormal, which temporarily pressed the discovery to the bottom of his mind.

Now he is ninety percent sure that Thanos has used the power of the "Infinity Stone" again, even with the divine body of the mutated Eternal Protoss.

Well, looking at the current situation, you don't need Joson to make a move, just the Rage Buff blessing version of Thor can be opened with the severely injured Thanos who has strengthened zeroing.

Still, it's the old saying.

It's all coming.

In a way, the MCU's Thanos is the same as the Egyptian Dio.

The same people who do not do personnel, the same people and gods are angry.

Johnson will not easily let go of this opportunity to beat the ultimate boss.

Behind Josson, the Betana piloted by the rocket raccoon rubbed into an orange-red flame in the atmosphere and dived straight down to the location where Joson was!

Seeing that everyone behind him had caught up, Qiao Sen did not grind, beckoned, and then cut a black-gold streamer at an acute angle in the air, galloping towards the magnificent mountains as beautiful as a fairyland.

As Johnson roared all the way, a meticulously reclaimed farmland appeared in front of the Avengers hero.

The Titan armor that became damaged in the battle now plays the role of a scarecrow, standing in the farmland, and a thatched hut not far away seems to have smoke wafting up, and anyone who sees this scene knows that the owner of this farmland has completely put down the butcher knife and returned to the field....


The hatch of the Betana opened in the air, and Thor, the god of thor and Tony the iron man, who had the ability to fly, flew out one after another, and electric light and jet flames surged out of their bodies!

Seeing that the two head-grabbing ones were approaching at high speed, Qiao Sen accelerated to leave a blurry afterimage in place, and his raised fist was already aimed at the warm and beautiful pastoral cottage, and he bombarded it.

Turn back five seconds in time.

The half-shrunken and charred purple titan was waiting to drag his tired body towards the fire, laboriously using his unscrapped right hand to pick up a large wooden soup spoon, stirring the boiling soup made of fruits and vegetables.

The next moment, the screams that were still in the sky one second, but suddenly amplified the next second, attracted the attention of retired farmers.

He turned his head as if foresightly, and his eyes were old and tired that could not be concealed.

However, a fist that seemed to come across time and space did not show pity because of his appearance as a lonely old farmer, but was printed on his old face like the heel of his coconut shoes in the moment he turned around!

The moment the purple-skinned titan was hit, his consciousness appeared for a short blur!

The thatched hut in front of the approaching Lei Tie duo only met burst as if hit by a tactical nuclear bomb, and the terrifying air wave flattened the cascading farmland and mountains, and two figures, one black and one purple, broke through the thick smoke and smashed into the mountain made of rocks!

No, it's the strength of defense

! It is rare to encounter such a beaten sandbag, he immediately raised his hand and waved his arms, his tall body opened like a bow, and before Thanos' eyes refocused, he smashed down!!

Thanos, who was pounded into the ground by continuous ordinary Euler, had a face full of blood, and at this time, he was even tied up by the chains made of Chakra, pulling out his heavy body weighing nearly half a ton abruptly

! Seeing the murderer being hung in the air with a golden chain piercing into nothingness, the landing Thor raised his tomahawk and slashed down with an axe like an Alpine clean!

The screaming sound sounded, and the big purple hand wearing the "Infinity Gauntlet" fell heavily to the ground, and the section was scorched black by the tyrannical thunder divine power, rolling weakly, making a "clang" sound of metal colliding.

The pain of the broken arm stimulated the fainting purple-skinned titan to wake up in pain, and the originally invincible emperor actually let out a low wail like a wounded beast.

No one could have imagined that less than half a month ago, he was still the overlord of the universe that everyone feared, and the director of family planning of the entire universe.

"The action is really fast..."

Tony Stark spat out a sentence, the palm cannon light that had been aimed at Thanos gradually extinguished, seeing that Thanos had been controlled by Joe Ray and the two, he did not take the opportunity to mend the knife, but landed and flew straight to the fallen "Infinity Gauntlet".

Knowing the Avengers' plans, Tony already knows that this large, distorted glove is the key to bringing back the child and everyone else.

With mixed feelings, Tony, who landed on the ground, turned the "Infinity Gauntlet" to the front in Thanos' painful roar, and his heart sank.

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