Listening to the talk of his clone, Dr. Kinos was silent.

"That guy's words have just entered the mature stage, and once it gets out of control, the entire base will be destroyed!"

Clone No. 21 swallowed, seemingly remembering some bad memories, and his eyes flashed with unspeakable horror.

"The controllable finish, in the face of the strength that the man has just shown, has only the end of being slaughtered.

Dr. Kenos sighed, his gloomy face interrupting the pointless argument.

"Even if it is regarded as the ultimate means of trump card, in my calculations, the probability of winning is less than 30%..."

"And this is the end of the matter, is there any better way for you?" Hearing

his rhetorical question, the clones in the control room couldn't help but look at each other, but couldn't offer other constructive suggestions.

"Number 21! and number 42, you two hurry to the bottom floor..."

Liberate the Asura Unicorns!" Dr

. Kenos' voice trembled a little, and the clones who had already realized fell into a deathly silence.

Although the invading man was terrifying, he was a normal person who could talk after all, and he didn't kill as soon as he came in.

And the unfinished product that has just been born, every time it is sorted, it needs to kill on a large scale to restore its sanity.

The entire House of Evolution, with no one else but Dr. Kenos.

The target of killing is naturally these tool people who can be mass-produced indefinitely!"


"... I know!"

the two named clones suddenly turned pale, but they nodded with difficulty and looked at each other.

"Finally, it's our turn..."

It's time to dedicate oneself to human evolution!"

Walking in the aisle, Jossen soon saw a huge underground space, walls and floors made of high-strength alloy.

Looking at the size of the space, this should be the place that Dr. Kinos carved out and used specifically for combat experiments.

Even underground, under the abundant light above, it still looks extremely empty.

The communication between Dr. Kenos and the clone behind him was received word for word through the "heart net", and even Johnson was a little curious.

Each clone of Dr. Kenos seems to maintain the same mindset and values as the ontology.

He has a complete personality and is willing to dedicate his life to complete human evolutionary experiments.

During this time, none of the clones chose to betray.

So the question is, how exactly did this evil genius doctor do it?


The ground floor of the House of Evolution, a gloomy cell.


heavy iron door was pushed open, and there seemed to be two soft sounds of chains being dragged in the darkness.

The voice disappeared immediately, and the two Kinos clones who walked into the cell trembling with submachine guns were full of excitement, and their heads and cheeks were covered with waterfall sweat.

"Where, where..."

"It's too dark, I can't see it at all!

!" "Boom!" ×2

The sweaty two swallowed sharply, and their feet moved forward almost step by step.

Towers, towers, towers....

A high degree of tension and great fear enveloped them from the moment the door opened, and in their ears, except for the sound of footsteps stopping step by step, all that remained was the sound of their heartbeats beating violently.

There seemed to be something terrifying lurking in the darkness and silence in front of them, causing them to not be able to bring any sense of security to themselves even with weapons in their hands.

Phew -

A gust of hot wind suddenly came from behind, and the bodies of the two clones suddenly stiffened, and their faces turned pale.

"In, in, behind!" An

unusually large black shadow appeared behind the two, and just looking at the silhouette, it looked like a giant beetle that had been magnified countless times and stood up.

Long iron chains tied around its limbs and neck, but eerily did not make any sound.

Clone No. 42 suddenly calmed down as if he had a premonition of something.

He suddenly pushed his glasses, and a miserable smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out that from the beginning, he flew behind us..."


an insect fist covered with cuticle armor penetrated No. 42's body from behind, and a huge force burst out at the same time as penetrating, and before he could feel the pain, his torso was torn apart, and the remaining stump flew out in all directions.



Dense bullets poured out, hitting the body of the huge black shadow with a "clanging" metal clashing sound.

The muzzle fire illuminated a huge brown beetle, about 3.5 meters tall, with a human head and muscular limbs, and a narrow unicorn with a forked tip on its head.

The whole body, including the head, is covered with a solid carapace, as if draped in a creature armor made of heavy metal.

This is the strongest biological weapon that the House of Evolution is proud of, the "Asura Unicorn Immortal"!!!

The crisp gunfire stopped abruptly as the bullets hit the air, and the deflated submachine gun bullets rebounded and fell to the ground.

The submachine gun bullet was extremely weak when it was aimed at this carapace, and the place where it hit did not even leave a white spot, but only a wisp of blue smoke.

In front of the cross-era creation that condensed all the wisdom crystallization of Dr. Kinos and countless clones, outdated thermal weapons turned out to be such useless things!


- "How come there are only two, and there are too few people to die this time, right?" The

voice of the Asura Unicorn Fairy sounded in the cell, and the most terrifying words were said in the most boring tone.

The clone who was panic pulling out the magazine from his trouser pocket froze, and the last image in his eyes was a brown fist enlarged to the extreme.

A pool of humanoid blood was printed on the ground, and the Asura Unicorn raised his fist and watched the blood stain drip down his arm, the insect wings behind him flapped up, and his huge body soared lightly, as if ready to return to the darkness.


this moment, the iron door behind it opened again, and two clones entered the cell one after the other.

Although they were also covered in cold sweat on their foreheads, they looked at least much calmer than the 21st and 42nd who had just entered.

"Asura Unicorn Immortal, I have already killed two people, should I be satisfied, right?" "

Now there is an important task to be handed over..." "Poof


huge fist wind swept by, and the clones No. 72 and No. 33 only showed their faces, and they followed in the footsteps of the first two clones, and their bodies exploded into two splashes of blood.

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