"Seriously, hold your sister in your arms and kill"

!!The staggered arms erupted with a huge force that was enough to shake the mountain, and at this moment, even if it was a piece of steel in front of you, the only end was to be twisted!

However, just a second before Joson decided to destroy the flower, the white hair in his arms suddenly resumed thinking and let out a textbook standard three-paragraph laugh.

"Huh... Haha, hahaha... Stupid human!!"


?—well, why do you have to forcibly add drama to yourself when you die?—

forget it, then hold it for a while... Qiao

Sen knows the truth that the villain dies from talking too much, and does not express the slightest expression for the sudden behavior of the white hair in his arms that is about to laugh and tears.

While silently complaining in his heart, he quietly watched her perform.

Noticing Jossen's caring gaze, this made Vinaya, who thought she had succeeded, annoyed.

“...... Looking up at your consciousness space, it has been completely eroded into a broken part, this is the real purpose of my delay in time!"

- If you can't beat it, why do you need to hold on.

Joson sighed inwardly, and his eyes became more and more pitying.

Lyphona: "..."

—hateful, what's going on with this pitiful gaze! I don't want you to be pitiful


As if in response to her anger, the entire space of consciousness fell into tidal vibrations!

Countless lightning-like dark purple cracks appeared all over the sky, and dazzling purple light shone in it, indicating that this space would eventually fall apart under the erosion of the violent collapse energy!

And you, about to become my puppet!" After

thinking for a long time, Qiao Sen rubbed his excited head a little unbearably.

"Uh... What are you doing! Human! Dare to do such a thing to the Hongli One!!"

Single-handedly suppressing the insignificant resistance of the Honkai consciousness, Qiao Sen said leisurely: "You should look up..."

Who told you that my consciousness space is only this size?"

Lyvana subconsciously raised her head when she heard this, and at this moment, her gaze passed through the black sky that had been eroded into nothingness by the collapse energy, and she immediately saw a dark purple figure that covered the sky and occupied all her sights.

At the request of the body, the F cub turned into an infinitely tall cosmic-level giant, slowly stood up from the shattered void, his gaze slightly lowered, and the imposing majesty was all full.

In comparison, the self in the dark space is like a speck of dust in the desert of the earth, and the boundless huge figure seems to be able to shatter the galaxy and reshape the universe by raising his hand!"

——This man is the real Honkai!!

Rhythma, who lost her sense of resistance, did not wait for Joson to make a move, and her delicate body bloomed into a yellow beam of Honkai energy, and in an instant, it turned into a little starlight and disappeared, leaving only a pure and flawless azure blue gemstone in place.

"Give up resistance and become the core of the lawyer, lurking down and waiting for a comeback one day?"

said Joson to himself.

The core of the lawyer wrapped in yellow collapse looked like it was discovered, staying in place and shivering, but it was grasped by him without caring and pressed to his chest.

The core of the lawyer in the entity state turned into a faint streamer that rushed out from between the fingers, drawing arcs and converging towards Qiao Sen's left chest.

In his body, the powerful heart beat a little, and the streamers from the outside world stayed where the heart was and disappeared.

Joson felt an unspeakable power appear out of thin air, and he closed his eyes to receive the vast amount of information carried by the core of the lawyer.

The mystery of time and space unfolds slowly in front of him like an ancient picture, and the limitations of cognition increase by leaps and bounds with the process of reading.

The knowledge of the space system that was once incomprehensible was all solved, and this feeling was as exciting as the first primitive person to eat meat cooked by fire.

Back to reality.

Everything that happened in the consciousness space was fed back to the body, and around Joson's body, a faint yellow avalanche could flow slowly, without the slightest intention of eroding and destroying the surrounding world, and he was tame like a little beast that recognized him as his own father at birth.

At this moment, the authority belonging to the "Law of Voidness" was completely grasped by him, but the negative effect of the erosion of Honkai consciousness did not occur at all.

A certain white hair that has completely retracted into the core of the lawyer, and is now curled up in a ball with his hands on his knees, collapses consciousness: tired, don't Cue.

Outside Josson's room.

₍₍ (̨̡ ̅᷄ᗣ ̅᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎

Saitama stretched with a yawn and was about to turn off the TV and take a shower to sleep.

Suddenly, his hand reaching for the remote control of the TV stopped in the air, and the simple style of salted fish was serious for a second, and his eyes scanned the surroundings with burning eyes.

“...... Why do you seem to smell weirdos all of a sudden?"

Saitama frowned, twitching his nose and sniffing, and finally even took a deep breath.

Saitama's gaze finally fell on Jossen's door, closed his eyes and carefully distinguished for a while, his serious expression visibly relaxed, and the whole person's painting style also returned to the state of the strong.

"It turned out to be Jossen, probably made some strange superpowers again, right?"

The next day, dawn.

Click - at the door of the apartment, the sound of the key opening the door sounds.

At this time, Joson was sitting on the sofa reading the morning paper, looking up, Genos, who still had some war damage scratches yesterday, had been renewed, and walked in with a large bag and a small bag in his hand to push the door.

"Good morning, Genos.

Johnson waved hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Jossen!" Xiaojie politely bowed back, put the things in his hand on the living room table, just in time to see Saitama in the bathroom, a mouth full of foam and brushing her teeth, "Saitama-sensei, good morning!"


The consequence of forcing himself to speak was choking on mouthwash, and Saitama retracted into a sharp cough.

Genos's face changed, the pusher erupted in full force, bringing a strong air flow to Saitama and instantly came behind Saitama, and the steel palm gently patted behind his back, and the action was very gentle.

Saitama finally eased up: "Uh, survived..."

Jossen couldn't help but hold his forehead, suddenly feeling worthless for the weirdos who were killed by this goods.

- What the hell is it to kill you!!

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