Looking at the tornado-colored signature high-slit long skirt, and the long white legs with almost perfect lines under the fabric, Joson couldn't help scratching his cheeks and proposed: "If the two of us go shopping, do we have to dress up in disguise?"

Joson himself is used to wearing casual clothes on weekdays, but there is nothing special, if he is equipped with a "God of War cap", it is guaranteed that the most professional paparazzi will not recognize it.

But with the tornado in his arms, the problem is big.

"Otherwise, it doesn't feel like you can go far and you'll be caught in the crowds, right?"

Tornado blinked, following Jossen's gaze and glancing at his attire.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with such a dress, after all, it was lightweight, convenient, and it would not have any effect when fighting.

The case was solved, in the eyes of the tornado, this set of inky long skirts that even Joson felt full of color was actually worn as a heroic battle suit.

It's just that this dress appears in the eyes of the public on weekdays, and the identity tag is indeed too obvious.

After a little thought, the tornado's eyes suddenly lit up, turned around and turned to Blowing Snow, and a faint majesty that could not be said appeared with a smile, "Blowing Snow, lend me your sunglasses and clothes." Feeling

abandoned by the world, Blowing Snow showed her dead fish eyes to her sister, and said rottenly

: "Take it away, take it all, take it all! and..." She cheered up and seemed to say casually: "Recently, I have to go to work on the affairs of the Blowing Snow Group, and I won't come back at night."


the tornado was startled, his brows were upturned, and said: "How many times have you said, don't always mix with that garbage! Have you forgotten what you promised me last time..."

Blowing Snow's full chest rose and fell for a while, and although he instinctively feared the momentum of the tornado, he still closed his eyes and retorted: "Enough, sister!

The tornado's voice paused, and the momentum became more and more fierce like a polar ice peak, "Well, you think I said something wrong?"

Blowing Snow subconsciously shrunk his neck, but his voice appeared louder: "... Yes!" Joson:


two sisters' hard-mouthed talent is really in the same vein.

Blowing snow repeatedly made a rebellious performance, a dazzling green light had appeared on the body of the tornado, and the voice was completely cold: "Shut up for me, then go home, blow snow! Huh?" As

soon as the confrontation between the two sisters began, Johnson shook his head and did not hesitate to launch a special attack on the tornado—

the "touch the head to kill" attack!

"Okay, tornado," a big hand gently dripped on the head of the green spinach that was close at hand, "Blowing snow also has her own considerations." Blowing

Snow was ready to be educated by her sister, but as a result, Jossen's words actually interrupted the casting of the tornado, and she couldn't help but open her eyes in surprise.

She didn't expect that Jossen, who originally thought that he was on the same front as his sister, would help him speak.

The tornado's preaching was stopped by Joson before it could begin, and she closed her mouth to look at the latter, and the dead fish eyes in the strong mode seemed to be brewing a bad little temper.


Seeing that the tornado was about to enter violent mode again, Joson was unhurried and calmly continued to launch special attack moves.

At the

same time, he persuaded: "As Chuixue said, she is indeed no longer a child, but also has her circle of life and friends." "

Just like a feline being pinched on the back of its neck, the tornado that enjoyed Jossen's finger massage was silent for a while.


?—What is Johnson talking about?

Blowing Snow: "...

"--Thank you, although I know that you are helping me speak, but how do I see the information of the association, you are only 21 years old this year, "super police" Josson!

Tornado squinted and rubbed Jossen's warm palm with enjoyment, but a trace of hesitation still flashed between his eyebrows, "But..." Josen

leaned over slightly and whispered in her ear: "I'll help you watch her together."

The tornado was startled, and suddenly there was an illusion that Jossen was seeing through the thoughts.

Yes, the strength I deliberately showed since I was a child, and in the end I just wanted to protect Blowing Snow.

Looking at Qiao Sen's azure eyes that seemed to be shining with stars, Tornado suddenly found that the faint unhappiness in his heart had been suppressed at some point, and suddenly turned his head and whispered: "Hmm... All right.

Joson wasn't comforting Dragon Scroll casually, but he did have the ability to do so.

He is also not an inkblot character, he does what he says, and the biological magnetic field suppressed on the body surface under normal conditions is suddenly released.

The Dragon Scroll sisters, who are also superpowers, only felt that an invisible field penetrated through the body, and there seemed to be some kind of particle in the body that was triggered, leaving a special mark that belonged to Jossen.

"This is..."

Tornado reached out curiously, wanting to touch the wonderful field that lingered around him.

The perception of blowing snow is not as obvious as that of the tornado, but it is also aware of the presence of an additional electromagnetic force similar to static electricity in his body.

A faint arc of electricity formed between the tornado and Josson, and in an instant it was intermittently annihilated in the air.

A similar phenomenon occurred in the distant blowing snow, as if two lines of nothingness connected their destinies.

Seeing that both of them were looking at themselves with puzzled heads, Johnson explained with a smile: "All living things have their own biological magnetic fields like the planet under our feet, and now, I have left my own "magnetic field imprint" on your biological magnetic field.

"No matter how far apart this imprint is, it can be perceived by my magnetic field, and once your biomagnetic field fluctuates violently, or pronounces my name and asks me for help, I will find your location and teleport past it at the first time." According

to the explanation of physics, the so-called "magnetic imprint" applies the quantum entanglement effect.

Manifested in superpowers, that is, Johnson can use the "heart net" to observe the state of imprinted objects at any time.

First, it can ensure the state of blowing snow, and secondly, there is no need to give heavy pressure to blowing snow like the practice of strict defense of tornadoes.

Seeing this scene, Dragon Scroll nodded, his brows stretched.

As one of the only two people she recognized, since Joson said yes, there was absolutely no problem.

Tornado is convinced of this.

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