With Josson's biological magnetic field covering the entire field, the next second, whether it is the energy detector of Raditz or the spherical spacecraft that fell in the impact crater not far away, the electronic defense system in it has been broken one after another, and it has completely changed into his shape.

Johnson lifted his foot and turned Raditz, who was on the street, over.

Nianli activates to find a smartphone-like aircraft remote control from the mezzanine of Raditz's combat suit.

Cub F appeared at the right time to take over the remote control, clicked a few times on it, and the Saiyan spacecraft power system not far away started on its own, drawing a parabola and landing smoothly next to Josson, without even stirring up a trace of dust.

"In the end, it is a product of the interstellar era, and it is quite intelligent. As

Joson sighed, the stand-in ability was activated, and two brand-new fantasy cards appeared out of thin air and fell into the hands of the F cub.

"Energy Detector (N)".

"Saiyan Soldier Spacecraft (N)".

"Huh?" Qiao Sen Yuguang noticed the F cub who had not left after the work, and his eyes squinted over: "Why don't you leave yet." The

F-cub looked at him without saying a word.


"Okay, okay, I know!" ┑

( ̄Д ̄)┍

Trying to hack the scrap body of the substitute resource spread out his hands, so he said generously: "Isn't it just a 'limiter breakthrough'?


F cub held out a grateful middle finger, and with the other hand, he silkily pulled a purple card from his skirt armor.

Looking at the bald man who smiled heartlessly and lungs on the card, the F cub decisively smashed this long-coveted fantasy card on his chest!


Heavenly Temple.

Mr. Bobo, that terrifying breath!" exclaimed

the elderly god who had been silently following developments since Raditz's flying machine arrived on Earth.

"I feel it, it should be the qi of the mysterious person who killed the Saiyans a few times!" The

dark-skinned Indian Celestial God Servant broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and nodded: "That Saiyan from the universe is already very powerful, I didn't expect that the young man who suddenly appeared could actually defeat him so easily!

"Yes," the old god nodded solemnly, his hand on crutches tightened slightly, "Although it seems to be no different from other earthlings, it seems to have appeared out of thin air, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for the earth."

Mr. Bobo wiped his sweat and comforted, "Judging from the fact that he saved that ordinary man from the Saiyans as soon as he appeared, he should be a good man, right?"

Somewhere far away in the universe.

The planet's surface is rich in water resources, and the shores are covered with strange trees with spherical canopies.

Boom -

A bustling alien city flashes with energy beams symbolizing destruction, and a series of violent explosions and smoke are everywhere, and the entire city is destroyed in an instant.

Countless cosmic people with elephant trunk-like organs on their faces scattered in a panic in the sea of fire, the howls of pain gradually weakened, all life was gradually engulfed by the flames, and only a few sounds of the city being burned remained in the air.

The proud Saiyan prince floated above the city full of gunsmoke and fire, with a cruel smile on his face, quietly admiring the picture of the cosmic people struggling to death under his feet.

At this time, a bald guy naked and wearing only a pair of legionnaire-style underwear flew into the sky, with a big furry tail wrapped around his waist, it was Naba, the superior warrior of the Saiyans he sent to carry out the extermination battle plan.

During the flight, Naba collected his expression of excitement after the killing, and when he came to the prince's side, his expression had become respectful, and he said in a deep voice: "Raditz... It seems to have failed, Lord Vegeta. "

Well, I heard you," although he was not tall, but counting the hair that stood up and the imposing Vegeta clasped his hands to his chest, he snorted coldly, "Even Kakarot was defeated by the earthlings without seeing it, and Raditz's waste is really a shame."

"If nothing else, Raditz should have been killed by the Earthlings," Naba nodded yes, and then asked, "So what should we do, should we still go to the lower warrior who was left on the earth?"

"Being able to crush Raditz in a frontal battle, and knowing the existence of our Saiyans, it seems that the earth is not as weak and backward as the newspaper suggests." Listening

to the prince's analysis, Naba's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "You mean, the earth is most likely not a low-level planet, but a medium-level planet?" "

That's right, the value of a medium-level planet is barely enough for the two of us to make a trip, and it is possible to give birth to such a strong person, and maybe there are other unknown cosmic treasures." Vegeta nodded coldly, and the essence of strategizing flashed in his eyes, "By the way, you can also find Raditz's waste brother to take over his job, killing two birds with one stone."

"You're really thoughtful, Lord Vegeta!"

Naba nodded and sent a fragrant slap on the, which looked comical in his muscular and muscular size.

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense," Vegeta commanded, raising his head very helpfully, "Hurry up and clean up the rest of the planet, contact the Legion handover, and..."


Taking back the sleeping F cub and the uncontrolled mental power that surged into his body, Johnson felt the drastic changes that occurred at the level of consciousness, and knew that the F cub would not wake up for a while.


his hand to control Raditz's body to float, Johnson unfolded the "heart net" and soon found the closest powerful biological magnetic field response.

"Isn't this better than an energy detector?"

whispered, and Josson picked up Raditz with one hand, and the lawyer's power was activated.

Space is distorted, environment is changing.

Vic who was wearing a white scarf and a cape, and was contemplating with a green face, saw the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him, and their strong green muscles were shocked and highly tense.

Out of the instinct of a martial artist, Vic subconsciously sensed the qi of the two.

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