The wizarding world is originally who has the biggest fist and who has a reason.

Voldemort: ???

dried tofu: Ah

, yes, yes, the energy borrowed by the secret mage with his ability, why should he return it!

The strength is not enough, then go to the dimensional demon god Street Boda, anyway, energy is the least valuable thing in their hands.

Koichi: Ahem... Ah, yes, yes! That's it!

Dormammu: Bald mage, you special....

Wang's answer made the captain's expression dim by three points, and Johnson knew that it was time to stand up and save the buttocks of America's sweetheart...

So he stepped forward and came to Rogers and Natasha: "Captain, I think I can help with this."


the captain was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"Jossen, are you serious?" Seeing

the captain's look of surprise, Joson bowed his head slightly, with a convincing faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, now that I know the coordinates, I can help bring Tony Stark back.

The captain clenched his fists tightly, and it took a while before he gently spit out two words: "Thank you."

A dull hair on the top of Jossen's head jumped alertly, is this the shield iron CP?

Even if there is no contact after many years, although he has not said forgiveness, the friendship between the two sides has not diminished in the slightest.


the black widow on the side keenly observed the abnormal micro-expression change of a certain CP powder, and she couldn't help but blink curiously.

——This superman from another world, it won't be the one, but forget it, it's the twenty-first century, how to choose is everyone's freedom.

Joson, who passively opened the "heart net" to hear Black Widow's voice: "..."

-I'm not, I don't, I have a wife!

Before he could explain, he changed his clothes with one click under the eyes of the captain and set off immediately.

Grandma drop, there must be time to go back, and I have to let you know if I am the one!


Cosmic deep space.

Bettana has been in space for more than ten days, and neither the situation nor the speed of the spacecraft is ideal.

Even Tony Stark, who has always been conceited, has a hint of pessimism, but in front of his fellow Nebula, he still shows optimism and positive attitude.

Only when you are alone will a trace of sadness appear in your eyes.

As an Iron Man who has died once, Tony himself is not afraid of death, and he regrets that his promise to Pepper may never be fulfilled.

Especially after that damn snapping of his fingers, he didn't know anything about everything on Earth, presumably at this moment, Pepper, thousands of light years away, should be in exactly the same mood as himself.

Due to the shortage of water and food, Tony at this time has lost a lot of weight compared to when he boarded Titan, and the spirit of the whole person has been consumed to a trough by the silent deep space, if you change someone to experience the predicament at this moment, I am afraid that it will already be on the verge of collapse.

"Take a break. There

was the sound of Nebula not having any mood swings behind him, and Tony saw the figure of the blue woman reflected in the porthole, but he heard a heartfelt concern.

Nebula solemnly reminded: "You are an ordinary human being, if you don't sleep for a long time, your body will not be able to stand it. "

Thank you, I'm still a little tired to hear you say that," Tony nodded wearily, a smile barely outlined at the corner of his mouth, "I'll go rest in a moment."

Tony turned around, but it was clear from Nebula's expression that she was not listening to herself.

In fact, at this moment, Nebula's attention was indeed no longer on Tony, but on a certain meteor that was speeding towards their spaceship beyond the porthole.

Most of the body has been modified, and Nebula's naked-eye vision is far above Tony's as an ordinary person.

"No, it's going to crash!"

she jumped into the driver's seat, trying to steer the ship to avoid the meteor's impact.

Tony, who was standing in place, turned to look out of the spaceship, he tilted his head slightly, and three big dog question marks appeared above his head.


"Is it because I haven't eaten normally for too long, so I have hallucinations

?" Tony narrowed his eyes at the light, and said to himself suspiciously: "Why did I see a blond man in that meteor?"

Nebula, who was trying to turn the spacecraft shut, was also stunned: "... What?" The

next moment, endless light shone into the spaceship.

The two involuntarily narrowed their eyes, and in the light saw a tall figure wearing a scarlet cloak and a pitch-black lightning suit staying outside the spaceship.

Knock knock....

"Mr. Tony Stark, someone helped you book a return ticket to Earth," Johnson knocked on the porthole glass, and then his figure flashed and appeared inside the spaceship, "Please pay the final payment, thank you." Hearing

the two particularly cordial words of "earth", Tony Stark's heart inexplicably felt like a boulder had completely fallen.

"Whew—" He couldn't help but use his deep breath to adjust his emotions, then shrugged his shoulders casually, took out his mobile phone from his pocket that showed no signal, and said, "Then I have to connect my phone to the earth's network, sir." "

Don't worry, the Internet will be connected soon, but for now..." Johnson swept his gaze over Tony Stark's bloodless face and raised his hand, "You may need additional medical care."

"No, I feel like I'm in good health... Tony

was forced to hold Josson's hand, and in an instant, a burning sensation that made his blood boil surged all over

his body! In the next second, he only felt that the damage caused to his body by hunger and cold for so many days disappeared in an instant, and even the heavy injuries that were stabbed by Thanos on his body were completely healed!

"Damn, what did you do!"

Nebula heard Tony's cry and subconsciously picked up a pistol and pointed it at Josson.

He didn't hurt me, on the contrary, he cured me completely!" Tony

Stark stopped the angry Nebula as he lifted his shirt and looked at his body.

Sure enough, the wound that had been roughly stitched by Nebula disappeared, and not even a scar was left.

Tony exclaimed, "Oh my God, I should recommend you to Pepper, you're the best doctor I've ever met!" The

"super treatment" brought his body back to its best in an instant, even better than before!

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