Beside Johnson and Tornado, Siqi only felt that there was a flash in front of him, and the two-meter-tall robot in mid-air completely disappeared.

However, as a member of the core cadre of the Hero Guild, he has long seen all kinds of supernatural phenomena.

What's more, the two superpowers of the association here are present, even if something outrageous happens, it is not strange.

After the F cub finished his work, he disappeared into the air with his own care.

Dragon Scroll noticed the expression of the third party present, Siqi, and did not change in the slightest from beginning to end.

Either he had long known about the existence of this ghostly purple figure, or...


the two possibilities, Tornado preferred the latter.

She felt an extremely pure spiritual power fluctuation on the F cub, indicating that this purple ghost most likely had no entity, and ordinary people could not see it at all.

There were doubts in his heart, the tornado never hidden, and immediately asked directly: "Hey, is this also your superpower?

"Yes," Johnson replied of course, explaining in passing, "this is a 'stand-in,' my unique superpower.

"Then why haven't I seen you use it twice before?"

"Well, what kind of problem is that," Johnson looked at her suspiciously, "Originally an auxiliary stand-in, ordinary combat does not use him."

"What is an ordinary battle..." Long

Kuan's ears seemed to hear a "rattle", as if something in his heart had broken.

(ꐦಠ ಠ)

[What is an auxiliary double? I'm brave or not!]

F cub: Middle finger.

A sentence actually diss two guys at the same time, and Johnson didn't realize that his ability to scare people actually broke through.

"Don't care, such little things.

Joson snorted and tried to fool through, but Tornado's attention was attracted by the F-cub's suddenly appeared middle finger, and his little face suddenly showed an interested look.

"Sure enough, this ghost is self-aware!

Johnson refused: "No, I'm not a casual man."

Do you mean I'm the kind of casual woman!" Cich

looked at the two quarreling association ace combat powers, not feeling the slightest surprise, but showing such an expression.


I said, how long are you going to grab my hand, you casual man!"

"No, the necessary measures were taken just now to stop some heroes with insufficient self-control from making dangerous moves. "

Think about it," Johnson suddenly pulled the tornado in front of him, "is there really none?" The

moment the two looked at each other, the tornado faintly smelled the strange and pleasant smell on Jossen's body, his cheeks became irrepressibly hot, quickly dyed a touch of red, and his petite body became stiff at the same moment.

- Here it is again!

—this strange feeling....

——Abominable! What kind of strange superpower is this!

The tornado's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, and in addition to all kinds of resistance, there was a little trace in my heart... Expectation?

—How so!!Since

escaping from the Evil Superpower Organization, he has distrusted everyone.

Even when dealing with her own sister Blowing Snow, she has always maintained a strong sister posture, using various tough means to prevent others from approaching Blowing Snow to hide her true thoughts.

But how did he meet this hateful guy, he couldn't be tough at all

, definitely not because his strength was so much stronger than those weak people he usually saw!

"Huh, is it down?" Seeing

the tornado froze, Johnson pressed her head strangely.

"I said, you can give me a little more time!" The

dragon scroll broke free from Jossen's hand in shame, and the slightly red head was steaming, and he shook his hand as if he had been scratched, and only then resumed his usual defensive posture of hugging his chest.


Cick, do you think so too?"


was a bad decision to stay here....

"Miss Tornado, this..."

"Let me say it. Seeing

that Siqi was asked a 100% proposition, Joson kindly helped the good-natured man with a big nose.

Receiving Siqi's favorability +100, Joson turned to the tornado with his small face full of disbelief, and said seriously: "If you use superpowers too arbitrarily, it can easily become a wreak havoc everywhere."

"Even if it's to eliminate weirdos, it will cause trouble to others!"

Tornado just wanted to retort, but suddenly stuck.

If you think about it, it seems that the damage to the city on weekdays is indeed not small

, because the hero association will also give a certain amount of economic subsidies to the disaster-stricken people, and the scruples of making a move are naturally much smaller.

All in all, although there is reflection, there is definitely not much.

So that when the words came to his lips, he became his usual hardness: "Hmph! So what, just destroy the weirdos and rescue the people."

"If you can do it, why do you want to make everyone afraid?"

What, what?"

Joson's words exploded in his mind, and the body of the tornado seemed to stop, and the pupils shook.

Showing the world how powerful you are now and making everyone feel intimidated is really what Tornado has been doing.

The aim is to prevent the recurrence of childhood tragedies and prevent the snow from blowing again and falling into dangerous situations.

But...... This is a secret deep in her heart, and how did Joson know it!

You just overheard my inner thoughts?"

"I can't do it yet, and I may not be able to do it in the future."

Joson unabashedly shrouded the "heart net" towards the tornado, and as a result, the magnetic field rich in mental power exploded dazzling sparks at her temples as if it had been strongly disturbed.

"Look, I didn't lie to you. "


This guy really has the superpower to spy on other people's thoughts!


"Okay, you're already awesome!"

“...... Even if I suddenly praise me, I won't be very happy... Huh?" A

familiar warmth came overhead, and the tornado subconsciously shrunk its neck like a petted cat, but did not completely avoid it.

"It's rare to meet without a direct fight, there is progress. "

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