From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 581: : Myriad Demons

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

How can you not hate?

That **** even left himself here for so long, regardless of how he thought I was a sister?

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger gritted his teeth and thought.

But when her expression fell in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, Xiao Xun'er's eyes lit up, and the anger that Ruo Lin had raised against Ye Han was instantly calmed down.

"Hu Niu, let's find him together! I will never forget how he bullied you and me back then. If we find him, we will be able to avenge our revenge." The speculator Xiao Xun'er saw that things were promising, so he immediately encouraged Dao, that look is very much like a MLM boss.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger felt the killing intent on Xiao Xun'er's body, and couldn't help being slightly stunned, then rolled his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay, it's just boring to stay here, I'll go find him and settle the account with you."

"Okay, let's leave now."

Xiao Xun'er directly clapped her palms and said with a happy expression on her face.

"Xun'er..." Ruo Lin said as she looked at the two who were leaving.

After a slight pause in her footsteps, Xiao Xun'er didn't look back, and said, "Teacher, the way is different and the way is different. Now we have embarked on two diametrically opposite paths. This time we meet is a farewell, take care!"


Xiao Xun'er was eager for revenge. After learning that Ruo Lin changed her mind, she seemed to be stimulated and directly violated her promise to rest for a few days. On the same day, she left the Black Seal City with the woman in white, Xuanyi and others, and set foot on the road of revenge. trip.

However, the Douba Continent is vast, and it is easier said than done to find someone.

But there is a saying in this world that there is no difficulty in the world, but only those who care. For more than three years, several women used various resources in their hands to search for clues, and finally speculated that there was a relationship between the soul beast clan and Ye Han. relationship, and found the foothold of the soul beast clan.

"Do you really want to take action against his clan? Not to mention that after so many years of development in his clan, there are already experts among them, and he also has a certain kind of kindness towards you!" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger looked at Xiao Kaoru said.

"Grace! He has only deceived him to have any kindness to me. The greatest kindness is that I have suffered humiliation in my life." Xiao Xun'er said.

"On the way I let you go, didn't he save you a few times in secret? Isn't that a life-saving grace?" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger said speechlessly.

Xiao Xun'er looked stunned for a moment, and then her thoughts returned to more than ten years ago. He had just been secretly released by the Dark Demon Tiger, so he followed a caravan and sneaked out of the Jama Empire under their cover. , but on the night she left the switch, she was drugged...

As a result, when he woke up, his tent was full of corpses, as terrifying as the Shura field.

It was the first time she had seen so many corpses, and she was so frightened that she was in a state of embarrassment.

When she ran to a small river to wash her body, she was attacked by gangsters because of her soul, and she was directly knocked unconscious, but someone appeared to save her again.

After so many years, what happened back then is still an unsolved case, but now, it seems, as if, maybe, the answer has been found.

"It seems that you still remember what happened back then, yes, it is indeed he who saved you." The Dark Demon Evil God Hu said.

"Why didn't you say this earlier?" Xiao Xun'er looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Hudao.

"You didn't ask me why I said that?" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger spread his hands and said.

"Then why do you say it now, are you worried that I will be bad for him? Or, do you like him too?" Xiao Xun'er said, the girl at the moment is like a cannonball, whoever touches it will explode.

"I just want to beat him! If you want to move his clan, please forgive me for not accompany." Dark Demon Evil God Hu said.

Her little life is precious! I don't want to die yet.

Others don't know how much energy that person has, isn't the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger still aware of it?

It might be okay for him and others to jump twice in front of him, he doesn't care, but if he dares to touch his bottom line, it will definitely be courting death, and immortals can't save it.

"Okay, stop arguing. It's wrong to implicate other people's ethnic groups, and the other party is not a soft persimmon. With our strength, it is not a wise move to rashly be an enemy of his ethnic group." Fairy Qing As the eldest sister, she spoke directly.

"What? Big sister, aren't you afraid?" Xiao Xun'er was very angry at this time, and pointed her finger directly at Fairy Qing.

"We can send people to contact this group to find out the whereabouts of that person. If he is there, then it is not an option to burn all the jade and stone, but if he is not there, we should continue to look for it." Fairy Qing glanced at Xiao Xun'er. , The tone is still gentle, but it brings a sense of not anger and self-pretence.

Seeing this, Xiao Xun'er, who was stimulated by the words of the massage Evil God Tiger, finally regained her senses.

"I'm sorry! I was too reckless." Xiao Xun'er corrected herself when she knew she was wrong, and immediately put down her body and apologized to everyone.

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger snorted coldly, turned around and ignored her.

Everyone also knows her temper, and the child's temperament has passed, and a farce has been revealed.

During the negotiation, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger once again broke the news that she is also a member of this group, and this result made everyone look up.

"This guy has a lot of secrets, isn't he a traitor?" Everyone guessed, and after deliberation, it was finally decided that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and the woman in white would enter Ye Han's group to investigate.

In everyone's mind, the woman in white is an outsider and is naturally not suitable for this kind of risky job, but no matter it is Qingxianzi or Xuanyi, or Xiao Xun'er and Liu Erlong, or Ye Han's ethnic group, it is possible Being recognized, once discovered, I am afraid that the good or the bad will be unpredictable.

And the strength of the little medical fairy is a little weak, and if you go in, you may not be able to come into contact with any important people.

As for the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, everyone can't trust her now.

Her identity is too sensitive, and everyone can't help but doubt it.

After thinking about it, naturally only the woman in white was left, and then led by the dark devil tiger, they walked towards the island where the soul beast family settled...

The soul beasts who come to Douba Continent are all strong. After being baptized by Dou Po Continent’s rules over the years, they have completely integrated into Dou Po Continent, and their intelligences are wide open. Another city, prosperous and well-organized, no worse than a human city.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had a special aura, and when it was actively distributed, it was naturally known to the soul beast clan and recognized her identity.

And the arrival of the woman in white did not attract the attention of others, because humans and spirit beasts were mixed here, and there were even many snake people.

Although the architectural style of the city here is rough, it is extremely prosperous, as if each ancient tribe's market has its own set of rules that operate in it.

The white-clothed woman and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger went straight in all the way, and did not attract many people's attention. In the end, the two came to the center of this large island and saw a magnificent building complex with a huge area.

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons!"

The woman in white looked at the towering plaque in front of her and muttered to herself.

"This is the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom. Idle people are not allowed to approach. Please leave quickly." Ten burly men in heavy armor came with long spears and buzzed at the two of them.

Although rough, but still a little polite, not so rude.

The woman in white and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger looked at each other, nodded slightly, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger directly released his breath.

The next moment, several breaths came from all directions.

"You're back, little tiger, what about your lord?" A voice sounded, and a black-robed figure fell, it was Di Tian.

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