From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 601: :murderous look

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The little girl did not hesitate to let go of her restraint and figure for herself, and did not care about her status as a cultivator. All she could do for her was this romantic marriage proposal and all kinds of pampering in the future.

However, at the moment when the real proposal was made, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, wondering if the little girl would agree?

Despite the few months of getting along, the little girl already knew Ye Han's feelings for her, but he was still a little uneasy when things came to an end.

Two jade-like slender palms took over the bouquet in front of her. The little girl didn't even glance at the beautiful flowers, but her wonderful eyes stared at Ye Han tightly.

Under Ye Han's uneasy gaze, the little girl burst out laughing.

"Stupid! The moment you hugged me without any scruples and fell asleep for the first time, I was already yours. In this life and this world, I will never leave you." The little girl spoke while holding the Putting the bouquet aside, he held Ye Han's face with both hands, lowered his head, and kissed Ye Han, who was kneeling on one knee.

With a kiss, the sweetness and happiness filled the hearts of the two.

The lips and teeth were separated, and the two looked at each other with only affection and love for each other in their eyes.

"Although I can't accompany you to the end of my life, I will give you all the love in my life, but you have to promise me, no matter what, even if you are the only one left in the end, you have to live well ." Ye Han took the girl's body into his arms and said somewhat out of place.

He is just an ordinary person and can't accompany the little girl forever. This is the most scruples in his heart, so even if he knows that it will be disappointing to say it now, he still says it.

The little girl heard the words, looked at Ye Han's serious and serious expression, the sweetness and happiness in her eyes were quietly covered with a layer of sadness, but it was only for a moment, she couldn't help but nodded.

No one can say what will happen in the future. It is true to cherish the moment. Right now, Brother Ye has no way to cultivate, but maybe there will be a way in the future?

And even if he couldn't cultivate, as long as his strength was strong enough, he might not be able to extend his lifespan for Brother Ye.

After thinking about it, the girl nodded solemnly.

After getting the answer from the little girl, the last worry in Ye Han's heart disappeared in an instant.

He hugged the girl into his arms, lowered his head directly, and launched a furious attack on the red lips without hesitation...

The sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed. The two souls who have been abandoned by the world meet each other, know each other, intersect, and finally combine perfectly.

In a small town hundreds of kilometers away from Taoyuan Village, in the most luxurious inn, several beautiful women were speechless.

Some are sitting at the table, some are leaning against the window, some are sitting on the edge of the bed with their legs dangling...

The expressions of several women were calm and there was no serious expression on their faces, but for some reason, the atmosphere in this room was unprecedentedly depressed.

"Do you think that **** is already dead?" A girl in white clothes, with a slender waist and a slender waist, with a quiet and elegant temperament, said.

As soon as the language came out, everyone's eyes were focused on her in an instant.

For a moment, the girl felt like a thorn on her back, as if an invisible sharp blade was holding her throat, making her feel the hairs all over her body count down, and her breathing was a little difficult.

"Murderous, and more than one?"

The girl's face was pale, and she was trying to find the source of these murderous auras, but at this moment, all the energy and energy disappeared in an instant, as if the feeling just now was just an illusion.

"Little Doctor Immortal, you have only had one contact with that person. You don't know him. No, that kind of beast can never die so silently." Wearing a pale pink dress, she was elegant and elegant. The girl opened her mouth.

"Xun'er is right, good people don't live long and ruin thousands of years. It's absolutely impossible for a scourge like that to die out so silently!" A woman dressed in black, with a cool and pretty face, and a full-fledged royal sister, had a cold face. opened his mouth.

The little doctor who spoke first heard the words and nodded involuntarily.

There are so many people here, except for the holy woman in white, who is leaning against the window and staring into the distance, as if she doesn't care about everything. She is the one who has the least contact with that person.

All the grudges come from a transaction, or a coercion.

There was no doubt that she knew nothing about that person at all.

"Don't think nonsense, we have to have confidence in ourselves, that person will never escape our palms, and one day we will find him." A woman in Tsing Yi, with a devilish figure, but a graceful and sensible temperament said. .

The gentle and soft voice soothed some uneasy hearts and temporarily stabilized the situation.

"Don't say this kind of words that shake the heart of the army in the future." She walked in a lotus manner, swaying, and came to Xiaoyixian's side. There was a gentle smile on her fair and moving cheeks. He reached out and touched Xiao Yixian's head and said, "That person can only die in our hands."

After she finished speaking, a looming murderous aura could not be released from her body.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong, I shouldn't have said such things to hurt everyone's minds." Xiaoyixian nodded obediently.

The little doubts that had arisen just now because of those murderous auras also quietly disintegrated at this moment.

These people have been running around for more than ten years for revenge, and regard revenge as their lifelong belief, but they have violated their beliefs by speaking out, which will naturally arouse their dissatisfaction. .

"It doesn't matter, we are all sisters, you don't need to apologize for such a trivial matter, it will make you look more lively." The mature beautiful woman said with a smile.

"Yeah! Thank you, Sister Tsing Yi." The little doctor smiled and hugged the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi's arm.

It has to be said that the elegance and intellectuality exuding from the bones of the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi is really easy to infect others.

Over the years, she has become the backbone of everyone silently, and has absolute right to speak in every word and deed.

"I'm going out to get some air." The woman in white who had been leaning against the window suddenly said.

After speaking, regardless of everyone's reaction, the slender and moving figure turned into a white piece of training and disappeared into the room without a sound.

"The girl in the East can't take it anymore when we frown so much every day." The beautiful woman in Tsing Yi shook her head helplessly.

"I thought it was a very simple matter to find that guy, but who knows that after so many years, there is no news, and the teacher is walking around with me. I really feel sorry for her." Xiao Xun'er looked at her. Looking at the window, he said apologetically It's not a problem to keep looking for him blindly and aimlessly. After three years, if I still can't find him, then I will withdraw. "A girl wearing a leather jacket, looking fifteen or sixteen years old, said.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was silent.

"Got it, who else doesn't want to continue searching." The beautiful woman in Tsing Yi looked around and said lightly.

On the other side, leaning against the wall, she was also dressed in black leather, but she was mature and glamorous. The face of the woman in her mid-thirties must have changed, but in the end she didn't speak.

If she didn't look for him, she actually found that she had no motivation to live.

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