At this point, the remaining pile of N cards is basically not of much value.

Jossen's gaze swept over one of them.

Take the other fantasy cards back into your library, leaving it alone.

The white card depicts a vulgar and flamboyant star-striped cape, and just one glance at it will make people think that there may be some serious ailment in the head of the person wearing it.

Let the F cub activate the stand-in ability to manifest it, Qiao Sen casually threw it into the toilet.

Saitama this guy often gets the ground wet by washing his hands and vegetables, and this rag is ugly, but the advantage is that the material is thick, and it is used as a rag to the fullest.

In that case, it's better to go to that world in the next world.

Jossen made a decision with his hands behind his head.


"Saitama, where's the rag in the toilet?"

Early that morning, Qiao Sen opened the door of Saitama's room.

₍₍ (̨̡ ̅᷄ᗣ ̅᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎

Saitama yawned, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the sky outside the window: "Qiao Sen, why are you so early today?" "

The rag in the toilet... I think about it, oh! Last night, I had diarrhea and blocked the toilet, and the floor tiles were too dirty, so I threw them overnight. "


"That rag is so big, I cut half of it in advance, do you want to use it?"

"I don't know where you got this cloth from, it was so hard to cut it, I almost cut the only scissors in the house, and in the end, I tore it with my bare hands..."

He made an "OK" gesture and disappeared into thin air.

"No, you can keep it for now."

"I'm going out today, I brought you breakfast on the table, don't forget to eat, I'll go first."

With that, Jossen closed the door.

"Okay, thank you..."

Joe Sen's footsteps disappeared into the living room, a blue light shining between the door and the floor, and Saitama knew that he had used his superpowers to leave.

"You can go wherever you want, and the superpower is really convenient."

Saitama stretched and got up to change into sportswear.

"Qiao Senjun is not here, so what should I do today? Oh, it's decided! After breakfast, run to King to play games! Just complete today's other workouts along the way! "


New York, Walter International Group Headquarters Building.

This is a sacred place in the hearts of superhumans all over the world, and the headquarters of the superhero group "Super Seven" led by "motherland" is located in this building.

Every superpowered person aspires to be selected by the Walter Corporation to be part of the Group of Seven.

Everyone in this superhero team has countless fans, as long as they can join it, fame, status, money, beauty, these things that ordinary people dream of will be at their fingertips.

Because the exterior of the building is designed in the shape of a round tower, the outside world is more accustomed to calling this building the

Super Seven Tower.

At this time, the sky in New York is sunny.

The security personnel in the reception hall on the first floor of the building stand at their respective posts, enjoying the leisure time day after day.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the crowded streets of downtown Manhattan, and basically every once in a while, a coolly dressed blonde girl walks across the street, feasting their eyes on the bored.

It's no wonder that they are so sloppy in their work attitude, this is the Tower of Seven, and the strongest superhumans in the world are in this building.

As direct employees of the Walter Group, they are well aware of the terrifying destructive power hidden beneath the glamorous appearance of the group of superhuman stars they protect.

Even if you are a fool who has no brains, you will not choose to make trouble here.


A blue figure rushed into the hall of the headquarters of the Walter Group like a whirlwind, and the security guard at the door subconsciously pressed the pistol on his waist, but he was blown by the ensuing wind and couldn't open his eyes at all.

It wasn't until the air cleared that they could see who was coming.

It was one of the members of the seven, the fastest black man in the world, "Locomotive".

At this time, the locomotive was covered in blood, as if it had just experienced a major battle.

There was a disgusting smell of fish coming from his body, but everyone present was accustomed to it, and the security guards even stuffed the half-drawn pistol directly back into the holster.

Yes, no fool would dare to make trouble at the headquarters of the Vought Group.

Except for the group of superhuman bastards themselves.

"Hey!" Locomotive", you're still so fast! Where are you here to save the world and come back?

"The latest report hasn't come out yet, oh damn it, you're looking so red with blood!"

"That kid in Shockwave is always openly clamoring to challenge you in media interviews, and I think he's really killing himself!"

Chris the white security captain laughed and greeted the "locomotive", as if he didn't even smell the bloody smell that would make people vomit overnight meals, and stretched out his strong right arm as if he wanted to shake his hand affectionately.

"Oh, Chris, I don't have time to make small talk to you right now."

The "locomotive" looked a little panicked, but fortunately he was a black man, even if his face was pale and bloodless due to nervousness at this time, outsiders could not see it at all.

"Madame Madeleine has arrived, I have something urgent to discuss with her."

Chris was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Vice President Stepwell arrived early today, and you should be able to find her in the office if you go up now." "

Thanks, brother, when I settle the at hand, I'll invite you to drink!"

"Locomotive" said, the thick leg muscles tensed and exploded, and the next second it exploded at a super speed beyond the visual capture of ordinary people.

The people in the hall only saw that the door of the safe passage was rudely broken open, and there was a loud "bang" when returning to the position!

There was no longer a "locomotive" in the same place, only the blood-colored footprints that stretched from the door to the safe passage, and the distance was gradually lengthened.

Security Captain Chris calmly wiped away the blood splashed on his face, the enthusiasm on his face cooled, and waved his hand to call a security guard from behind him.

"Mr. Paul, you're new here, aren't you?"

The young security guard named Paul was half a head taller than Chris, who was 1.85 meters taller, but at this time he obediently lowered his head and listened: "Yes, captain."

Cris, with his beard, grabbed Paul by the collar, pulled him closer to him, and whispered in a low, fierce voice in his ear.

"Then please contact the cleaning department as quickly as possible, and wipe all the poop footprints stepped on by that idiot brother-in-law with them."

"Now, right now!"

"Uh... Yes, Captain! I think I get it! "

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