> Hearing Bulma's response, Joson suddenly saw Gohan who was standing around her watching her busy work, and suddenly frowned.

Thinking of this, Joson suddenly turned to Sun Wukong, who had just moved his body and landed steadily, and asked: "Goku, I'll take you to a place dedicated to fighting, and bring your son with me to watch the battle, is it okay?"

Goku's serious instructions before going out appeared in Goku's mind, and he immediately shook his head, leaving the terrible picture behind, and said awe-inspiringly: "Of course, no problem!"

With the child's father's permission, Joson raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

What is this?"

Gohan was so startled that his tail was cocked, and he shouted and floated in the air, just like that, he was wrapped in Nian Li top-heavy and flew all the way into Josen's arms.

Gohan had little pearls hanging from his frightened eyes, and his breath fluctuated, but he also knew that Joson was his father's friend, so he didn't struggle.

"Uh-uh, Uncle

Josen?" "Gohan is good," Josen said with a nuclear smile as he held Son Gohan with a four-star bead on his head, "Sit down, uncle take you to a good place!"

The earth warriors and Raditz with him as the core felt that they were in front of them, and the next moment they had arrived in a strange block world.

The sky and earth of this world are reflected in a big red by a red sun, and both plains and mountains seem to be composed of mysterious substances in the form of blocks, like a world edited by program code.

The whole space is surprisingly large, but also quiet, and the eyes are uninhabited.

"Welcome to the "imaginary space", which is a void world that overlaps the earth, and no matter how you fight, it will not affect the real world.

Jossen explained while holding Gohan, then looked at Raditz, who had dark eyes.

"Well, don't say I don't give you a chance, if you can beat the two of them joining forces, I won't kill you." "

“...... That's what you said!"

Raditz looked at Josson suspiciously, seeing that he was not going to explain, and was forced to believe it.

With a glimmer of hope for survival, his desire to fight was immediately mobilized, Qiao Sen saw this, raised his right hand and made a gesture of invitation, and the three of them said: "Then, you can start."

Everyone was shocked by Josson's groundbreaking might, and when they heard this, they suddenly came to their senses, and Klin, Goku, and Vic all used the "Dancing Void Technique" to scatter in the air, faintly surrounding Raditz.

"Just stupid, think this will defeat me?!"

"Let me show you between the real Saiyan warriors and you weak earthlings... Uh!" Raditz, who was speaking ruthlessly, caught a glimpse of a flat gaze, and cold sweat flowed down the ground, "I won't say it, can I?"

"Huh..." A

certain referee surnamed Qiao who was warming up smiled coldly, withdrew the half-yellow card warning (pointing to the fist), and said: "The reaction is fast? Raditz


"..." A

belligerent smile appeared on Sun Wukong's face, and the muscles of his whole body were tense, like a beast about to be slaughtered, and he shouted: "Bike, Klin!

Vic had a green face, very disdainful of their practice of loudly notifying the opponent before fighting, but also gathered momentum and ready for battle at any time.

Raditz rolled his gaze and swept over the three in turn, his face showing disdain.

In his opinion, the strongest Kakalot, who was the strongest before, only had a combat power of 334, even if he improved a little through some small means, it was not a concern

! Just when he moved his gaze to observe the opponent, Sun Wukong's combat instinct keenly detected a trace of fighter, and rushed forward with a loud fist

! On the other side, Bick saw that Raditz's gaze was attracted by Sun Wukong, and the same sliding step, with the help of his blind spot, quietly rushed up at the same time

! ! Two black shadows approached sharply one left and one right, Raditz watched their movements like turtles, and finally picked up a trace of the confidence of a fighting nation

! - Fortunately, not all earthlings are as perverted as that guy!

The three of them exchanged dozens of times in an instant, and Klin, who was not far away, only felt dazzled, and almost couldn't even see the movements of the three clearly, let alone cover support

! Bang bang -

in an instant, there were two muffled sounds, Sun Wukong and Vic were punched and elbowed by Raditz, and were knocked backwards and flew out by the power of his crushing level!

Vic gritted his teeth and rubbed his chest, apparently the injury was not light.

"Ah," Sun Wukong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, felt the tingling pain from the wound, and couldn't help but sigh, "The strength is so great, I feel that I am not an opponent at all

!" "Of course, Kakarot, you stupid fellow!" Forcing

the two back with one blow, Raditz enjoyed the pleasure of abusing the vegetables and taught: "You actually gave up the tail that the Saiyans have many wonderful uses!

"Uncle Jossen

, you're so good!" the little Gohan in his arms made a childish childlike voice, and Joson withdrew his warning gaze and asked with a smile, "Well, why do you say that?"

"Because the big bad guy is so afraid of you," Gohan's tail wagged behind his ass, and he said with a serious expression, "When I noticed the look in your eyes, I didn't even dare to continue!"

Josen rubbed Gohan's little head with satisfaction, with a promising expression on your kid's face: "Haha, Gohan is so smart, then do you want to become as powerful as your uncle, so that you have the strength to protect your father and mother!"

Are you going to see the green uncle who joined forces with your dad?"

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