New York, Brooklyn.

Before nightfall, the sky was still clear, and before midnight, a dark cloud from nowhere, obscured the moonlight.

The process of cloud accumulation is accompanied by intermittent lightning and thunder, and within a few moments, the lightning and thunder are becoming more and more dense.

Anyone with a little life experience knows that the sky can fall with a pouring rain at any time.

Few people see a figure faintly appear in the clouds as the winding lightning beam flickers.

It was early in the morning, and heavy rain poured down.

The whole of Brooklyn was asleep in this hearty storm, and even the latest motorcycle party screamed and scolded and went home, screaming and screaming in their mouths.

The extreme mouth odor echoed in the block, and even the roar of the engine could not be masked.

Strangely, Manhattan, just across the water, was barely affected by the torrential rain.

It was as if some mysterious force intervened to control the celestial phenomena above people's heads.

Out of the still-running subway station came a skinny figure wrapped in a hood, a young woman with an Asian face.

The rain was torrential, but she had to run to her dormitory in the slum in this ghost weather.

Fortunately, it is less than two blocks away from the subway entrance, and there is no need to worry about being targeted by street gangsters walking at night.

The only bad thing is that after just two steps, I am soaked all over, maybe tomorrow I will catch a cold.

Suddenly, the girl was startled, and the fright came from the figure standing motionless in the middle of the road under the street lamp.

The figure does not look tall, and also wears a hood.

The rainstorm swayed the elongated shadow under the street lamp, looking like a hunter patiently preying on the prairie.

The girl wiped her face and barely opened her eyes, always feeling as if the other party was waiting for her?

She instinctively wanted to get around, but there were bright points of light in the light purple in the blurred vision.


the girl could react, she saw that as soon as the hood man raised his hand, a thin beam of purple lightning shot towards her.



the girl's exclamation, the air in front of her rippled with swaying energy ripples, and then extinguished in the air.

"Sorry didn't bother you, did you?"

the hood man turned sharply in the direction of the source of the voice, and a tall figure with an umbrella came out of the darkness.

It was Josson who discovered the strangeness of the weather and passed by from next door.

The azure blue Nian Li brushed over the girl's body, and she was hypnotized by Nian Li who was originally afraid, and her body fell down with a crooked body.

Immediately wrapped in a layer of azure blue balls of light, while isolating the rain, she floated under the eaves on the side of the road.

"Who are you?"

the hood man asked in a deep voice, and the owner of the voice could be heard to be a woman.

Although asked, her hands lit up with purple sparks again, as if she didn't care about Jossen's answer.

"Instead of asking who I am, tell me about yourself?" Johnson

was unimpressed, watching the hood man's hands rattle, and then two piercing purple electricity pierced the rain curtain -

wrapped around him, making a sizzling sound.

Hood Man: Why

is this person okay?"

"Oh, I forgot to say," Johnson opened his left hand without raising an umbrella, and the purple thunder and lightning that jumped on his body converged, and it was swallowed up in the blink of an eye, "I also understand a little about energy control, especially electromagnetic control." The

hood man was silent, and then purple electric sparks sprayed under his feet, and the whole person soared into the sky.

I don't know if I want to go or take advantage of the air.

Euler -

A purple fist of pure color slammed down in the air, punching the hooded man who flew less than ten meters back to the ground.

Bang -

The ground flooded by the current cracked in the impact, and the hoodie used by the hoodie used by the hooder to cover his face was lifted at the same time, revealing the face of a slightly embarrassed short-haired Caucasian woman.

"It's too rude to hurry away before the words are finished, right?"

Johnson approached with an umbrella, and the F cub flew back and did not enter his body.

The woman's voice became exasperated: "You madman, why are you in my way?"

"Liberty women?" The

woman who got up on the ground paused for a moment, not expecting that she would be recognized.

Her heroic name is famous in the last century, and she is also one of the superheroes promoted by the Walt Group.

But decades ago, the "Liberty Woman" had already retired.

Josson, who has watched the series, knows that it is really necessary to trace back to the origin, this short-haired woman who looks quite young is actually a remnant of Na who was born in 1919, obtained superpowers through the original compound five experiment, and has lived until now.

Just looking at the setting, it is enough to pull out and shoot the villain for five minutes.

As he spoke, Johnson approached step by step.

"Get out of my way, you yellowskin..." The

white woman suddenly burst into superhuman speed and sheltered up, seeming to see that her superpowers were not working, and instead wanted to solve the battle with physical attacks.

And yet....

Euler -

the familiar war cry interrupted the smell of the storm woman's mouth, her cheeks suddenly sunk inward, and the whole person flew out upside down again as if she had been hit by a mud cart!

However, the disfigured cheek that was hit was moved back into place by muscle creeping and the misaligned bones were moved back into place, and the injury quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Between the two, F cub withdrew his fist, and he who had not played for a long time punched Ola very cool.

"In the '70s, the Walt Group used to launch you as a superhero, but you failed to hide it, and you were exposed to the scandal of racism and black abuse.

"You disappeared for the rest of the day, but there are still similar records that show that you still can't control your thinking and use minority names every now and then to vent."

"I looked at the Walt Group's alternative proposal, and there was a clause that said that you should change your name to 'Stormfront' and re-debut, but sorry, I vetoed it. "

Anyone who has watched the series knows that this is a new character who appeared in the second season of the Black Robe Pickets, and it didn't take long to tear off the hero's disguise, revealing the ugly inner part of racism, extreme violence, cruelty, and murder.

Joson found the residence of the Storm Girl after she retired in the data archive of the Walt Group, and was about to look for it, but found that she actually used her superpowers to change the sky, obviously preparing to do something this night.

So, he followed.

"Of course, who has ever seen a dead man debut as a hero?"

he said the final verdict, his eyes as if looking at a corpse.


The Storm Woman slammed it hard and violently pushed it into place, as if she didn't feel any pain.

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