From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 623: : I, Ye Han, are not scum

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Thousands of miles of red land, vegetation withered, rocks collapsed...

In the post-war ruins, the little doctor fairy was **** with five flowers, his face was gray, his eyes were empty, and he was lying on the ground, his whole body was dead.

Although the girl's strength is strong, but after all, she is only in the realm of six-star fighting saints, and what she has to face is two nine-star fighting saints.

The most important thing is that Ye Han is not afraid of toxins after wearing the machine.

Once she was approached, her fate was already doomed.

The power of this mecha was too strong, and the fierce battle was over, but Ye Han did not take off the mecha, but felt it carefully and had a deeper understanding of this mecha.

He found that this thing seemed to be tailor-made for him, which made Ye Han feel an unprecedented ease, and could not wait to cry up to the sky to vent the comfort in his heart.

However, unlike his joy, Xiao Yixian was heartbroken at the moment.

"If you want to kill, you have to cut me a happy one." The little doctor fairy who came back to his senses looked at Ye Han and Fairy Qing fiercely, showing a heart of begging for death.

Ka Ka Ka! ~

The sky-blue God of War mecha shrank like running water, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a bracelet again. It was worn on Ye Han's wrist. The next time I wanted to use it, it was just a thought.

Touching the bracelet, Ye Han was still a little unfulfilled, but seeing the hatred and despair on Xiao Yixian's beautiful and refined face, he finally couldn't bear to leave her alone.

"I'll talk to her." Ye Han looked at Qinglin and Qingxianzi and said.

"Be careful." The two urged before leaving.

After receiving the gift from the girl in red, Ye Han's combat power should not be underestimated. In addition, the strength of the little medical fairy has been sealed by the green fairy, so he is not afraid of any trouble.

Ye Han bent down and picked up the little medical fairy on the ground.

"You, what are you doing? You let me go..." The numb eyes of Xiaoyixian turned into panic instantly after Ye Han touched her body, and she immediately struggled and shouted.

It's a pity that her strength is sealed, she is no different from ordinary people, struggling doesn't work at all, but because of the injury she just suffered, her face is a little more painful.

"I want to tell you something, but I can't be known by Fairy Qing." Ye Han frowned slightly and said.

Without the mecha, he is also an ordinary person, picking up a struggling woman, although he is relatively strong, it is still a bit difficult.

Fortunately, Xiaoyixian only struggled twice, because of the injury, the pain was too painful to continue struggling.

Ye Han took the little medical fairy to a relatively flat place, gently put the little medical fairy down, and let her lean on a big rock.

"You're trying to kill me, maybe you're looking for the wrong person. Although Ye Han and I have the same name and look alike, I'm me, not him. I'm just an ordinary person who can't cultivate." Little Doctor Immortal, Ye Han shook his head with a wry smile.

"I found the wrong person, an ordinary person?" Xiao Yixian was a little confused.

"I'm just unlucky. I look more like the scumbag you call him, but I'm really not him! And I don't have the ability to deceive you and the powerful characters like Qingxianzi." Ye Han said helplessly.

Speaking of this, Ye Han sometimes admires the guy who has the same name and surname as himself and looks very similar.

She has such a powerful ability to make Qing Fairy so beautiful and beautiful that she can't forget it for more than ten years.

Now, it is even more important to count the little doctor in front of him.

After taking a closer look, the girl in front of her was indeed very beautiful, even better than Qing Fairy and Qing Lin, especially the small waist, Ye Han doubted that his hands might be able to hold it.

Think about grabbing this slender waist from behind...

In the past few months, with Qingxianzi and Qinglin privately, simple Ye Han has really learned badly.

Quickly throwing the evil thoughts out of his mind, Ye Han said earnestly, "You are really admitting the wrong person."

"Really?" Xiaoyixian said with a puzzled face, but the hatred in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

Seeing this, Ye Han didn't say much, just nodded affirmatively.

"Do you dare to let me check my body?" said the little doctor.

"Of course there is no problem."

At the same time as Ye Han opened his mouth, he untied the rope on Xiao Yixian's body, allowing her to regain her freedom.

The killing intent in the beautiful eyes disappeared in a flash, but the little doctor did not act rashly.

She put her finger on Ye Han's wrist and carefully sensed it. She did not find the existence of Dou Qi. She couldn't help but murmured in her heart, did she really admit her mistake?

But it was only for a moment, and she overturned the guess in her heart.

If he admits his mistake, isn't Fairy Qing also mistaken? Is this possible?

"Well! I'm sorry, this is really a misunderstanding. I apologize to you. I can compensate you for anything you want. Can you let me go?" Xiaoyixian said suddenly, with a pitiful look. .

Ye Han "..."

If I were a fool, I would have believed this girl's words.

"It's me who should say the apology. I just made a move that was not serious or serious. Give me your arm and I'll pick it up for you." Ye Han said.

Xiao Yixian pursed her lips and forcibly lifted a soft arm onto her thigh. It was such a simple action, but it caused a layer of fine grain to appear on her bright and jade-like forehead. Sweat.

"Fortunately, it's just a broken bone. It's not a serious problem. I'll help you pick it up and rest for a few months. It'll be fine." Ye Han said, facing the little doctor fairy's soft arm.

Although the method is extremely crude, the arm is attached anyway, fixed with wood, and wrapped tightly with bandages.

"Girls, don't be so strong, you should shout and cry when you're in pain." Ye Han never said a word, even if he bit his lip in pain, his face was as pale as paper, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but he still bit the bullet. The little girl who clenched her teeth tightly and endured, with a look of pity in her eyes, reached out to help the girl put the messy hair on her forehead behind her ear, and said softly.

Hearing the words, Xiao Yixian's expression of perseverance flashed with a hint of astonishment. He originally thought that this guy was torturing himself on purpose, but seeing his affectionate appearance, Xiao Yixian couldn't help but feel a trace in his heart. Warm intentions, from childhood to adulthood, suffered from injuries and felt a lot of vicious words, but no one has ever comforted him like this.

But that warmth was only for a moment, and it disappeared.

"It's not up to me to let you go, just follow me during this time! Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I will let you go after I explain it to your companions. "Ye Han looked at the little doctor Xiandao.

"Explain, can you explain it clearly? Even if you are a scumbag, you can't escape our eyes." Xiaoyixian sneered in her heart.

Ye Han was naturally unaware of what Xiaoyixian was thinking, but he also knew that she didn't believe her words, so there were still some things to do.

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