"Harm, what other videos are you searching?"

The "mechanical superpower" who overused his superpowers sat down on the ground with his hands on the ground, heard the conversation of the crowd, and stretched out his hand to point forward.

"Isn't it just a live broadcast in front of you? You can find a high vantage point and enjoy it! "

Oh? That's right!

"Strange how you suddenly became smart at this time! Superpower kid? "

“...... Get out! As a super hero, I was originally a genius among my peers... Hey? The

"mechanical superpower", who was struggling to refute, found that his voice and body trembled together, and his face changed.

"What's going on! Was there an earthquake? "

The other heroes also sensed something was wrong at this time.

"The ground... The ground does seem to be shaking! "

Boom, boom, boom!

Just when everyone panicked and hesitated to retreat a little farther away, a huge stone wall that covered the sky and the sun rose from the ground, instantly exceeding a hundred meters high, and the gap between them was completely closed, completely surrounding the garden square where the giant plant monster was located.

Finely debris spilled along the high wall and then blown away by the air currents from above.

The heroes present watched the miracle in front of them suddenly descend on the stone wall, and collectively fell silent, and the sound of swallowing echoed in the air.

A huge shadow hung over the heads of the heroes, and they had to tilt their heads to the top to barely see the huge rock wall that reached into the sky, and there seemed to be a row of giant statues with different expressions...

Dog head?


What is that?

( ́◔‸◔')

The heroes were confused, and then came to a conclusion.

It's worthy of being S-class, and even the fetish of bad taste is so top-notch!

"Alright," the "Wild Siren" in steel armor spread his hands and said a fact that was ignored by everyone, "Now, the live broadcast is completely out of sight." "


Earth Escape, Earth Flow Wall"!

Jossen withdrew his hands that were straight into the ground, and the shaking earth stopped.

Looking at the giant stone wall that encloses the sky into a wellhead, I finally understand why Madara and Pillar always like to play big as an adult.

Because it's really....

Thai pants are spicy!!

The vines that were still wreaking havoc a moment ago sensed that something was wrong, they were all obstacles that suddenly appeared, and they were not capped at the bottom or at the top, like an enchantment blocking its footsteps in expanding its territory.




The mace-like spiky vines whipped angrily against the stone wall in front of them, but the giant creature made by the thousand-calorie Earth Escape Chakra only stood there, and the seemingly terrifying power of the vines was completely unshakable.

Qiao Sen skillfully used the technique of force field construction on the earth flow wall, except for the dog head of faith, the overall hardness far exceeded that of steel.

The continuous whipping fell only a layer of mud, and the towering wall stood still, as if to say-

-weak force, rice?

On this day, the giant plant monster feels the fear of being dominated by the earth flow wall.

"If you destroy the city like this, even the rarer plants won't be able to keep you."

The magnetic field in Qiao Sen's hand rotated, and a pitch-black ball of light with its own light wheel was born in the palm of his hand.

Arcs of electricity of the same hue pulsed around the black ball, the space where it passed was disordered and distorted, the ground that had turned into ruins shook for no reason, and the broken steel was pulled by the huge gravitational pull, while making a piercing "creaking" sound pointed at Qiao Sen.

The invisible telekinetic force field blocked the ruins, like the calm before the storm, and suppressed the remains of the buildings preparing for the riot in place!

To be precise, it was the black ball in his hand.

"Ninja Method, Magnetic Escape, Super, Earth Explosion Star"!

"Feel the pain of the city! Supa. Seven or eight heavenly plugs!!

At this time, he naturally couldn't rub the real black hole by hand, but there was no problem at all in imitating the moves of the eye of reincarnation to rub out a force field core with super gravity after extreme compression.

Suddenly, the simulated black hole created by the magnetic field rose into the sky, and as the telekinetic power controlling the field was all withdrawn, the force that suppressed the gravitational force suddenly dissipated.

Suddenly, the ruins of the city that had lost their shackles let out a deafening roar, and scrap iron, steel, and even all the construction garbage rushed towards the black ball without hesitation, even if it was crushed and swallowed by the superweight gravity the moment it got close, completely losing the trace of existence!

Buildings, foundations, and even dirt and rocks rise into the air, and the simulated black hole in the sky has no time to digest, and the decomposed material wraps around the core to form an expanding circular sphere.

For a time, the sunlight in the "patio" was gradually blocked by this new "moon", and darkness gradually descended.

Deep underground, the body of the giant plant monster is lifted upwards little by little by the inverted gravity, and the strange man who feels bad desperately grows roots and tries to lock the earth beneath his feet.

However, in a wave of frightened wails, the Earthburst Celestial Star, which even the Nine-Tails could seal, absorbed enough underground material to uproot the roots of a huge plant with a human face!

The plant freak's face opened wide and let out a high-frequency scream that pierced the eardrum!

Stranger, "100,000-year-old clematium", Disaster Level: Dragon!!

The earth is swallowed up by the gravitational pull of the black hole, and Jossen floats in the air again.

In the crackling sound of the air, the vines dancing in the air were consciously pumping towards him, obviously each one was more than ten meters in diameter, but the speed of the whipping was extremely fast!

A dazzling golden sword light swept out, and the dancing vines stood still for 0.1 seconds, and the next moment Qi Root broke, and the huge port flowed with hot sap like molten iron, leaving only a bare root plant monster and suddenly let out an even more miserable howl.

"Gamma Ray Knife"!

The high-energy particles burst out in an instant, slashing into an instantaneous heat close to the interior of the sun, and the hot knife sliced through the steely vines like butter.

The flame that exploded before couldn't hurt it in the slightest, not because it was immune to flames, but because the temperature at which the ordinary flames burned failed to break the defense!

In just a moment, the strange man's body was torn apart by gravity, and he completely disappeared into the "moon".

A dazzling ring wrapped in space-time energy appeared in each of Josen's hands, and his fists struck together, creating a flawless Möbius ring from the space-time ability of "Blast"!

The surrounding space-time energy vibrate, and Qiao Sen did not hesitate to point into a knife, and the right hand wrapped around the space-time energy slashed down.

Time and space were broken, and a giant extradimensional portal to the unknown was opened, and behind the door was connected to a deep cosmic sea of stars, and under the light of countless stars, the earth under his feet seemed extremely small.

Because he disliked that the portal was too small, Qiao Sen's hands once again burst out with space-time energy.

The portal that had just opened was like a zipper of his clothes that he had torn open with his bare hands, and it didn't stop expanding until it could hold the newborn "moon".

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