Saitama said a lot, and it was still one sentence to sum up.

Fear of trouble.

"Harm, none of what you said is a problem.

While eating a snack, Johnson took King as an example: "You know, King also joined the Hero Guild a long time ago, and only recently officially joined as an S-class.

"S-class?" Saitama thought for a while, the previous fans seemed to call

Josen S-class, and couldn't help asking, "Is it the same hero level as Jossen?" "That's right," Jossen nodded, introduced the meaning and authority of S-class to him, and then said, "As long as you become an S-class hero, you don't have to care about things like the superior orders you say, if it's something you don't want, you can completely refuse." "

So..." Saitama was a little moved after hearing this, but his expression was still a little hesitant, "But..."

"Don't be," Qiao Sen interrupted, "After registering as a hero, you don't have to worry about compensation for facilities damaged by heroic activities, the association has a special fund for subsequent compensation and aftermath."

Saitama raised his eyebrows, as if he wanted to say something: "That..." "The

Hero Association pays high-level heroes very well!" Joson interrupted Saitama's spell casting again, and threw out a reason he couldn't refuse, "And to eliminate weirdos in hero activities, there is an additional high allowance to take."

Saitama's brows stretched, his eyes suddenly became extremely clear, and he said seriously: "Then I'll register tomorrow morning!" Looking

at Saitama's appearance in serious mode, Josen couldn't help but smile, this guy was still as persuasive as ever.

He glanced at the reformed boy who walked in from the balcony after drying his clothes and said, "By the way, Genos will also go over." "

If it's a teacher's decision, then I have no problem with signing up as a professional hero." Genos heard the conversation between the two from the balcony, and immediately said, "I know where the hero test is located, and if tomorrow passes, I can lead the way."

"Ah, hero assessment?"

Saitama looked surprised, and suddenly scratched his head a little, "Isn't it like going to the bank to register as a hero and fill out a few forms?

If there is anything in this world that he is not good at, it is school and exams.

"Teacher, filling in the information is only part of the registration, because there are too many people who want to become heroes, the hero assessment has been set up as a screening threshold.

Before Jossen could speak, Genos had already stepped forward and helped explain: "But don't worry, teacher, according to the intelligence I retrieved on the Internet, the Hero Association's physical fitness test and written test account for a part, I believe that with the strength of the teacher, he will definitely be selected!"

"So it is," Saitama held his chin and thought, "As a hero, physical strength should be more important, right?"

Josen looked at Saitama, who had regained his confidence, and smiled silently.

Looking at his appearance, he should think that the physical test accounts for most of the results in the hero assessment, and the written test can be passed by writing casually.

If nothing else, he is now participating in the hero assessment, and he should still have to start as a C-level hero.

At this time, Josson is needed to exert his strength.

Joson's plan is to combine "Trembling Tornado", "Silver Fangs", "The Strongest on Earth" and himself to form an "S-Class Joint Recommended Group".

The predecessor of the recommendation group is naturally the long-established mysterious hero organization, and the headquarters is located in the "hot pot group" in Z City.

Genos, who has mastered the flowing water fist, also has S-level combat power, but Johnson did not count him this time.

After all, this kid is a newcomer like Saitama, and his strength is up to standard, but the right to speak has not yet been established.

This matter has its own leadership, and the weight should be enough.

Oh, by the way, and the "atomic samurai" who was beaten by Saitama can also be called together.

Although this guy is arrogant, he still recognizes the strong who can defeat him.

The "Atomic Samurai" who is leading the swordsman disciple group to practice hard in the wilderness: "... Strange, how did you suddenly feel like being targeted by a strong person!" In

this way, the lineup of the recommended group reached five S-ranks.

Under the joint recommendation of the five S-class, if the group of association cadres in charge of the review can continue to be collectively blind, Johnson does not mind going to City A to brush the hero association as a copy.

The simply blind directly serve on the "Sharingan", and the moths inside the association can be thrown to feed their own eccentrics in captivity underground.

After eating his snacks, Johnson clapped his hands and got up: "Na, you guys talk slowly, I'll go to the bath and sleep first."


"So early." It

was still early to rest, and Joson wasn't really ready for bed.

As early as the afternoon, the F cub gave a hint that the cooldown time of "Destiny Walk" had expired, and the crossing operation was ready at any time.

Isn't this a delay in shopping with the tornado during the day!

In addition.JPG

the collection of fragment cards has also reached expectations, even exceeding the number required for a fusion.

[Fantasy Card: Limiter Fragment] ×198

[Can be fused!

] [Fusion Need: "Limiter Fragment" *160]

However, this "limiter breakthrough" is prepared for the F-cub's own use, so Joson is not in a hurry.

Anyway, in the future, each fusion of fragment cards will be hundreds or even thousands, and the current resource reserve is less than 200, and his small goal is to prepare to stock 998 cards first.

F cub: [

Do you listen to this human language? I'm in a hurry!!] "Anla, I'm going out to wave anyway, and I'm not in a hurry," Seeing that the F cub appeared staring at his death, Joson soothed while taking a shower, "What if this upgrade is too loud and how bad is it to tear down Saitama's house?"

Then let's either fuse first, wait for a while to reach other worlds, and then upgrade. After

listening to and thinking for a while, F cub felt that the words of the ontology were still human words, and while activating his ability, he stepped into the void and disappeared.

[Oh. 】

——Harm, in the end, it is his own stand-in, and it is really better to persuade than Saitama.

The corners of Jossen's mouth showed a planned smile, and the next moment, hundreds of N cards flew out of the void, and after a meal of shuffling cards, they were stacked together, and the light in the bathroom bloomed!

In the living room, Saitama looked around suspiciously, and asked Genos, who was sitting next to him drinking tea: "Genos, do you feel that something suddenly flashed?"

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