The body of the "deep sea" that was hit suddenly stiffened, and it could no longer utter any screams, and it fell straight towards the uninhabited ground.

There was a muffled sound in the distance on the ground, and Starlight plucked up the courage to come to the broken window and lean over to look down.

"Well done

!" "I mean, thank you!" "

What are you talking about, Miss Starlight?" The

"Super Electromagnetic Hand Cannon" in his hand circled his index finger and tucked into the holster at his waist, and Johnson looked at the blonde chick beside him suspiciously.

"I didn't do anything.

"Of course.

"Starlight" laughed out loud, and she didn't know why, she felt that her mood was particularly happy.

I don't know what your name is?"

Joson muttered, "You can call me The Flash, or Jonathan."

"Well, Jonathan, you can call me Starlight or you can call me Annie.

"Okay, Annie, would you like to go have a drink?"

"Of course, I'm too busy today to have dinner." The

two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile at each other.


In an apartment.

Butcher's eyes were bloodshot, and he was sorting through the information he had obtained about "compound No. 5".

Suddenly, a pop-up ad jumped out from the bottom right corner of the screen.

The advertisement has a makeup photo of the seven-person group member "Deep Sea", smiling kindly and warmly.

"Disgusting bedbugs..."

Butcher took a sip, looking disgusted.

Just about to click on the advertising window, the words on it aroused his curiosity.

'Superhero nightlife? If you don't click in, you won't see it!!'

"Let Dad see what this green-skinned cannon has done..." Butcher

clicked in, and a video marked "unedited" began playing.

The shaking computer light and shadow hit his face, and his fierce face was first stunned, and then he showed an insolent and evil smile

! "He did it! Definitely he did it! I know!!"

The "deep sea" is dead.

Before his death, he also exposed a disgraceful video that could be called a scandal, so that the veterans of the talent and relations department did not know how to wash his floor for a while.

This video is like a fuse, more scandals buried by time are dug up by almighty netizens.

The most convincing one is that on the day the "locomotive" hit and killed passers-by, the police department did not receive an alarm about the bank robbery, and the police station received the police record.

In other words, when the "locomotive" apologized that day, the statement that he accidentally missed in order to hunt down the bank robber at that time was completely bullshit.

As soon as this conclusion came out, the fans who came from all over the country to participate in the farewell ceremony of the "Locomotive" overnight were as uncomfortable as eating.

Things got worse, and under the impetus of people with intentions, superheroes went up to the group of sevens down to the 18th tier community heroes, and their bottoms were almost all stripped clean.

Walt Group's stock price plummeted, and the entire superhero sector was in turmoil.

When she learned the news, Ashley was expressionless, and for the first time she had the idea of resigning.

The body of the "locomotive" has just been buried, and another member of the seven-person group has died?

Who loves to write who writes this obituary, the old lady will not serve!

Ashley grabbed the materials and quickly broke into Madeleine's office.

As soon as she entered the door, her steps immediately stopped.

Madeleine at the desk was livid, and a man in a blue uniform and a star-striped cape stood quietly in front of the window with his back to the door.

Opposite Madeleine, the head of the technical department was wiping sweat while explaining.

“...... Sorry, ma'am, all the surveillance in the building failed last night, and we really can't find out who did it.

This middle-aged man with black-framed glasses looked helpless, he really tried his best.

But the other party's technology was far beyond his imagination, and the building monitoring server did not have any records, making it impossible for them to check it.

Madeleine then asked: "What about the video on the Internet, why was it not deleted in the first place?" "

The publisher used an internal account of the group, and the company's network was disrupted when it was first released, and by the time it was restored, it was completely too late."

Madeleine covered her face and was silent, unlike the others present, she was the only one who knew Josson's origins.

Since the new hero was personally named by Edgar and stuffed into the group of seven, she naturally attributed this matter to the president's meaning.


What good does this do to Edgar himself

? Why did His Majesty rebel?!

For a while, Madeleine was puzzled.

"You go out first..."

Raising her hand to blast the head of the technical department away, Madeleine said to Ashley, who had just entered the door: "Ashley, just say that the "deep sea" caused suicide, and also, go and find me "Starlight". "

Got it, ma'am, I'm going!"

Ashley was amnestied, almost backing out before the head of technology.

"Take it easy, let me help you deal with this. The

"Motherlander" turned behind Madeleine at some point and gently pressed her shoulder.

"Things haven't gotten to the worst," Madeleine let out a long breath, squeezing a smile out of her face, "Yes, we still have you, thank you, John." "

The "Motherlanders" are indeed one of the few superheroes who have not been affected by this public opinion storm.

Thanks to his strong strength and the god-making plan of the Walt Group, his image in front of the public has always been perfect, and there is almost no evidence of the black material of the stone hammer digging up on the Internet.

The public relations team of the Walt Group seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and a large number of heroic deeds were renovated and released, causing his popular support to rise all the way and become the last fig leaf of the Walt Group.

"You're welcome, Madeleine, I'm the captain of the Group of Seven, leave it to me.

Azu subconsciously straightened his chest, and a strong sense of responsibility surged in his heart.

Watching the "motherlanders" leave the room, a violent sonic boom sounded outside the window.

Madeleine picked up the phone on the table: "Help me pick up Mr. President, thank you... What, he's not there

?" "At this time, where did he go!?"

Manhattan, a coffee shop down the street.

A sharp-eyed middle-aged black man escorted by bodyguards into the coffee shop and came to a window seat.

"Hello, The Flash, I think this should be our first official meeting.

"Hello, Mr. Edgar, you look much kinder than I thought. "

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