From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 84 New Understanding of Psychic Power

With Shen Yi's explanation, Shen Fei gradually understood the situation.

According to the content of the meditation project, psychic energy is a mysterious force that is everywhere but has no specific characteristics. In the extraordinary system of the extraordinary interstellar world, it is even considered to be the concept of all power itself.

The reason why after initially mastering psychic powers is to show a kind of strengthening of the body, and even a general method of "attachment", is because the specially designed genes of the citizens have combined this most basic The application is engraved into the instinct.

But this is not a characteristic of psionics.

As cognition begins to differ, the number of psychic powers begins to expand, instinct is suppressed by cognition and rationality, and everyone's understanding of psychic powers will be biased.

Diversity emerges from this.

"My understanding of spiritual energy is still the strengthening of the body." Shen Yi said, "General Li San told me that only purity can reach the extreme."

"Oh?" Shen Fei became more and more interested when he heard that it was Li San who taught him, "Let me demonstrate."

"Yes!" Shen Yi took a slow breath, clenched his fists, and put them into his waist little by little.

During this process, Shen Fei could clearly feel that his muscles were solidifying, and spiritual energy was gathering in his muscles and bones, and then compressed and compressed again.


With one punch, there was a roar like a bomb explosion, and the air waves rolled and were deafening!

Right in front of Shen Yi, a huge fist shadow like a solid white mist suddenly appeared!

That's air compressed to the point where it's visible to the naked eye!

Shen Fei had no doubt that this punch could easily smash the head of a level 3 sheep-headed man into mincemeat. Even a level 4 sheep-headed man might not be able to withstand it.

"Sure enough, it is pure and ultimate power." Shen Fei raised his hand and touched it gently. The howling wind calmed down in an instant. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, maybe I can ask Tingyu to make a fist for you." As a weapon, it’s a reward for you.”

"Your recognition is our highest honor." Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and saluted respectfully.

What he didn't say was that before General Li San's answer, the question he asked was - how can I be more powerful than you.

As the first subject of the lord, Shen Yi clearly understood the gap between himself and the heroes.

He acknowledged this gap, but he did not want to accept this reality.

In his opinion, the heroes each have their own demands, but he and all the people have only one request - everything is for the lord! For loyalty!

It is this difference that makes Shen Yi determined to surpass the hero and become the strongest power controlled by the lord!

Therefore, he got this answer from Li San.

And, deeply recognized this.

Strength should also be the same as loyalty.

Only by being pure can we achieve the ultimate.

"I'm looking forward to your future." Shen Fei didn't know Shen Yi's heart, but he still recognized Shen Yi's potential.

Not to mention anything else, just his rating, which is much higher than other people in the territory, is enough to tell a lot.

Shen Fei looked at his four subjects again.

Later, he gained a new understanding of the power of psychic energy.

Among the remaining four fourth-level citizens, two are women. One of them uses psychic energy into the spirit of nothingness, so she can influence, interfere with, and control the will of other living beings. Shen Fei also deliberately caught There was a level three boss trapped in a small world. As a result, the leader easily controlled the boss and could even order the boss to attack his own people.

"I can feel its chaos." This citizen said, "It has lost its mind, but it retains a certain understanding. The clearest among them is the persistence of the lair area and the non-grey mist. The biological attack instructions, Lord, the gray mist itself should also have the ability to control consciousness. "

"Yes, I understand." Shen Fei's expression was a little solemn.

In fact, he had already guessed that the gray mist was not a native product of this world, but had a certain relationship with the lord system.

Now, there seems to be another piece of evidence for this speculation.

Besides the lord system, who else has the need to issue instructions such as "hold on to the nest" and "attack non-grey mist creatures".

Perhaps, in the setting of the lord system, the existence of gray mist itself is to provide trials and resources to the lords.

However, even with this speculation, he couldn't do anything now, he just looked at the other citizens.

Another woman's use of psychic energy was transformed into shock waves visible to the naked eye.

He just extended his fist, and a blue shock wave shot out nearly a hundred meters and still shattered a boulder. The power was considerable. This scene reminded Shen Fei of a character in a certain movie - Captain Marvel.

"Yes, Vallie should be very happy." Shen Fei praised.

"If it is attached to a bow, arrow, or javelin, it should be more powerful." Vallie also smiled.

She had previously proposed the idea of ​​"long-range arms" to Shen Fei, and she thought it would not be realized so soon. Unexpectedly, there was a surprise now.

The other two male subjects are also different.

One can distribute psychic energy on weapons and freely control it within a certain distance. It is a bit like telepathy, and also a bit like an upgraded version of attachment. Although the power is not as strong as holding it in the hand, it is more flexible and changeable. The last one seems to admire Shen Fei's strength in battle. The psychic energy in his body turns into blue lightning. When attached to the weapon, it has a paralyzing effect and can directly attack the inside from the wound.

This is the power of these five fourth-level people.

From the body to the spirit, from control to energy.

The five fourth-level people in front of them are indeed on different paths.

But the same thing is that they are all so powerful!

Shen Fei originally envied the diversity of super-powered humans that Fang Pingping had, but now, his people are even stronger in this regard!

This kind of strength brings him greater confidence.

"With such power, five level 4 citizens should be enough for us to advance deeper into the gray fog!" Shen Fei said to everyone, "For the rest who have not yet been promoted, don't be discouraged. I don't doubt that you can find your own way. Promotion may be in the next moment. Now, put on your armor, pick up your weapons, and get ready to go!"


With Shen Fei's order, the ten citizens, including the three level 3 citizens who came out in the past few hours, all put on their armor, took their weapons, and stood together majestically.

During this period, Li Tingyu refined some different weapons according to Willie's needs.

Shield, spear, longbow, javelin.

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