From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 95 The business in another world begins

In a certain world, in a closed library that really has no light.

A bright light suddenly lit up, shining on a tall woman who was curled up with her legs tightly hugged.

The woman narrowed her dim eyes, as if she still couldn't adapt to the light in the darkness.

However, as the memory from the projection emerged in my mind.

Her eyes opened wider and wider.

The pair of lavender gems once again showed their beauty.

"New friends?"

A gentle, faintly choked laughter sounded in this dead space.

On the other side, Shen Fei was also smiling.

"He is indeed an interesting person, but what is even more powerful is his ability." He chuckled and walked out of the training building easily.

The harvest this time is indeed not small.

Of course, it doesn't mean becoming friends with a powerful projection from another world.

Rather, it refers to gains in time ability.

He finally knew why he had never been able to get started before.

Unlike the precision required by space, time, in Nia's words, is more like a literary thing.

What is needed is abstract understanding and a kind of perceptual cognition.

From this point of view, the direction Shen Fei chose before was wrong.

He has been trying to understand time concretely, rather than feel it.

But to talk about specific results

In an instant, Shen Fei arrived in front of the Research Institute and stretched out his hand.

After a moment, the air in front of him seemed to be slightly distorted.

Shen Fei took a breath with some difficulty.

But he soon smiled.


He successfully added a layer of time acceleration zone to the scientific research building!

The time acceleration area on the neighboring building not far away is still retained!

Although the time acceleration ratio has not changed much, and has even slightly decreased, the ability to separate two time acceleration areas in different areas has been something that was not possible in the past.

This is what Shen Fei achieved after he initially sensed time and was able to guide it.

"Unfortunately, this should be the limit." Shen Fei stretched out his hand again, and a small time distortion area appeared in his palm. "The rest of it is so small that it can only be used to cultivate spiritual seeds."

Distorting time in an area, even though it only distorts this small area, uses the power of the entire small world.

What determines its efficiency and area is nothing else but the power level of the small world.

Until Shen Fei masters more power to influence time on his own, it can only grow stronger as the small world grows.

The result at this moment is that Shen Fei's control over this power has been enhanced and he can use it more efficiently and flexibly.

But even so.

The results are still real.

"Tingyu will be very happy when she finds out." Shen Fei looked around, but did not find Li Tingyu's figure.

Instead, I saw a maid in a gray maid uniform cleaning near the front yard of the villa.

"Where's Tingyu?" Shen Fei's figure appeared in front of the maid.

"Return to the master." The maid immediately stopped her movements and saluted respectfully, "Ms. Li has left the small world with the main body. She plans to teach the main body to deal with external work."

"You call that butler image your true body. Do you think you don't think you are A-22?" Shen Fei was a little surprised.

"Master, although I am a clone of the main body, I have my own independent simulated personality." The maid's face showed a little anxiety. "If the master is not satisfied with my personality, he can only wait until the main body comes back." Reshape and modify.”

".I see." Shen Fei stared at the maid for a while, seeming to understand.

These separated bodies can be regarded as truly independent intelligent AI robots.

Words, deeds, character, logic.

They are all independent.

Wait, Shen Fei suddenly seemed to realize something.

The A-22's system information states that nanorobot technology actually comes from mysterious alien substances. However, what was later taken away and used in the military field was nanorobot technology, not mysterious alien substances. If we make a bold guess, Could it be that all the nano-units used in the military field are clones of the A-22?

In this case, a certain explanation can be given to Notes 1 and 2.

Therefore, if this speculation is true, then the A-22 might have the military potential to destroy the world and destroy civilization.

Shen Fei couldn't help but feel impulsive for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

Because he quickly realized that the world was different.

The power that can destroy a technological civilization may not be able to destroy Li Tingyu's past world of immortality, let alone the extraordinary interstellar world where the citizens live. If it is used in the military field because of this military potential, it will not only violate A- 22 One's own will may not have a powerful effect.

"This is probably what A-22 is worried about."

Shen Fei thought in his heart that although it was just a guess, he felt that they should be inseparable.

Looking back at the maid in front of her who seemed a little nervous, she couldn't help but smile.

"Can you cook?"

"Go back to the master." The maid smiled suddenly, "In my memory program, I have mastered the methods of 17,475 different dishes, and I also have the calculation ability to freely combine new dishes. Whatever delicacy the master wants to taste, I can make it for him.”

