"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Bibi Dong joined the soul beast side, although it wouldn't completely change the miserable situation that the soul beast clan was about to perish, but it temporarily stabilized the situation.

Especially as soon as Bibi Dong appeared, the two powerful Dou Emperors who killed the enemy in the blink of an eye, were once again intimidated by the two who had just breathed a sigh of relief and made a comeback, intending to destroy the Dou Emperor allied army of the Soul Beast clan in one go.

Seeing that the woman who claimed to be Dongfang Bai was sincerely helping her, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked again about Ye Han's whereabouts.

After a little hesitation, Bibi Dong told Zhu Zhuqing the general direction where he would see Ye Han and where he was going.

The strength of Jiuxing Dousheng may be strong in other places, but in the overseas battlefield where spirit beasts live, it is of little use. With the consent of Tang Yuehua and others, Zhu Zhuqing left here again and embarked on the road to find Ye Han.

"Teacher has encountered something and can't come." Xiao Xun'er received the news from Bibi Dong's dispatcher, her expression changed suddenly, and finally turned into a wry smile.

When the teacher left, Xiao Xun'er was caught off guard, but it wasn't enough to blame.

After all, everyone has their own things to do. The teacher has been able to accompany her for more than ten years without any complaints. She has done enough, and she can't force more.

"Where did that **** go? Haven't you found the slightest clue?" Xiao Xun'er looked at Liu Erlong and the others, a little reluctantly.

Several people smiled wryly and shook their heads.

Then the atmosphere suddenly became silent. Fairy Qing looked at the people around her and said, "What's wrong with the little doctor? Why is there no news?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became more depressed.

"I just started looking from the direction where Xiaoyixian disappeared. I don't believe it. I really can't find any trace of him." Xiao Xun'er gritted her teeth and said indignantly.

Then, several nine-star fighting saints directly killed Sanqing City.

"I feel a bit familiar with the buildings here." Liu Erlong looked at the skyscrapers in the city, the clean, tidy, smooth and clear reflective glass, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

The architectural style here seems to be almost exactly the same as those of the new era buildings that appeared in the later stage of the Douluo Continent after the unification of the continent.

"This is?" After seeing the trademark of the Santing Group, Liu Erlong was refreshed and finally understood the reason why these things appeared in the Dou Qi Continent.

They also came.

Qingqian, Qingwu, Qingxuan, how could Liu Erlong not know these three girls? The reason why the Spirit Empire was able to win the final victory was also closely related to the appearance of these three girls.

During the battle at Jialing Pass that year, if it wasn't for their sudden appearance, I'm afraid there would not have been the Spirit Empire that followed.

It is said that these three girls are the daughters of that person, but I don't know if the news is true or not?

Liu Erlong told Xiao Xun'er and the others what he knew, which made their eyes light up slightly, and the somewhat depressed atmosphere suddenly became high.

It was a dark and windy night, and a few people sneaked into the building of the Sanqing Group. Unfortunately, before they could take any further action, all the alarms of the Sanqing Group were sounded, and then a few people pulled the brakes and were directly attacked. around.

Several nine-star Dousheng powerhouses joined forces, and the Sanqing Group's defense measures were directly filled, and the highest alert measures were activated.

The high-energy anti-particle enrichment cannons appeared one after another, and the muzzles of the black holes were directly aimed at the few people who came with malicious intentions. The energy of heaven and earth in this space is lost, and the enemy loses the ability to open up time and space tunnels.

Xiao Xun'er was stunned. Looking at everything in front of her, she felt a huge pressure. Most of the others did the same.

"Clap clap clap!~"

Several people were like a great enemy, but they did not dare to act rashly. At this moment, a crisp footstep sounded.

"What happened recently? Why is there always someone sneaking into my Sanqing Group headquarters, yo! I'm darling, this time is really amazing, there are so many beautiful women, eh! Why are you so familiar?"

Wearing a white T-shirt on the upper body, a pair of denim trousers on the lower body, and knee-length boots, the crystal white hair hangs down from the waist, and the youthful and fashionable Qingwu strides forward. turned into surprise.

"She is, Liu Erlong from Douluo Continent." Another voice sounded. Qing Xuan, dressed in black, with black hair and a shawl, slowly appeared.

"That's right, it's indeed her." With a hint of certainty in his soft voice, the slow-witted boss appeared calmly and unhurriedly.

The eyes of the three fell on Liu Erlong for the first time and recognized her identity.

Liu Erlong knew the three girls because the three girls were very famous, and they were the undisputed high-level figures in the Spirit Empire, but the three girls knew Liu Erlong because of her special status. He is also a rival in love with Bibi Dong.

"Sure enough, the three of you." Liu Erlong looked at the three girls and sighed lightly.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I would still meet another acquaintance on the Douba Continent, but you brought them here today, and you probably didn't come to us to reminisce about the past. What is your purpose?" Qing Shallow road.

"Are you Ye Han's daughters?" Xuanyi was hot-tempered, and when she saw the girl's straight-to-the-point appearance, she said directly.

"Looking for my father?" Qingqian was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on Xuanyi, he looked at it carefully, and then his eyes fell on Liu Erlong again, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned and said, "You came to me too. Father's?"

"Yes, we are in a hurry to find him." Fairy Qing held Xuanyi, took two steps forward, stepped out of the crowd, walked in front of Liu Erlong and the others, turned her back to the crowd, and turned towards the three girls in front of her. Winking, he opened his mouth.

Fairy Qing originally didn't want to come here because she was afraid of being exposed, but everyone came. Wouldn't she look more suspicious if she didn't come alone, so now she can only bite the bullet and hope that the three girls in front of her are smart enough to help her cover up past.

"It's you." Fairy Qing hid behind people just now, and the three girls hadn't paid attention. Now that she came out more and more, and hearing her words again, Qing Wu couldn't sit still, and wanted to ask her if Dad was not You took it away, and you ran back to ask us.

It's a pity that the words of ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ were interrupted by Qing Qian directly waving her hand.

The eldest brother was calm and calm, and found the look in Fairy Qing's eyes.

"We remember you, you came here not long ago, and you all came to find my father?" Qing Qian said.

"Little girl, where is Ye Han?" Xuanyi asked.

"What's your relationship with him?" Qing Qian turned a deaf ear to Xuan Yi's question, but instead asked.

Xuanyi was about to speak, but was stopped by Fairy Qing, "We are your father's friends, and I have something to do with him."

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