"Very useful function, well done.

Patting Genos' hard shoulder, Joson encouraged, "Go ahead, pack up and go back to rest early."

Genos kept his firing posture and said seriously: "Yes, I know!"

One night without a word.

Early morning.

Joson yawned and walked out of the guest room just in time to see Saitama and Genos rushing down the hallway with their shoes in hand.

"Eh, Jossen!" Seeing Jossen,

the two came to an emergency footbrake very synchronously.


the question marks on his head, Jossen took a step back to let Saitama attack the biochemical sneakers in his hand and asked

, "What's the matter, where are you going early in the morning?" "Today is a weekly supermarket sale day!" Saitama said at high speed, seeing that the floor was about to smoke, "But we have to go back to the apartment first, and the special shopping coupons included with the family newspaper can be used!"

Oooh, so it is. Qiao

Sen then remembered that it turned out to be a supermarket sale that Saitama had been thinking about yesterday.

Time flew by so fast that before I knew it, it was Saturday again.

Saitama asked again: "Genos and I are going to run back to Z City, what about you, Josen, come back with us

?" "Me?"

Jossen glanced at Genos, who was behind Saitama with a resolute look and raised his legs in sync with the teacher, and decided not to disturb the two-person world of the master and apprentice: "I'll forget it, there will be some things to deal with in a while."


sighed as usual, turned to Genos and said, "It seems that there is no hitchhiker today, Genos, then run back according to the original plan, Target Z City, go!"

A strong sonic boom exploded, and the two masters and apprentices catapulted and started, their figures blurred in the blink of an eye, and the rolled tornado smoke was separated by the force field wall that Johnson casually constructed.

When the smoke cleared, where would there be the shadows of the two in the corridor?"

Jossen couldn't help but look at him, it turned out that Saitama had seen his "teleportation".

Saitama you...

I actually want to enjoy the tool man

! Who did this unhealthy trend learn from!!

At the same time, it was decided to find the guy with the bad Saitama, and he must punch hard and fuck him hard.


Three poles in the day.

King received a call from the M City Heroes Association early in the morning, and came to resign shortly after Saitama and the two left, and Josen sent him back.

After Bungu took his disciples to morning class and had breakfast with Joson, the two idleest people in the dojo met to drink tea in the courtyard.

"Master, are you also going to go out to practice?" Hearing

Bungu talk about his plans for the near future, Qiao Sen couldn't help but pause as he held the teacup's hand.

"Yes, the practice of the 'Atomic Samurai' has given the old man a lot of inspiration," the old man took a sip of the teacup and sighed, "Compared with him, the old man is too negligent about the growth of his disciples on weekdays, and if the hungry wolf keeps holding that idea, as a master, he can't sit idly by."

"Don't say that, Master, you just have a different way of educating. Joson also picked up the teacup and took a sip, persuading, "Besides, the situation of the hungry wolf is only a special case, with his personality, if you want to endure, then you will most likely not find it." "

That's right," Bungu said with a slight look in his eyes as he gently lowered his teacup, "but since he already knows, the old man will definitely pull a handful before he goes astray."

"Well, I totally understand. Qiao Sen reached out and picked up the teapot, filled the teacup in front of the two of them, and casually asked, "So what are you going to do next?"

Bungu looked at Qiao Sen, who was holding the teacup, and said in a deep voice about his next plan, "Since you want to fundamentally reverse that guy's mind, it is necessary to start with every little thing, so, the old man is ready..."

The old man's voice paused, and a flash of essence flashed under his eyes: "... Prepare to get Hungry Wolf into the Heroes Guild. "

Poof—" Suddenly

hearing such a powerful news, Rao Yiqiao Sen's speed only turned his head at the last moment, and a sip of hot tea turned into a spray, drenching the nearby greenery all over his face.

"Heroes... "Ah

, I will take care of the cadres of the Z City Association and let him start with the bottom heroes first," Bungu nodded and said his real plan, "It doesn't matter what the hero level is, the important thing is to let him find his own value in the process of helping others." "

Ah, this..."

Johnson immediately asked the cub to take a tissue from the room and was wiping his mouth.

Then he heard the old man's plan, and he had rare objections to it.

The most painful memory of Hungry Wolf when he was a child was forcibly participating in the "hero playing game" as a weirdo, and was bullied by his peers.

If he knew Bungu's plans, it was estimated that the killer would have thought on the spot.

So, Johnson tried to persuade the old man to give up this dangerous idea, hypothetical: "Is there a possibility that if you forcibly make the hungry wolf a hero, it will stimulate his rebellious psychology even more?" A

series of rattling sounds sounded, Bungu eyes were cold, and said coldly: "The old man will use his fists to calm him down." The

sandbag-sized fist emitted a crisp explosion that made the heart tremble, and Qiao Sen suddenly realized.

I was too familiar with Bungu but almost forgot about this stubble, this bad old man is very bad, if the soft education does not work, he can summon his fist and show an attack

! Hungry Wolf: Danger

! At this time, Bungu's tone was solemn but flat, but Joson felt a rich murderous intent with a bone-chilling chill passing by!

"Blood Wind", right? "Heart Explosion Liberation Fist", right?

Watching the old and strong Bungu reappear in the breeze of the past, Qiao Sen smiled very cooperatively and said: "Understand and understand, if the hungry wolf knows your good intentions, he will definitely follow the teachings, right?" In

the next second, Bungu instantly retracted his momentum, changed back to the silver-haired old man who was harmless to humans and animals, picked up the teacup with a smile, and gestured to Qiao Sen: "Sure enough, the hero sees the same thing, and the old man happens to think so." The

two old sixes looked at each other, and they both saw a similar arc on each other's faces.

"Hahahaha!" ×2


Mountain behind the flowing water dojo.

Bang bang!

"... A

sudden sneeze mixed with a powerful striking sound also interrupted a practice that lasted from midnight until dawn.

The hungry wolf panted and lowered his fist, wiped his nose, and then looked at the sky suspiciously.

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