From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 78 Shen Fei upgrades again

However, Shen Fei did not pay attention to the ranking at this time.

He has divided the eight citizens in his hand into two teams to advance in turn, so he can continue to extract.

Although the quantity extracted each time is actually not too much, it cannot be sustained.

These seven or eight hours were undoubtedly an extremely relaxing time for Shen Fei.

Because he keeps getting stronger!

Different from extracting a large number of wild monsters in one breath before, this feeling of long and thin water allows him to clearly feel his own strengthening.

The body becomes lighter, the mind becomes clearer, and the extraordinary power in the body feels faintly surging.

He has been promoted to level four!

"If there was a lord ranking, I should be able to shock a group of people." Shen Fei thought this way.

However, his combat experience is still a bit lacking. Even though he is much stronger, he does not dare to swing his sword forward like Valerie and the citizens. Instead, he just waves the Erudite Staff and continuously releases thunder and lightning from behind. , frozen.

The momentum is quite frightening.

That's enough.

Shen Fei knew very well that he did not need to force his personal combat experience. Since he was a lord, acting like a lord, even if it was occasionally necessary to take action, would mainly serve as a final word and a deterrent to others.

If you always take action personally, or even fight for 300 rounds, then even if you win, the price will be somewhat reduced.

However, as he continued to move forward, Shen Fei could clearly feel that the wild monsters coming up began to become more powerful.

This is true both in terms of strength and quantity.

Although they are all sheep-headed people, third-level mini-boss-level sheep-headed people have begun to appear. These big guys are three meters tall and can even spray seven or eight meters of hot flames from their mouths and noses. During the first contact, one of the subjects even suffered some burns, and the advancement speed also began to slow down.

Shen Fei glanced at the map.

The second concentration area marked on the ruins map has only advanced by one-third.

Naturally, Shen Fei was not walking casually without any purpose. He always had a core direction, which was the center of the first gray fog concentration marked on the map.

The ruins map divides the concentration of the gray fog into three parts with different shades of color. The center is the thickest, the area is smaller, and the color becomes lighter as you go outside. On the third floor, it is the novice area where the lords stay, and the entire There are seven or eight "gray fog centers" like this on this map, and Shen Fei even suspected that some of them belonged to other areas.

But there is no doubt that there must be something special in the center of the gray fog!

Because this sense of hierarchy is too obvious.

But whether it is the source of the gray fog or something else, the closer you get there, the higher the concentration of the gray fog will be, the more wild monsters will be there and the stronger they will be!

Finally, when he realized that the number of level three wild monsters accounted for nearly one-third of the surrounding wild monsters, Shen Fei could only stop.

"Retreat first, rest and heal your injuries." He ordered.

After leaving a coordinate stone, everyone returned to the small world.

"My lord." Vallie walked up to Shen Fei, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to advance. If it weren't for the defense tower and the power of the shadow, the people might have died."

"Indeed..." Shen Fei also nodded in agreement.

Even Valerie had some burns on her body, and her straight blond hair was a little dry and even burnt, and the blood stained on her body could hardly show the original appearance of the silver-white armor.

This is true for all heroes, not to mention the citizens.

One of the people in the territory was surrounded by flames and was sprayed with flames. Although he was protected by psychic energy, he still suffered extensive burns.

That is to say, the people of the land are strong-willed. If it were the lords who had just traveled through time, such an injury would have caused tears of pain.

"I still lack some strength, and I underestimated the situation deep in the gray mist." Shen Fei suddenly asked, "Vallie, judging from this situation, what do you need to kill the level five wild monsters?" What kind of configuration?”

"At least a certain number of level 4 subjects are needed." Vallie had obviously thought about it for a long time and answered very fluently. "With the current combat power of the subjects, it will be difficult to advance once the number of level 3 wild monsters is too large. In addition, The layout of the people is too simple, they are all swordsmen. My lord, I wonder if we can make some classifications, not to mention long-range ones, maybe we can separate some spearmen, shield hands."

The battle at this time actually looked very rough to the general Weierli.

She could only arrange some simple formations based on the lineup of four swordsmen.

But if the number of arms increases.

Spear, shield, crossbow.

Cold weapons also have cold weapon gameplay, and there are different ways to deal with different situations. At least in this kind of battle where the main purpose is to advance in a circle surrounded by wild monsters, it is obviously impossible to maximize the combat power with only a long knife.

Shen Fei was also aware of this problem, but he threw it out simply.

"You are an expert in these matters. Go discuss it with Tingyu and Li San. I only want to see the results."

"Yes!" Vallie was obviously eager to give it a try.

She had long wanted to ask General Li San for advice.

"Then let's rest for a while."

Since his current strength was not enough to advance to the boss, Shen Fei simply gave up his plan to kill the boss in a short time. As soon as he relaxed, he suddenly felt tired.

After all, he first went through twelve hours of efficient learning, and then reorganized the surrounding lords, and then rushed to the second layer of the gray fog without stopping, and then went through the ten hours of battle.

During this period, it can be said that there was no rest at all, and he only drank some Wanyao Lingshui.

Even if he could still hold on physically, he was a little tired mentally.

"I'm going to rest for a while. By the way, you and the people have not rested for a long time. You should also pay attention to this aspect. Wanyao Lingshui cannot be used completely as a physical potion." Shen Fei instructed.

"Yes, I understand." Wei Li nodded.

In fact, Li Tingyu has also arranged rest time for everyone.

It's not that she is worried that the people can't hold on.

Interstellar extraordinary warriors naturally need to rest, but they can regulate their nerves and monitor their physical condition independently, and only a short rest time is enough to recover.

Li Tingyu is more concerned about the consumption of Wanyao Lingshui.

As the number of people in the territory gradually increased, the supply of first-level Wanyao Lingshui was still sufficient, but it was obviously not time to use it at will, so more of it had to be used in training.

With Li Tingyu around, Shen Fei did save a lot of trouble.

He had returned to the lord's mansion at this moment and habitually checked the channel.

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