"Then prepare me a richer lunch. The ingredients are in the refrigerator and can be used in the kitchen." Shen Fei laughed, "I have only eaten some fruit bread for the past four or five days."

"I follow your will!" the maid saluted respectfully.

So, Shen Fei left the villa with great expectations.

Came to the combat area again.

Just as he stepped in, he smelled the strong smell of blood, coming from the space door in front of him.

When Shen Fei walked out, the first thing he saw was a simple fortress.

The seven-eight-meter-high earthen wall completely surrounded the space door in the middle, and the roar of the sheep-headed monster kept ringing outside. The corpses had piled up like a mountain. There were sixteen third-level citizens on all sides, resisting. The goat-headed monster attacked one after another.

Vallie, on the other hand, stood on the wall, constantly giving orders and releasing the halo magic.

"What's the result?" Shen Fei also jumped onto the wall.

Outside, his ability to use space is not as convenient as in the small world.

It still requires some brewing.

So when it’s time to walk and jump, you still have to walk and jump.

"Return to the Lord." Vallie had actually noticed Shen Fei's arrival, but even at this time, she did not stop releasing the magic. "Please forgive me for not being able to salute. During these twelve hours, A total of five people have been promoted to level four here."

"Five? Not bad." Shen Fei praised.

The people here are all the citizens who have not been able to advance to the fourth level in the training building.

But it can be promoted in battle.

In this location, there happens to be a steady stream of level three wild monsters, as well as the occasional level four wild monsters, which can put just the right amount of pressure on the people.

Now, he should have almost forty-five or forty-six people.

Before I knew it, four days had passed since the world event.

"You go on, I'm here to extract." Shen Fei said.

"Yes!" Vallie continued to direct.

And Shen Fei started the extraction.

However, he soon realized something was wrong.

"The flesh and blood is okay, but the number of soul crystals and source crystals has been greatly reduced." Shen Fei looked at the resources that kept falling and the feedback from his body, and he understood in his heart, "I'm afraid it's because the corpses have been piled up for too long. , Sure enough, the soul will also dissipate, and the extraordinary power will also dissipate. Even the flesh and blood will probably be greatly reduced if the time is longer. It is indeed impossible for the lord to advance in the rear area, and he must go to the front line battlefield. Go up."

In this case, the option of directly trading wild monster corpses to ordinary lords can be erased.

However, if they can be captured alive, there is still a possibility of trading.

It's just more troublesome and has certain dangers.

After Shen Fei extracted all the corpses, he said hello to Valerie and returned to the small world.

Naturally, someone took the remaining bones back after extraction.

Needless to say, trophies such as armor and weapons, the remaining flesh and blood can be used as fertilizer even if it is not used as food.

Shen Fei had no sympathy for these sheep-headed men who had turned into monsters.

At this time, Li Tingyu also returned from outside.

"My lord." There was a smile on her face, and she seemed to be in a happy mood, "I finally have time to deal with the things that have accumulated in the territory."

"How is the performance of the A-22?" Shen Fei asked.

"It's very experienced. I just gave it some basic information, and it can continue on its own. And after it reaches level three, it can be divided into up to six people. At this rate, in another twenty hours, we will be able to The influence spreads throughout the region and spreads to all lords," Li Tingyu said immediately, "In addition, the resources needed to build the first lord city are enough."

"Oh?" Shen Fei's eyes lit up, "Where's the address?"

"It has been selected. An underground river was found not far from the boundary line of the second layer of gray fog. The trees are quite dense and can be used as a natural shield." Li Tingyu finished processing everything, "In addition, All formal members of the alliance have been selected. Apart from the forty-three members of the alliance, there are seven others who have not been invited to join the group but have outstanding abilities."

"Okay!" Shen Fei clenched his fist, "Tell me all the people, I will allow them to join the alliance, and then build the city!"

For Shen Fei, the development and strength in the territory are all due to his own private power and private wealth.

However, the development and strength of the alliance represented a step towards his career in the outside world.

It's like the relationship between personal wealth and the company he manages.

Use personal wealth to leverage and control greater company rights, status, and wealth, and then use the company to obtain greater personal wealth. They complement each other. Both are forces in your hands.

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