> Genos

: Josson wiped his face helplessly and explained to Tornado: "... His name is Genos, he is a transformation person, not a housekeeping robot as you say.

Dragon Scroll sensed the state of Genos, immediately understood his human identity, and rarely did not refute, "Oh, I see." "

Genos, I'm back," Joson greeted Genos, introducing the two unplanned by the way, "King doesn't need to be introduced, this one is a tornado, and the one behind is her sister Blowing Snow."

Genos carried the box motionlessly, greeting everyone: "King-san, two young ladies, hello!"

King smiled and nodded, "Genos-kun, hello."

Tornado snorted softly, bowing slightly in response, and Blowing Snow looked curiously at Genos' handsome young face, and greeted him with a smile.

Seeing that the box on Genos' shoulder was still affixed with the seal of the courier company, Jonson couldn't help but be curious: "What is this

, the ingredients?" Genos glanced at Qiao Sen's group, nodded politely: "Yes, Mr. Qiaoson, because I was worried that the ingredients were not enough, I specially ordered food from the Internet, because I was worried that the logistics speed was too slow, I flew down the mountain to pick it up!"

After saying hello, Joson signaled Genos to go to his work first, and the energetic reformed boy nodded and said yes, and immediately carried a storage box several sizes larger than Saint Seiya's holy clothes box towards the kitchen.

Seeing Genos leave, Joson greeted everyone and said, "Let's go, let's go see Mr. Bongu first."

King immediately nodded and said, "Okay." "

Tornadoes and blowing snow are all right, and they originally came to rub rice.


Reception room.

The room was filled with the aroma of tea, and Bungu and Saitama were sitting opposite each other drinking tea.

"Josen, you're so slow!" Hearing a crowd of footsteps at the door, Saitama's ears moved, and he turned his head: "... King forget it, who are they?"

Saitama's gaze swirled back and forth on Tornado, Blowing Snow, and Jossen, and then uttered in surprise.

"Even if you want to find a princess who accompanies wine, you can't find a minor!" Joson

: "..." Tornado

: "..." Blowing Snow

: "..."King: "..." "Bungu

: "..."

Sure enough, the brain circuits with the style of the strong are all similar Qingqi, first there is a

tornado, and then Saitama! Jossen touched his head to control the tornado that wanted to go crazy, Bungu coughed twice, and explained to Saitama who did not know why: "Don't guess, Saitama-kun, these two are the heroes of the Hero Association, and the "trembling tornado" and "Hell's blowing snow" known as 'superpower sisters' should have happened to meet when Qiao Senjun went to M City." "

Trembling, hell..." Saitama's heroic names sounded unconscious, and nodded repeatedly, "So it is." For

the first time, the tornado of the strong painting style encountered the existence of the painting style above him, and his whole body exploded with a soaring green light, and he wanted to break through Jossen's defense: "Let go of me, I'm going to kill that bald guy!"

Top..."Saitama's painting style was visible to the naked eye and synchronized into a strong state, the corners of his mouth twitched, "Even if I have severe hair loss but I am not completely bald, rude little ghost head!" "


Be honest with me, you two!" Joson

stopped and hugged the tornado that wanted to run away, the blue and green power light and shadow special effects in front of him were entangled and flickering, and the other hand had to stop Saitama who rushed over, busy and busy.

"The house will collapse when you fight here, and you don't want to have dinner!" Little

transparent Blowing Snow saw that her sister, Qiao Sen, and the guy who faced ordinary were still fighting madly, so she took the initiative to step forward and greet Bungu who had met before: "Silver Fangs", this time my sister and I will take the liberty to disturb!"

"Welcome, Miss Blowing Snow," Bungu's gaze critically swept over the war-damaged skin Blowing Snow, and responded with a smile, "Anyway, the old man's place is big enough." "

Master Bangu is really like a god," King also stepped forward and put down the gift, and seeing that Saitama was busy matching the line, he greeted Bangu and said, "Master, long time no see." Bangu

smiled in response, his eyes flashed, and said, "King Sang, your momentum has become stronger, I can't believe it, the last time I saw you, you just started training." "

Yes, Master Bungu, I didn't expect that one day I would become a hero," King nodded approvingly, and said with a look of emotion, "By the way, the M City Heroes Association informed me that my application to join the association has been approved, and I can probably officially join the company by the end of this month at the latest."

Bongu picked his beard and smiled, "Well, that's really going to be congratulations!"

Bungu and King had already sat down and pulled up homely things, and on the other side, Joson had also physically convinced the irascible tornado.

Blowing snow to her sister who looked confused, Blowing Snow suddenly took the angry tornado in the style of the strong, with a face full of bewilderment.

- Who am I? Where am I? Why is my sister in my arms?!


Jossen immediately grabbed Saitama, quietly opened the distance between the two, and asked casually: "Saitama, didn't you also say that you want to help, why are you still sitting here drinking tea?"

The moment a few strands of hair fell off, the F cub flashed away as an old cleaner.

The eyes of the tornado who saw this scene lit up, and he immediately forgot about the angry things.

"Blowing snow, let me down.

Chuixue was stunned when he heard this, and immediately as if he had been amnestied, he quickly released his hand and put his sister down, saying, "Eh, okay, okay, sister!" The

tornado shone with a pale green light, and floated back up.

Just looked at Qiao Sen's gaze thoughtfully, and still muttered in a low voice: "Strange superpower, what is his secret..."

Her voice was very small, and she couldn't even hear the nearest blowing snow clearly, and couldn't help asking: "Sister, what did you just say?"


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