From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 604: : Madam please take care of yourself

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Big wife, Ming media is getting married!

Ye Han's eyes were suspicious. Looking at this green fairy, he was not stupid, on the contrary, he was very smart.

When we first met, how could this beautiful woman's tone of voice be when she looked at her, how could it be the way a wife sees her husband?

Thinking about it carefully, the look in her eyes when she looked at her was like the look of an outsider who didn't get her identity when she saw her beloved married a new lover.

Aggrieved, sad, sad, not the wife's rage after seeing her husband fooling around outside.

But all of this is just Ye Han's guess, and everything needs to be verified.

"You said you were my eldest wife, but I can't remember it at all, do you have anything to prove?" Ye Han asked.


Fairy Qing frowned. I am a nine-star fighting saint, and I don't care about my identity. I have the cheek to say that I am your wife, but you still have to prove it?

Fairy Qing was speechless, wishing she could slap her over, but these can only be thought about in her heart.

After thinking quietly for a while, the most impressive token between the two was the strange velvet sky chrysanthemum, but it has been refined into a medicinal pill by Xuanyi over the years, and now there is nothing to prove it.

"How do you want me to prove it?" Fairy Qing was a little helpless, it seems that this guy is not so easy to deceive even if he has amnesia!

Ye Han heard this, did not speak, but started to circle around Fairy Qing, but a pair of eyes stayed on Fairy Qing's body, constantly scanning her body up and down.

"This bastard, it's really a dog who can't change to eat shit." Qingxianzi was shy, how could she not feel Ye Han's red Guoguo's sight.

But after a secret curse, she also reacted to the inappropriateness of her words.

If Ye Han is a dog, isn't he...

Facing Ye Han's staring eyes, Fairy Qing was a little uneasy, feeling as if she had been stripped naked. She was exposed to Ye Han without the slightest secret, which made her feel shy. Cheeks are flushed.

"Look, what are you looking at? Look carefully, I dug out your eyeballs." Qing Xianzi was shy and wanted to reprimand her, but her words were soft and powerless, instead, she acted like a spoiled child.

For some reason, under Ye Han's gaze, she felt her heartbeat was faster than ever, her limbs were weak, and her breathing was a little short...

"Cut! He also said that you are my wife, and you can't even look at it. What kind of wife is this? I don't know why you came to me and what purpose you have, but I can tell you clearly that you must admit your mistake. If you really know someone who wants to kill me, please explain to me." Ye Han walked back to Fairy Qing, first denied her identity, and then said sincerely and earnestly.

The distance between the two was only one meter. Ye Han's whole body exuded aura like a highly poisonous poppy, which once again stimulated Qing Fairy's body and mind, causing her body to tremble slightly, and a smear on her face. Intoxicating blush.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Fairy Qing not speaking, her picturesque Danfeng eyes were hazy, looking at him as if drunk, with a strange blush on her face, Ye Han was taken aback and asked, while He reached out and touched Qing Fairy's forehead.

"It's so hot! Are you sick?" Ye Han asked.

But as his words fell, Fairy Qing couldn't hold on any longer, as if the bones from her whole body had been taken out, she fell directly into Ye Han's arms.


Fairy Qing's tone was like blue, but she felt ashamed in her heart.

Now she has understood what happened to her body?

All this was done by that bastard, Ye Han, he trained him so well.

Facing Ye Han, whom she hadn't seen for more than ten years, Fairy Qing was like a smoker who had become addicted to smoking. She couldn't take it any longer with just that malicious glance.

"You, you are, poisoned." Ye Han looked at the woman who fell in his arms, staring at the face like a burning cloud, feeling her rapid and hot breath, Ye Han immediately dismissed the woman's illness idea.

He thought of the methods used by those who had met in the mercenary group.

In order to force women to submit, those people will give those women a medicine, and the women who take those medicines will become exactly the same as the woman in their arms.

Fairy Qing was ashamed in her heart, but her body was very honest, twisting like a water snake in Ye Han's arms.

Ye Han, the man who had just bid farewell to being single, couldn't help but gasp at the extremely wonderful touch.

"I, don't move, just bear with it for a while, I know how to detoxify." Ye Han opened his mouth, then picked up Fairy Qing and walked quickly to the edge of a pool.

Pfft! ~

Under the stunned and disbelieving gaze of Fairy Qing, Ye Han threw her into the pool.

The dignified Dousheng strong man, caught off guard, even drank several mouthfuls of mountain spring water, stuck his head out of the pool, and couldn't help coughing violently.

"Are you alright! Do you feel better?" Ye Han's anxious voice came from the shore.

Fairy Qing raised her head, her beautiful eyes glared at Ye Han fiercely.

After Ye Han's actions, under the dual suppression of physical fire extinguishing and rationality, the impulse just aroused by Ye Han's gaze disappeared in an instant.

The water was rippling, and Fairy Qing walked out of the pool step by step. The clear water flowed down her body like pearls, and the wet clothes were tightly attached to the devil-like figure...

Ye Han hurriedly turned his head, not daring to look at it, and at the same time raised his head high and looked at the sky...

"What are you doing? Look at me." Fairy Qing walked in front of Ye Han. Fairy Qing, who was only a hundred and seventy centimeters tall, looked up at Ye Han, and said coldly.

When Ye Han heard this, he could only lower his head and look at the woman in front of him. Then, two streams of heat flowed out of his nostrils...

puff! ~

Fairy Qing, who was originally angry, laughed directly when she saw this scene.

"Madam, please respect yourself." Ye Han quickly turned his eyes away, touched his nose, tried to wipe away the evidence of the strong yang fire, and said righteously.

When Fairy Qing heard the words, Huazhi's trembling body froze slightly, then she looked at Ye Han fiercely, her eyes suddenly rolled, and her voice softly said, "Don't you want me to prove it? Me! I will prove it to you now. look."

When the words fell, Fairy Qing raised her slender, jade-like hand, and slapped it to the side. With a loud bang, the violent fighting qi surged out, like an incomparably sharp sky knife, directly splitting the space in front of her~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Then endless rules poured out from her palm, firmly opening up the broken space.

In the empty space, suddenly, like crops out of thin air, land and vegetation grow.

In just a few short breaths, a thousand-meter-long, vibrant small world emerged from nothing and appeared directly in front of Ye Han's eyes.

Ye Han was stunned. When had he ever seen such a method, he was astonished.

"Don't you want to prove that I'm your wife? Go and I'll prove it to you now!" Fairy Qing smiled, but for some reason, the original soft and gentle smile seemed to make Ye Han shudder. a feeling of.

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