Chapter 563 Alliance

People let them go, but they couldn't get angry. They wanted to get rid of it once and for all, and came to the door with ulterior motives.

As a result, it was self-inflicted.

Although it almost caused the person to die, it could arouse the fierceness of the person.

As a result, the wishful thinking of himself was empty, and he ended up involuntarily, becoming a cauldron, and committed himself to the number of months.

That encounter was both a shame and an unforgettable lesson.

She lost something but gained something.

In the past few years, Xuanyi has learned to console himself, persuade himself, and often tell himself that he and that person have been separated, and that no one owes anyone anything.

I thought everything had come to an end here, but who knows, someone came to the door today and said the name she never wanted to mention in front of her.

In the past few years, the turbulent heart has been turbulent in an instant, and it can no longer be calmed down, so she will naturally not give Xiao Xun'er any good looks.

"If I expected it right, that despicable and shameless person must have done something wrong to you, right?" Xiao Xun'er said in a flat tone as Xuanyi's cold eyes were nothing.


Hearing this, Xuanyi couldn't bear it any longer. Ruyu's plain hand waved suddenly, the table and chairs in front of him were torn apart in an instant, the slender and moving figure suddenly stood up, and two groups of anger rose in his eyes, looking at a dead man Xiao Xun Er.

"Are you humiliating me?" Xuanyi gritted his teeth.

The most embarrassing secret in her heart was exposed in person, which made her heart bleed, and she felt boundless shame at the same time, so that she ignored the words in Xiao Xun'er's words.

"What qualifications do I have to humiliate you." Xiao Xun'er looked at Xuan Yi, a mist suddenly rose in her black and white eyes, her face full of sadness and despair.

This situation made Xuanyi stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what Xiao Xun'er had just said.

"You said me too, don't you..." Xuanyi looked at Xiao Xun'er in disbelief, her eyes wide open.

"I don't think it's incredible, isn't it? I, a daughter of a dignified ancient clan, can actually be turned into that person's plaything?" Xiao Xun'er looked at Xuan Yi with tears in her eyes, but she pretended to be calm and said.

"I want revenge, I won't let that **** go, how about you? Do you want to join forces? Let's kill that **** together."

Xuanyi "..."

"Kill, kill him, is it really okay?"

"Can we do it?"

Xuanyi asked himself, but for a while, his heart was like a mess, and he couldn't get an accurate answer at all, and he couldn't even make a decision.

"I know that person is very powerful. You can't make a decision for a while. I can give you time to think. I will come back in three days. At that time, I hope you can give me an accurate answer." Xiao Xun'er turned her head away. , White jade hand wiped his eyes, then got up and said goodbye.

After he finished speaking, he didn't give Xuanyi a chance to speak, his body flashed slightly, and he disappeared without a trace.

The room became empty, and Xuanyi sat softly on a soft cushion as if his entire body had been drained.

Her mind was in chaos, not knowing what to do.

Is it to forget all this, like a soulless puppet, repeating the work day after day, never to come out, or to choose revenge and entangle with that person again.

Xuanyi's heart was chaotic. He originally thought that he could forget everything, but now he realizes that he has only been deceiving himself.

She couldn't forget it at all.

That man's abhorrentness, that man's bastard, that man's innocence, that man's unrestrainedness, everything, all emerged one by one at this moment. Although several years have passed, they are still so clear.

When she thought of this, she actually already had the answer in her heart, but she didn't know it yet.

People went to the empty building, and Xuanyi sat quietly in the room alone, and the slender back gave people a feeling of extreme loneliness.

Time passed, a slight footstep sounded, and another slender and graceful figure pushed in the door.

That soft and beautiful face looked ethereal and fresh, with a slender figure, and that weak waist was like a Buddha willow that could not be grasped, it was the little medical fairy.

Time has passed for a long time, but there has been no movement in the room for a long time. Xiao Yixian couldn't hold back his curiosity and walked in.

With the strength of the Nine Star Dou Zong just now, if it was normal, it would be impossible to hide from Xuanyi's perception.

But at this moment, Xuan Yi was unaware of this.


I don't know what to think, the quiet and silent Xuanyi suddenly became violent, and pushed the potted plant beside him to the ground, making a loud noise.

The sudden sound was extremely harsh in this otherwise quiet room.

Xiao Yixian was taken aback, thinking that her actions angered Xuanyi, so she quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, senior, it's my fault, I shouldn't have come uninvited, I'll go out now."

Unfortunately, suspense turned a deaf ear to her words.

"People live forever, grass and trees fall, Ye Han, if I let go of this, I am unwilling, I will go to you, if I can't kill you, I am willing to bear any price." Xuanyi suddenly spoke, saying The words made Xiaoyixian's body, who had already retreated to the door, suddenly froze.

"Ye Han, is that the person?" Xiaoyixian muttered to himself.

When she came back to her senses, she saw that Xuanyi was looking at her with a strange look.

"Ye Han, do you know him too?" Xuanyi said.

"I, I don't know if it's the same person, but I do know a scum named Ye Han." The always gentle and kind little medical fairy mentioned Ye Han with gnashing teeth.

Seeing her expression, Xuan Yi couldn't help but shudder.

But in order to confirm the guess in his heart, Xuanyi still used the power of fighting qi to condense a lifelike figure, but his eyes did not look at the figure he made, but at the little medical fairy.

After seeing the figure transformed out of thin air in Xuanyi's hands, Xiaoyixian couldn't help but tremble slightly, her face turned pale instantly, and her eyes were full of resentment.

"Yes, it's him, it's him." Xiaoyixian pointed at the figure made by Xuanyi, her lips trembling and said After so many years, the figure who had a deal with her has always lingered. In her heart, it lingers like a nightmare.

"Don't be afraid, tell me, what exactly did he do to you?" Seeing this, Xuanyi quickly waved away the figure he had made, then stepped forward, hugged the little medical fairy's figure in his arms, and spoke softly. Tao said, "Everyone has weaknesses and fears deep in their hearts. However, as practitioners, we must have the courage and perseverance to face any fears. Only by defeating them can we live better."

This was the experience Xuanyi had concluded after being intimidated by Ye Han, and he did not hesitate to pass it on to Xiaoyi Xian.


Little Doctor Immortal raised her head and looked at Xuan Yi, tears flashing in her eyes, and her expression was pitiful.

"Don't be afraid, say it, everything will pass." Xuanyi said softly.

Under her gentle comfort, Xiaoyixian finally plucked up the courage to slowly tell what happened to her.

(End of this chapter)

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