"Huh?" The

sharp and matchless gaze stabbed sharply on Johnson Sen, and the mental force field of the protective body rippled faintly.

Even the eyes are so sharp, it is really the style of a swordsman.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Atom.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Johnson put his hands in his pockets and turned around: "Is there any insight?"


temptation was fruitless, and the "Atomic Samurai" had a look in his eyes: "I have heard Mr. Bungu mention that he has great respect for you, saying that you are a rare strong man among young people."

"Since you met, might as well have a little discussion, I have a considerable interest in fighting unknown masters

!" "Sure enough!" ×3

Behind the Atomic Samurai, the faces of the three disciples showed such expressions almost at the same time.

They all know that their master's favorite thing is to find a strong person to test the sword, it seems that this "super policeman" Mr. can't run away today

! If you can see the battle between S-class heroes, it will be worth the trip!

As a disciple of the "Atomic Samurai", his behavior and thinking patterns are invisibly close to his division "Atomic Samurai".

The master is keen to challenge the strong, and he, an apprentice, naturally developed the same hobby.

As a party, Qiao Sen clearly sensed the increasing fighting intent of the atomic samurai, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Can I understand that you want to challenge me?" "


, no, no..." "Atomic Samurai" took a toothpick and showed his signature defiant smile: "The word challenge is generally used when the weak face the strong, and there are no enemies in this world who need me to challenge!"

Smelly fart doesn't kill you, stinky uncle!

Joson smiled, the corners of his eyes twitched imperceptibly, and he complained very politely in his heart.

—— It is so natural to say such a bad line, if it weren't for your sword fast enough, you would have been killed when you went out, right?"

Joson stroked his chin with a thoughtful look.

The "Atomic Samurai" smiled even better, looking like a martial idiot who couldn't wait

: "How, did you agree?" Jossen did not answer immediately, but asked again: "Does that mean that if you pass your test, you can be called a strong man?" The

"Atomic Samurai" grinned rather conceitedly: "You can also say that!" As

he spoke, he stepped forward, swung a circle of wind, and slowly held the hilt of the sword with his right hand: " In that case, let's get started..."

Johnson stretched and shook his head decisively.


"Atomic Samurai" stumbled, almost missing the 35-year-old's waist.

Third disciple: !!

"I still have work to do, so let's wait until next time."

Joson said, already rising into the air.

As we all know, flight is a ground system.

The advantages of being able to fly are fully displayed at this time.

Even though the "Atomic Samurai" had bulging green tendons on his forehead and gritted his teeth, he was still 108,000 miles away if he wanted to cut Qiao Sen.

Even if his jumping power is enough to complete the attack, the status of "atomic samurai" does not allow him to chase after the object of the unsuccessful invitation to fight like an idiot.

“...... None, boring?"

—when did my kamikaze suffer this humiliation from the national ensemble!!phew—

a heavy breathing sound echoed between the ruins, and the three of them stiffened and did not dare to take a mouthful.

With their shrewdness, how could they touch the master's mold at a moment when he was about to become angry.

"This guy!!" The

blue light flashed, and the figure in the sky disappeared out of thin air.

The "Atomic Samurai" was silent for a long time with a toothpick, and a playful smile appeared on his face in the shadows.


For a while, "Juhean" and the others stood upside down, always feeling that their master had reached the edge of blackening.

"Hey, you three.

"Yes!!" × 3

"Atomic Samurai" glanced at the three strangely, seeing that his expression had returned to calm, and at the same time that he woke up a few apprentices, the people had already turned and walked in the direction of the street.

"They were all stunned and left.

"Iai-an" widened his eyes: "Eh, come, come!"

"Samurai Drill" followed and sighed in a low voice: "Did you adjust so quickly?

Dead demon, you are choreographing the master behind your back

!" "Qiu Wu Taitao" gave him a blank look: "Stupid, I don't have it! This is the sixth sense of the old lady, intuition does not understand!" "Intuition

you are a hammer, I see that you have taken a fancy to that S-class guy again

!" "What is it! That's a handsome guy at the same level as "Sweetheart Kamen"!"

"Ihean" was helpless, and couldn't wait for someone to give them a knife: "... You two, give me a little more moderation!"

"It's okay," the "atomic samurai" who was walking in front suddenly said, "Juhe, young people always have to be a little energetic, and you shouldn't be too rigid." "

Well... By the way, master," "Ihe-an" thought of something and took two steps forward, "The seafood market has been destroyed, what about the gifts that were originally planned to be bought for 'Silver Fangs'?"

"Uh," "Atomic Samurai" reached out and scratched his chin, "I remember that Bangusang likes to drink tea, so let's go to the nearby mall and buy two boxes of high-end tea."

"Oh, okay. "


City of Z.

"I'm back~"

The blue light flashed in the night, and Joson landed on the balcony in the night.

Today brushed the weirdos for a day, the major ones ran almost all over the city, and dinner was solved by the way outside.

As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Saitama looking through a newspaper from yesterday boredly, and the sound of Genos washing dishes came from the kitchen.

"You're back..."

"Huh?" Qiao Sen saw that Saitama's state was not quite right, and suddenly noticed it, grabbed a melon seed and sat down on the sofa, raised his elbow and poked him, "What's wrong, didn't it go well today?" Saitama

looked up blankly: "Eh, Jossen, how do you know

?" "Aren't you all written on your face?"

Uh, you guy..." Saitama couldn't help but roll out his dead fish eyes and scratch his head, "Harm, it's not because of the bounty crime!"

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