From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 70 Disposal of Excess Resources

Shen Fei seemed to know why Li Tingyu returned to the small world at this time.

It turns out that the time has been calculated.

However, although he had predicted that even if an alliance was established and order was established, there would inevitably be people who would take risks for the sake of profit, but the speed at which this occurred was still beyond Shen Fei's expectation.

This is because they don't take themselves and the Dark Night Alliance seriously at all.

"Tingyu, what do you think?" Shen Fei asked.

"If we can confirm the evidence, we will naturally establish our authority." Li Tingyu said without hesitation, "There can be no mercy."

"Can you find any evidence?" Shen Fei asked again.

After all, according to what Li Tingyu said before, the only evidence that is available is the attempted murder. Although it is not the first case, it is only a guess.

However, Li Tingyu acted very relaxed.

"If you are strong, it may be a little difficult, but for a lord like this who has not upgraded, you can tell whether he has killed someone with just one glance, and with a very simple spell, you can control him to say everything."

Also, it is impossible for the immortal cultivators in Li Tingyu's hometown not to be proficient in spells such as divine souls.

"In this case, we need to call more people." Shen Fei thought for a while and then ordered, "In this way, notify the lords who can be notified, gather together, and choose the place where the wild monster lair you left for me is located. , hold a public trial and execution, and then use these people’s mouths to publicize this matter on the channel. It just so happens that we also need to strengthen the management of the surrounding area. "

In fact, I want to make this a typical example.

It’s not just about establishing prestige.

It also wanted to publicize his investigative abilities.

It is to let the lords know that in this world with extraordinary power, as long as you dare to do it, he can easily find evidence.

"Yes, but it takes a certain amount of time." Li Tingyu said, "Now that we have the coordinate stone, the master's time can be saved. I suggest that the master can use this time to gather more wild monsters to stay. Spare in a small world.”

"Okay." Shen Fei nodded.

The hanging effect of the coordinate stone is highlighted in this place.

Allowing him to arrange many things calmly.

Otherwise, the most he can do this time is an order to verify the facts and then execute them on the spot. There is no need to go there in person, which will waste a lot of time.

After making the decision, Shen Fei and Li Tingyu also got busy.

There are a total of thirteen citizens who are not in the training base, all of which are at level three, and even have the ability to independently defeat the original Spider Queen. The improvement in strength is not unpleasant. Shen Fei assigned eight people to Li Tingyu. , and then ordered Li San to assist her, while she went alone with the shadow, and then ordered the remaining five people to take the coordinate stones and rush to different wild monster lairs.

If he hadn't considered leaving some wild monsters for the other lords, he alone could have eliminated all the wild monsters in the nearby novice area in at most one day!

The King of Hunting?

Besides him, who else could be worthy of this title?

"In the games we played before, the Kryptonians who were not short of money didn't have this kind of advantage." Shen Fei thought to himself, feeling good.

In his previous life, he had never played a game since he got rich in the small world. Without him, no matter how much money was made in the game, or even cheating, there would be no more exciting cheating in reality.

However, after seeing more and more territorial buildings, and even seeing powerful men from different worlds one after another, Shen Fei gradually realized that what he had to face was probably an extremely huge world view. , the current foundation is still far from enough.

The road ahead cannot be relaxed just because of temporary advantages.

In this way, after about four or five hours, the roar of wild monsters sounded again in the territory.

Although a lot of time was saved on the road, Shen Fei still had to waste a lot of effort to introduce most of the wild monsters into the small world with only a small number of manpower.

Of course, the harvest is equally gratifying.

There are currently six groups of wild monsters trapped in the small world, and there is also a fourth-level boss among them. If you put it in the novice area, it will be a big boss who will not take any punishment. This group of wild monsters alone can help him. Provide at least a thousand source crystals!

I have to admit that this mobile coordinate hang-up was really timely.

Otherwise, the number of source crystals required for training alone would be too much.

However, Shen Fei looked at the other two resources besides Source Crystal, which had accumulated a very large amount in the small world so far.

Compared with the high consumption of source crystals, soul crystals and flesh and blood can currently only be used for the production of the citizens, and at the rate of use of the buildings of the citizens, they cannot be used up at all.

As a by-product of obtaining source crystals, production has become completely overproduced.

Then, it seems that part of it can be used to trade with ordinary lords who have difficulty dealing with extraordinary wild monsters, in exchange for resources that require a large amount of collection, such as wood, stone, and a large amount of fertile land needed to upgrade the buildings in the planting area.

"This time gathering the surrounding lords seems to be an opportunity to try." Shen Fei thought in his heart.

He has always regarded ordinary lords and ordinary citizens as a huge amount of cheap labor.

After all, in the extraordinary world, those ordinary humans and ordinary races do have no military value.

Even if the equipment keeps up, higher-level citizens can also match it with more powerful equipment.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly of great benefit to him to exchange his severely surplus resources for these cheap labor forces.

It can save him a lot of time and energy.

Shen Fei already had a rough plan in mind.

It was at this time that he suddenly felt that another coordinate stone was crushed.

"Tingyu, are you ready?" Shen Fei expanded the space door in the coordinate stone and stepped out.

The first time he saw Li Tingyu standing respectfully in front of the space door, he looked around and found that it seemed to be a large natural cave. The air was filled with a bloody smell of rust, and there were many wild monsters lying on the ground. The carcass looked like a mutated brown bear.

After Shen Fei walked out, he saw for the first time a huge brown bear that was seven or eight meters tall.

Even if he is dead, he is still shocked.

This can be seen just from the pale faces of the lords.

The moment Shen Fei walked out, everyone's eyes subconsciously focused on him.

The lords and their respective subjects had hundreds of looks!

If he were an ordinary person, he might feel a little uncomfortable if so many eyes were suddenly focused on him, but for Shen Fei, this was naturally just a small scene.

He just stood in front of the entrance of the cave, holding the scepter of knowledge in his hand, and his calm eyes slowly swept over everyone.

Although his gaze was not sharp, everyone he looked at couldn't help but lower their heads and look away.

He didn't dare to look at Shen Fei.

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