Almost at the same time as the crowd rioted, security captain Chris was already running hard.

The thick muscles did not affect his speed, but gave him a good explosive power, looking like a predatory cheetah.

Chris rushed to a load-bearing column, and a sliding shovel passed and hit the security system emergency shutdown device located at the base.

With a "boom", tons of alloy safety doors were driven by electricity and slowly lowered.

The angry crowd finally failed to rush into the Tower of Seven before the security gate fell, and the supervisor on duty breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of the storm of public opinion that was about to start, and suddenly had another headache.

Yes, I have something important to report to you..."

Butcher walked on the streets of Manhattan and was in a very comfortable mood.

A few words added a big blockage to the group of superhuman bastards and the Walt group behind them, how could he not be in a good mood.

"Mr. Butcher, you seem to be in a good mood, want to talk?" Turning

a street corner, Butcher's footsteps stopped at the sound of a young man reading a newspaper behind him.

If you can break your identity in one mouth, you are obviously coming at yourself.

Could it be that the Walt Group found out what happened just now?

Impossible, if the maggots in the dung pit had such efficiency, then their own corpses would have stinked a long time ago.

He subconsciously clenched his fists, turned around with a cold face, and then found that with his height, it seemed that he also needed to raise his head to look directly at the young man's face.

Young and strong, with an Asian face, a good look, seemingly formally trained, and sophisticated beyond his age.

This kid is definitely a ruthless character.

Butcher immediately made a few labels in his heart, but he was unafraid, raised his eyebrows, and walked towards Joson with a scornful smile on his face.

"Hey, boy, I don't know where you got my name, but dare to come to the door alone, I see that your courage is used in the wrong place..."

"I'm not easy to mess with!!" The

powerful heavy hand swing sneak attack was caught by a warm and generous palm, Bucher's face changed slightly, trying to withdraw the pinched right fist.

His eyes became as fierce as the enraged lone wolf: "Superpowered bastard?"

"Do you think that all the people you can't beat are superpowers?"

Johnson gripped Butcher's left hand with slight force, and the latter's face suddenly changed again, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

"It seems that I got it right..." Although Butcher's face turned pale with pain, he continued to smell like a mouth, "Don't think that you can beat your dad with superpowers, dad was back then...

"This is the second reminder," Joson let go of the old rascal's hand and wiped it on his jacket in disgust, "If you don't talk properly, just say goodbye to your teeth."


Butcher, who was sealed by the force field, tried several times, but in the end he still couldn't make a sound, or even open his mouth.

Hearing Jossen's words, he finally nodded breathlessly.

The strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people, and they also have superpowers of the mind type.

This guy's superpower is too strong to beat at all, he can only ...

"I had to find an opportunity to escape.

Joson's voice and Butcher's thoughts sounded almost at the same time, his pupils contracted, and his face became completely gloomy.

Buschert, this guy also has the ability to read minds!

Well, this is a complete calf.

"Okay, less pretending to be tempted in my heart, I'm not interested in the inner performance of a bastard.

Still disgusted, Johnson turned around and beckoned, signaling Butcher to follow.

The corner of the latter's mouth twitched, glanced left and right, saw that there was no one around, and finally crossed his heart and quickly followed.

"Boy, what exactly do you want?"

"Someone asked the same thing just now... What's nice to eat around here?"

Johnson didn't answer his question, but instead looked at the shops along the road with interest like a visitor to New York.

"Don't fool me with pizza or burgers.

Butcher: "..."

There's a Spanish barbecue nearby, and if I have to say, it's pretty good."

Sounds okay, then lead the way.

Josson nodded and motioned for Butcher to go ahead.

Butcher rubbed his teeth in hatred, only hating why he didn't bring a gun with him when he went out today!

Josson and Butcher sat across from each other, and the table in front of them was a large plate full of meat.

Jossen tasted it, and the way to eat the roasted meat with the vegetables between the wraps was not bad, so he dropped the sinking Butcher and ate it himself,

"Don't you eat some?

Joson wiped his hands with a tissue.

"You pay in the end anyway. Butcher

: "... You went to great lengths to find me just so that I could treat you to a meal?"

"Correct, it doesn't take much trouble to find you, after all, your speech under the Tower of Seven is so high-profile.

"I have to say, apart from anything else, you mother is really a natural orator." Seeing

that life was temporarily free, Butcher relaxed, and a mocking smirk once again appeared on his face.

"Thank you for the compliment—should I say that?"

Joson smiled, not caring about his rogue habits, and briefly explained why he had found him.

"I just came to your country and I don't even have a single bill on me, and if you had been tough-mouthed a little longer, I might have gone to find someone else." Butcher

: "... Are you a liar?" Although

Joson said it as if it were true, he didn't believe a word.

Come to the United States without banknotes, could it be that you are an alien and "swoosh" to New York?

"Okay, then back to the question when we first met... What do you want to talk

about?" "I have information about the Walt Group, but since someone doesn't need it, then forget it?"

Well, I admit that at first I had a problem with my attitude, but this is just an occupational disease, please forgive me.

The corners of Butcher's mouth grinned, revealing a nuclear, ugly smile.

"When it comes to intelligence, you've got the right person, and there's no dad in all of New York... Sauri, better than I am.

"Okay, put away your intelligence broker's face." Joson's finger tapped the table, "I know there's an interesting place in New York that superpowers like to frequent, and if you take me over tonight, I have business to do."

Butcherton understood what Johnson was talking about.

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