"Great!" As

soon as Blowing Snow's words fell, King subconsciously blurted out, and his shoulders loosened and he was visibly relieved.

Because he was too excited, he didn't hold back for a while, and shook his fist fiercely.

——Although I don't know why the other party suddenly took the initiative to give up, it was great not to fall into the boring world of adults!

By the time King realized that his actions seemed to be inappropriate, Blowing Snow had silently cast a resentful little look at him.

The expression between the eyebrows is quite a sense of déjà vu after the purdah young woman was cruelly abandoned by the ruthless scumbag, and I saw pity.

"Cough cough

..." Old King's face turned red, pretending to cough twice, trying to redeem his previous faux pas, "No, Miss Blowing Snow, I mean, that's a pity!" Blowing

Snow: "..." "Okay, okay, no need to explain..."

Blowing Snow

sighed lightly, waving his hand to show that he didn't care.

Since the defeat of inviting Jossen, she has put her mind in a correct position, recruited team members to eliminate strong people above A grade, and chose to believe in the power of the collective.

Knowing that King has booked a position for an S-class hero, although Blowing Snow is a little regretful, he will not pester again.

This bad mood came and went quickly, and soon adjusted itself.

Immediately, Blowing Snow lifted his spirits, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and handed his small bowl to King with a smile, saying, "Mr. King, I still want to eat hot pot

!" "Okay," Blowing Snow's calmness made King smile embarrassedly, and the next second, his eyes looked sharply at the battlefield, "If it's just this matter, then there is absolutely no problem!"

Time passed, and the hot pot party opened late into the night in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.

During the dinner, even the hungry wolf and the neighboring Genos had a lot of friendly interactions.

A little chill flashed, Genos lightning shot out to intercept the hungry wolf's chopsticks, and said with a cold face: "Please stop, this piece of meat is obviously seen by the teacher first

!" "Cut!" The

hungry wolf turned his head slightly, skimmed a disdainful look, his face was full of defiance, and said: "Don't be too proud of winning by luck once, you smelly machine!

Genos's mechanical eyes flashed, and the next second he changed into a super serious mode, "Since you insist on choosing to hinder the teacher, then don't blame me for being unkind!" The

hungry wolf's reaction was a confident grin, and his tone was full of arrogance, "Come on, think I'll be afraid of you?!"

Gradually adapted to the spiciness of the food, the tornado also experienced the charm of hot pot, and did not fall behind against many strong people with its proud superpowers.

The disciples ate lively, and the masters were not to be outdone.

Saitama was looking for someone to toast everywhere with his perverted physique, and his face was already a little red at this time.

With a hint of drunkenness, he returned to his seat with a salute, and took Bungu by the shoulder.

At the same time, Saitama had already filled his wine glass with wine, squinted his eyes and leaned over, "Come, Master Bungu, dry this cup!" The

old man, who was also a little drunk, did not refuse, raised his glass and touched Saitama, and said with a smile: "Okay, the old man will accompany."

"Cheers!" ×2

Saitama and Bungu, the two old drunkards, drank highly valuable soju, the mellow liquor went down the belly, both of them closed their eyes and frowned, their facial muscles exerted strength together, and when the hot stimulation brought by alcohol finally fell into the stomach, they breathed out comfortably together


!Two men with an average age who happened to be middle-aged uncles almost simultaneously made the voices of senior drunkards, which was comparable to the picture of the food broadcast scene and looked infectious.

The tornado who inadvertently saw this scene couldn't help but look down at the cup in his hand, and suddenly felt that the cold juice inside was not fragrant.

——Like, it's delicious... "

That, Joson..." Josson

, who was toasting to King, suddenly felt as if the corners of his clothes were being pulled by someone, and turned around after drinking this cup.

At first glance, I didn't see anyone, and when I looked down, I found that it was a small tornado sitting next to me on my knees.

"What's the matter, isn't it already able to eat hot pot alone?" "

Hmph, it's not hot pot, and I'm full." The tornado habitually turned his head, and then remembered his purpose in calling Jossen, and reached out and pointed to the bottle of wine painted on everyone's face, "Also, I'm tired of drinking, I want to drink!"


Hearing this, the first reaction in Jossen's mind was the famous scene of the "zombie man" with a long knife in his vest and storming the street.

As soon as he thought of this, Qiao Sen's head shook like a rattle, and he muttered in his mouth: "No, no, if you drink alcohol, the lethality is too great, in case it hurts people, it will not be fun!"


the tornado fox stared at Jossen suspiciously, not hearing what was coming out of his mouth for a moment.

But the body language was still obvious, she at least understood the frantic shaking of her head to refuse, and suddenly raised her eyebrows, "Why! can't I drink?" "

Of course children can't drink!" Before

Johnson could speak, a familiar but somewhat underwhelmed voice interjected from behind, and the tornado's body froze, and the slender and white fingers jumped unconsciously.

- Little, little


sat down next to Josen with a bottle of shochu on his shoulder, and kindly persuaded: "This is a drink that only adults can drink, children should honestly drink juice!"

Hearing Saitama's laughing voice, the corners of Qiao Sen's mouth twitched slightly, and then he couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he saw the tic-tac-toe that was constantly bursting out on the forehead of the tornado.


enough, I don't know that firewood and rice are expensive, Saitama, you really don't worry about others

!" "Josen, come!" Saitama did not notice that danger was approaching, and unsuspectingly leaned over and clinked glasses with Jossen, "Come!

Drink!" The

crisp sound of glass clashing sounded, and Johnson raised his hand to rub the green spinach-like little head beside him, and drank it with a toast.

However, this time, although the tornado was still sane under the pacification of Jossen, and did not fully run away, his eyes had already flashed with a strong and dangerous green light.

"Abominable smelly fart, don't give me such arrogance!!"

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