The long white hair that reached the hips and the knee-length black stockings wrapped around the two long legs were particularly eye-catching, and the golden astral eyes were not angry.

The corners of his lips raised a playful smile, cute with a touch of contrasting madness.

The white and cool Valkyrie armor flowed with bright purple energy fluctuations representing Honkai, and the fringed skirt that extended from the short skirt flashed golden Honkai eyes.

A huge amount of Avalanche energy condensed into a core, extending to both sides, on one side is a golden light wing similar to the bone structure of the Honkai Beast, and on the other side is the "Spear of Arkon", which symbolizes the authority of the lawyer.

Summary -

white hair, black silk, queen.

Three label sets, the quadratic concentration is directly full.

LSP ecstasy!"

Paramecium in the three collapses... Ah, no, Lyverna, actually pulled out this long-ago wife card.

After receiving the card information, Johnson couldn't help but sigh.

The "Void Lawyer" must be sufficient as an SSR strength, and the only thing worth noting is the clearly marked "Honkai" logo in the card type.

According to past experience, it is probably the same as the weirdo card formed by sealing the weirdo soul, which seals a collapsed consciousness full of thoughts about destroying human civilization.

It is a fantasy card with its own Debuff, and if you want to use the power in it after loading, you must first carry the infection of Honkai consciousness.

If the user's mental will does not meet the standard, the most likely outcome is to degenerate into the shell of the lawyer.

Put under the rules of the one-punch world, basically weird in minutes.

Receiving an affirmative official answer from the F-cub, Josson suddenly noticed.


, the user must have mental attributes that are sufficient to resist the erosion of Honkai, so isn't the best qualified person is...


I equipped myself with this character card, wouldn't I be able to come face to face with Lyphona's consciousness?


of this, Johnson immediately prepared to let the F cub unload the "Sky Hunting" character card that had not been used for a long time, and then equip the SSR that had just arrived.

I'm sorry, Miss Skyhunter.

It's not your fault, it's that Vinaya is more fragrant

! F cub: Almost got it!

The azure blue mental power spreads out, laying a defensive force field inside the room.

Saitama, who was watching TV, glanced in the direction of Jossen's door, and couldn't help but yawn: "Are you tinkering with new superpowers again?

Prepared Joson lay down flat, the F cub floated in the air, reached into Jossen's chest, violently thrust!

Purple and golden light flickered alternately, and an extremely corrosive furious energy was born, scrambling into Jossen's body.

No matter how much is counted, it is completely swallowed and absorbed by Josson's own blue amount.

The newly awakened Collapse Consciousness: "..."

—This script is not right!—

Suddenly up, where can I go with so many Collapses?

——No matter, although the male body is less adaptable, it is not unusable!

On the bed, Jossen crossed his fingers with his hands and placed them on his lower abdomen, looking to sleep very peacefully.

An illusory spirit with feminine traits condensed above him, and Sonic's innocent smile of the same style was grinning on his face, which had no facial features.

——Come on, become the carrier of Honkai! The

illusory spirit body transformed into Honkai consciousness slowly opened its hands, as if it wanted to hug Jossen, and rushed towards him enthusiastically.


the bronze bell sounded in the void, Qiao Sen's body rippled with dazzling polygonal ripples, and the illusory spirit body that swooped down threw its head back, only feeling that his consciousness was buzzing like someone was pounding with a wooden stick.

"Huh?" Qiao

Sen, who was still sleeping soundly a second ago, opened his eyes, and then suddenly said: "Sorry sorry, the passive defense forgot to turn off."

Honkai Consciousness: "..." At

this time, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

How is this man's painting style different from other qualified people!"

Well, what are you still stunned for? Come in!"

Honkai instinctively took half a step back, and as a result, a large purple hand reached out from Jossen's chest, grabbed it, and then pulled him in with a violent force.

- Help, help....


The sun is shining, under the blue sky is a green meadow full of flowers, the endless sea of flowers swaying in the wind, and the air is filled with refreshing fragrance.

"Where is this..." A

faint light and shadow fell from the air, hovering about half a meter from the ground, and gradually condensed into a white-haired girl with long legs and golden eyes.

It is the residual consciousness of Celine that came down to regenerate with the help of Kiana's body, the "Law of Emptiness".

Everything around was as beautiful as a dream, and a trace of vigilance flashed in the golden eyes of the empty law.

This is obviously not the real world, but rather like some kind of artificially created imaginary space.

If nothing else, the unexpected is about to happen.

"In Lower Jossen, this is my conscious space, welcome.

"But... What should I call you, Celine, or "The Law of the Void"?"

the words fell, and Joson appeared in front of the Law of Emptiness.

In order to show respect, at this moment, his appearance is not the usual casual casual clothes, but changed into a wild and domineering fish selling strong war god suit, and the aura of the strong man is visibly rushing to his face.

The void law was shocked in his heart, and the law master had the power to manipulate the space, and subconsciously dodged back tens of meters.

After opening the distance, he turned his queen-like gaze to the man in front of him.

"Hmph, you know too much, human!" Sora clasped his hands to his chest, his mouth emitting a crisp voice that echoed ethereally, "I admit that you are a little special, you can actually engage in a small confrontation with the power of Honkai..."

"There is no confrontation," Johnson opened his hand, and a pitch-black sphere with purple lightning formed out of thin air in his palm, "I just took the full amount of the energy you released." "

Lyverna: ???

put it so lightly, how can Honkai be such a gentle thing?!

"Hmph, scheming humans!" "

I think it's better described as resourceful here."

"Hmph, shameless!"

Vinaya's heart was annoyed, and the authority of the lawyer connected to her will spread silently, and just a slight fluctuation in emotions caused fluctuations in the space of consciousness.

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