From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 569: : Xiao Xun'er and Xuan Yi

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Holy Dan City, Danta.

A thundercloud slowly condensed, and a high-level medicinal pill was about to come out, attracting the attention of countless people.

"I really don't know which adult is concocting pills, and what kind of pills are concocted?"

Someone raised their heads, stared at the slowly condensing thunderclouds above the sky, and involuntarily uttered an envious sigh.

"Who else? Except for that one, who can refine the ninth-grade medicine pill every three to five?" Someone said.

"Forgive my ignorance, and I hope Your Excellency will tell you, which adult has this ability?" The first person to speak hurriedly asked the person beside him for advice.


The man smiled and was about to put on a pretence.

As a result, someone immediately said, "Who else is there besides Lord Xuanyi, one of the three giants of the Danta?"

Such a straightforward answer made the man's dream come true.

"I'm rubbing it! Special code, young people don't talk about martial arts, right?" The man glared angrily, and after discovering that the speaker was a hairy boy, he immediately left cursing.

Walking in the rivers and lakes three do not offend, one does not offend dogs, two do not offend the elderly, and three do not offend young people.

The person who got the answer looked at the young man who explained it to him, and the puzzled look on his face not only did not ease, but instead deepened.

"Master Xuanyi is actually able to practice this ninth-grade medicinal pill. It seems that a lot of things have happened during my retreat! I heard people say that the dan thunder caused by ninth-grade medicinal pill has not only been the first in recent years. This time, can you tell me in detail, what is going on? As far as I know, there has always been only one person who can refine the ninth-grade pills among the three giants of the Pill Tower!" The man looked asked the young man.

The young man is not stupid. He glanced at the person in front of him, and found that the other party looked fifty or sixty years old, but he was in high spirits, his eyes were clear, black and white were clear, and there was no variegation. At first glance, he was not a mediocre person. The words spoken are likely to have some great background.

The young man did not dare to neglect immediately, and bowed his hands to the old man, saying, "I don't know the senior's name?"

"Haha! You don't know my name even if you don't mention it." The old man waved his hand.

"Since the senior doesn't want to talk, then the junior doesn't ask." The young man nodded and said, "Senior has been in seclusion for a long time, and it's normal to not know about the opportunities of Lord Xuanyi."

The young man is an outstanding genius of the Alchemist Guild, and he naturally knows much more than normal people.

"A few years ago, the world-shattering Danxiang that attracted the high-level powerhouses in the whole continent, I don't know if senior still remembers it, maybe senior has participated in it, and it was at that time that Lord Xuanyi was missed by people with ulterior motives. , I thought it was a catastrophe, and on the way back, Lord Xuanyi was indeed kidnapped and disappeared for a period of time, but when she came back again, not only did her strength break through to the realm of fighting saints, but her alchemy skills were even better. With the incredible improvement, refining the ninth-grade medicinal herbs is as simple as eating and drinking.”

The young man was a little proud. After all, he was born in the Alchemist's Union, and his own powerful people came out in large numbers, so the young man was naturally proud.

"A few years ago, at that time, I was just a ghost!" the old man said.

Then his eyes turned to not far away, there, the charming and charming girl in blue clothes stopped for some time, listening to their conversation silently, with a strange expression on her face.

A few years ago, the girl knew about the Danxiang that stirred up the situation in the entire continent, and even knew that the alchemist was named Ye Han.

It's just that she simply can't compare the person who stirred the situation with the person in her heart.

How powerful is the person who made the medicine pill, how could it be that despicable and shameless person, maybe it's just the same name!

At that time, she was weak and weak, and even if she heard that the two had the same name, she did not dare to seek proof, for fear that she would not be able to bear the pressure and collapse.

But it is different now. She is already a nine-star fighting saint, not to mention a strong helper, and she already has a certain amount of confidence.

Hearing the conversation between the two people next to her, she was a little scared, worried that the two were the same person, but at the same time she hoped that he was him. After all, although he is hateful, his excellence cannot be denied.


The girl's bright eyes looked at the dark clouds with lightning and thunder in the sky, her teeth nibbled at her red lips, and she made a decision in her heart.

The expression on her face quickly returned to calm, the girl turned her head and looked at the old man, her heart was slightly startled.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I look at it, and I find that the other party's breath is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, which is simply unfathomable.

Nodding her head as a greeting, the girl immediately retracted her gaze, then moved her slender legs and walked towards Danta.

After one step, two steps, three or five steps, the girl's slender figure gradually became faint, and then the whole person melted into the void and disappeared completely.

"Thank you little friend for clarifying your doubts, the old man is impermanent, and this jade pendant will be given to the little friend as a reward!" The old man thanked the young man, and then a jade pendant appeared beside the young man, and the figure of the old man had completely disappeared. not see.

"This is, Huang Quan..."

The young man grabbed the jade pendant floating beside him, looked at the two big characters on it, and couldn't help muttering softly.

"If you want to ask for medicine, please stop."

The girl in Tsing Yi concealed her figure and silently approached the top of the Dan Pagoda, but when she was not far from the medicine refining room in Xuan Yi, she was directly traced by a sudden voice.

Her face changed slightly, she hesitated a little, and the girl showed her figure slightly generously.

The touching Qianying clasped her fists slightly, clasped her fists at the door of the secret room, and said, "In the Xiagu clan, Gu Xun'er, it is very presumptuous to come uninvited, I hope you forgive me."

The door to the secret room slowly opened, and a strong medicinal fragrance rushed toward the face, making people feel refreshed and not particularly uplifting.

"Ancient people?"

The old voice with some doubts rang in the girl's ear.

"Senior, forgive me, I came to the Pill Tower this time, not on behalf of the ancient clan, nor for medicinal pills, but to see Senior the girl said.

"So that's the case, then you dare to ask the girl what she said when she saw Xuanyi?" the old man who showed up said.

"Haha, don't inquire about your daughter's private affairs, the old man." The girl smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming, beautiful and a little weird at the same time.

The old man laughed dumbly, then looked at Gu Xun'er carefully, and he did not feel any malice in her, so he nodded.

"If that's the case, then come in! Just to provide a guarantee for Xuanyi to successfully refine the medicine pill." The old man said.

Then, Xiao Xun'er was pulled as a strong man.

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