From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 574: : Mystery of life experience

Chapter 565 The Mystery of Life Experience

"In that revenge, it can be said that I have died once, but it was he who saved me." The woman in white said quietly.

"With your temper, even if he saves you, I don't think you will fall in love with him because of it. There must be other things happening!" Qian Renxue murmured, and the expression on her face became more and more curious.

As the saying goes, a good daughter is more like a mother, but vice versa.


The woman in white nodded and said, "At the moment when my soul collapsed, I saw a corner of the future in time and space, and it was those pictures that changed my attitude towards him."

"What picture?" Qian Renxue asked impatiently.

The woman in white lowered her head, glanced at the girl in her arms, an inexplicable color flashed in her eyes, she hesitated, and she didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Is it related to me?" Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, and then asked in astonishment.

Unexpectedly, the emotional path of the woman in white would change because of herself, but this also made her even more curious, wanting to know what happened in the middle.

"I, your biological father, is not Qianxunji." The woman in white said.

A pair of eyes very similar to Qian Renxue stared at the girl, wanting to see how she would react when she heard this.

Who knows, when Qian Renxue heard this, she was just stunned for a moment, and then nodded as if she had thought of something, and accepted what the woman in white said.

"Aren't you surprised by this?" The woman in white asked in surprise.

Before telling Qian Renxue that her biological father was not Qian Xunji, she had thought about many possibilities, but she did not expect Qian Renxue to be so calm.

"I know, I knew it not long ago, because I felt a call in my blood. If my expectations are not bad, people who are related to me are likely to be in this world." Qian Ren snow Road.

When she said these words, her inner panic was well hidden by her, and even the woman in white didn't notice it.

"Sister! Let's talk about you first! After finishing your story, I want to know what kind of future you see."

"Well, okay!"

The woman in white did not notice Qian Renxue's abnormality. After hearing her words, she nodded slightly.

So much has been said, and there is nothing to hide.

"In that corner of the future, I saw the thing that once disgusted me the most, and that I wanted to completely forget, was not what I imagined. The master of everything was that bastard. He relied on his own cultivation to reverse the Time and space have rewritten our destiny, and your birth is also closely related to him, he personally shaped you."

"But don't think about it too much. He definitely has no blood relationship with you. After all, he walked back from the future. He definitely knows that you will be his person. As long as you are a person and have normal thinking, he will not do anything. Such an outrageous thing." The woman in white said.


After hearing the words of the woman in white, Qian Renxue finally spit it out slowly.

A knot that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time was instantly untied with the comfort of the woman in white.

The speaker may be unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

After Ye Han exposed herself, Qian Renxue clearly sensed that the sense from the blood had disappeared. She seemed to be lively and carefree by following the woman in white for so long, but she was actually very worried, worried that she would really The kind of absurd thing I imagined happens.

But now, the words of the white-clothed woman made Qian Renxue feel as if she saw the sky when she saw the clouds and mist, and she felt a sense of clarity.

Perhaps what he sensed was just something that Ye Han was carrying.


The woman in white suddenly saw Qian Renxue's expression of relief, she couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then she reacted immediately, Qian Renxue had something on her mind, maybe that was the reason why she knew her life experience.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now, I trust him, but in this matter, I trust you more." Qian Renxue gave the woman in white a mischievous smile, and then said with a stern face, "Now the interrogation time begins."

"By the way, does that guy think that Ye Chen was born after you? How did you make him relax his vigilance against you, and explain honestly, otherwise, hum!~"

"It's him who admitted he was wrong! Then I'll take the plan and use the identity of Ye Chen's mother as a threat to force him to submit..." A trace of panic flashed in the white-clothed woman's eyes, and then she said confidently.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't deceived anyone for too long, and his acting skills declined a bit, and Qian Renxue saw it right at a glance.

"Before you lie, you must first see who you are facing? In this world, you are not the only one who knows that person. Do you think I will believe what you say? If that guy is really that stupid, how could he live? Until now?" Qian Renxue sneered.

After speaking, Qian Renxue raised her hand and slapped the woman in white on her buttocks, causing the woman in white to tremble slightly.


The white-clothed woman stared at Qian Renxue with round eyes and looked at Qian Renxue in disbelief. She never expected her to be so rebellious.

"What are you?" Qian Renxue smiled coldly, her palm quickly formed a seal, and then hit the woman in white. In an instant, the entire body of the woman in white was sealed.

"Me, you crazy girl, what are you doing?" the woman in white panicked.

She didn't expect Qian Renxue to hit her, and she never thought that Qian Renxue would suddenly seal her cultivation.

She was not worried that Qian Renxue would be bad for her, but she was afraid that this girl would go crazy.

"Hey! Don't be afraid, be honest and tell the truth, I won't do anything to you, but if you are not honest, the candle whip will serve you." Qian Renxue reached out and stroked the jade-like fair face of the woman in white, like a woman Rogue-like, smiling a little unscrupulously.

"Qian Renxue, are you itchy?" the woman in white asked angrily.

"Yo, you still dare to be arrogant at this time." A wicked smile appeared on Qian Renxue's beautiful face, and said, "Since you are not honest, then I will train you in advance on his behalf, so that you know what it is. obedience."

"Speak! Tell me, how on earth did you make him let his guard down?"

In Qian Renxue's hand, a whip made of fighting qi appeared, and the whip twisted in the like a snake, with a crackling electric sound, but her eyes fell on the face of the woman in white. .

"You bastard! You throw that thing away and I'll tell you." The woman in white looked at Qian Renxue angrily and said.

"It would be better to do this earlier?" Qian Renxue said, and then scattered the whip in her hand.

"He mistakenly thought that I was Ye Chen's mother. This is the best umbrella. I used this to deceive him. Do you still want to know the details? Come and let me tell you..."

"Enough." With a cold scolding, Qian Renxue had basically guessed the method the woman used, and it was nothing more than a beauty trick. This kind of trick would definitely work for that person.

After understanding all of this, she looked at the shy and angry woman in white with deep eyes, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she still held back the reluctance in her heart and said, "I'm going to find him, you take care! This time I I won't lose to you, I will definitely find him with you first."

After speaking, Qian Renxue's figure quickly disappeared.

If there is no conflict, she is reluctant to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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