The dark gold superman suit faded, revealing a high school combat suit that was also based on black and wrapped in golden chains-Selling

Fish Strong God of War Suit!

Joson straightened his collar and decided to wash and dry the suit from Walt's designer, and seal the F cub together with the God of War cap.

When it comes to the concentration of two dimensions, the Selling Fish Strong God of War suit is definitely at the top.

The costume change effect with the God of War caps is excellent, and it is difficult for even familiar people to recognize it without identifying themselves.

When Johnson needs to hide his identity or change his vest, he will always use a small size.


No man's land, Saitama's house.

"Saitama, I'm back!"

Joson landed on the balcony, and no one in the room answered.

"How long has it been since I was not at home?" When

traveling to the other world, no matter how long it has passed, it is only a moment in relation to the main world.

It is equivalent to opening a portal in one place and running away, and then walking out of another portal the next.

Accustomed to the oppression, extremes and perversions of the world, suddenly returning to the safe Z City, Qiao Sen was really a little uncomfortable for a while.

I thought that Saitama should not have finished breakfast, but I didn't expect that I just went out the door, and the breakfast on the table had been wiped out.

Well, of course, I went far enough this time.

After eating, Saitama does not know where to run at this time, most likely he is engaged in daily training without interruption.

Since this was the case, Joson honestly occupied the bathroom and took a good shower.

Behind him, Cub took the changed Fish Selling God of War suit and took it to the balcony to expertly pull out soap and washboard.

Not long after

, Joson walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel draped around his waist, and a few drops of crystal water hung from his huge chest muscles.

The dark aura from another world and the smell of blood that seemed to linger between the nose at all times were cleansed, and the whole person was much refreshed for a while.

Just as ordinary people need to reverse the jet lag when flying across the Earth's time zone, Johnson naturally has to reverse the "jet lag" when returning from another world.

The main tone of the black-robed picket world is gloom, cloudy and the sky is brewing treacherous malice at any time.

And the one-punch world, in a sense, is more dangerous, but the sun in the sky will always be as easy as it is now.

What, what if it rains on a cloudy day?

Call Josen or Saitama and blow away the rain cloud with one punch.

Letting the cub pour a glass of chilled orange juice, Joson lay down comfortably on the balcony lounger.

( ̄▽ ̄ )


After knowing each other for a long time, I found that in addition to no money, Saitama's life was simply like that of a god.

Taking back his thoughts, Joson routinely took stock of the gains of the black-robed picket world.

The income this time is not much, if nothing else, the SSR alone has received three.

The three SSRs are, the fused "Motherland" superpower, the Storm Female character card, and the character card made from the soul of the "Motherlander".

The superpowers of the fused "Motherlandmen" have become part of Jossen's power, and naturally there is nothing to say.

The strength of the character card dropped by Storm Girl is not bad, even if it is placed in the one-punch world, it is a standard S-level combat power.

The last remaining SSR is the "Motherlandman" character card.

[Fatherland People (SSR): Character card (evil hero), black robe picket world, the strongest superhuman experimentally manufactured by compound 5, low-profile version of Superman. The effect is slightly (the same as "Evil Superman (Motherland)"). Azu

is really a good comrade, and he can't use his superpowers, so he donated it to those in need.

Joson himself already has all the superpowers of the "Motherlandman", and even if he is equipped with his character card, it is only a superposition of basic values.

For example, Azu's "super power", even if superimposed, the bonus rate of the actual power is still constant, and there will be no qualitative change of "motherland + motherland = superman".

To be honest, Johnson really doesn't see the basic attribute of "motherland" at present.

At the beginning of the descent to the black-robed world, Azu was beaten by himself, this is the medicine jar and the pure hanging wall... No, the gap of pure effort lies.

Visible to the naked eye.

Now Josson has basically left the initial stage of numerical stacking.

If you want to grow from the Exploding Star level to the Exploding Galaxy level, Kana, which has a combat power of 11,000, is definitely not good.

At the very least, it has to be a take-off upgrade from the Supa earthlings to Supayasaikin.

Of course, Jossen does not see the power of the "motherlanders", and it is different to replace it with someone else.

As long as ordinary people can have the power of "motherlandmen", even if they don't know anything about combat, they can at least be separated from the first stage of Poros, a proper god-level combat power.

It's just that this power can't be controlled by just anyone.

Without a strong spiritual will as a support, it will only gradually become a slave of strength after ascending to heaven in one step.

The "Motherlandmen" themselves are a bloody example.

If Azu can cross, I am afraid that he will not mutate into a god-level disaster as soon as he landed-"

Weird, Wang Azu".

Because of this, the use of this character card is bound to be carefully considered.

When it comes to candidates, Joson really has some suitable candidates in mind.

Even if you know that you are invincible, you still have the courage to stand up to the weirdos and protect the people, that is, the hero.

Just like Saitama, who has just become a trainee, these heroes, even if they are weak, naturally have the responsibilities needed to carry great power.

However, this kind of gift of roses has a lingering fragrance, just let it be.

Jossen decided to save it for the next time the hot pot group recruited.


City of Z, Heroes Guild Branch.

"Master Super Police, Team Leader Lani went out on a field mission, and it is estimated that it will not be long before she will return. When

Johnson visited, the reception staff in the hall quickly recognized his identity, and a lady in a suit with chestnut hair quickly came to receive him.

"Please wait in the reception room for a while, please come with me."

"That's troublesome.

Joson followed the suit lady to a luxuriously decorated professional hero reception room, and casually asked: "Can you ask Lani what mission she is performing?" "

As far as I know, Team Leader Lani should be ordered to go to the vicinity of the city center to hand over with patrol heroes and recover the bodies of weirdos, there will be no danger."

"So it is. Not

long after, the lady in the suit brought tea and placed it in front of Jossen.

"This is the black tea and snack you want, please use it slowly." "

Thank you for the hospitality.

"It should!"

the young lady smiled sweetly, holding the tray and bowing to leave, the close-fitting suit outlining the swaying curves.

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