From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 558: : 0 Renxue's Dilemma

"do not want……"

At the last moment, a familiar voice rang in Ye Han's ears.

The voice was crisp and pleasant, but with an undisguised panic.

Ye Han's movements were slightly stagnant, an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes, and he wondered if he was hallucinating.

He was very familiar with that voice, it belonged to Qian Renxue.

But the question is, with Qian Renxue's cultivation, how could she come here.

But his body's instinct prompted him to look in the direction of the voice, and a beautiful and dazzling figure appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up and stop." Qian Renxue looked at Ye Han, her fair and beautiful face was full of panic.

"That's too late."

Ye Han shook his head with a wry smile. Although he didn't know how Qian Renxue came here, the person in front of him was definitely his own Xiaoxue.

"Don't worry, I won't die, wait for me to come back with peace of mind." After he finished speaking, he could no longer control the maddening power in his body, and the dazzling golden light exploded from Ye Han's body, like a scorching sun explosion, that terrifying The power of destruction sweeps the four poles and destroys everything.

However, under Ye Han's control, Qian Renxue's direction was undoubtedly the least impactful.

But even so, Qian Renxue was vomited and flew by this force, and her body almost exploded, not to mention the fate of Zhang San.

Being able to come here is because of Qian Renxue's protection. At this moment, Qian Renxue can't take care of herself, and Ye Han regards it as nothing, and doesn't see it at all, so he is very sad and passed away quietly without leaving behind. Traces of the next bit...

The dazzling golden light instantly bloomed between the sky and the earth, and the boundless cloud covering thousands of miles was under this sudden light, as if ice and snow met the scorching sun, it was quickly melted, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The strong wind is hunting, the vastness of thousands of miles has turned into a restricted area, and the storms of time and space are flying, covering everything, making the life inside disappear completely.

The terrifying storm swept through everything, like the explosion of the sun, forming a huge shock wave in the sky and quickly spreading to the distance.

As the shock wave spread, a tall and slender golden figure was like a fallen leaf in a gust of wind, and was pushed out by the shock wave.

The changes in the world have attracted countless powerhouses, including several powerhouses who have just broken through the realm of Dou Di, who have already arrived here.

As the golden figure was pushed out by this violent storm, the attention was instantly drawn, and countless people cast their curious eyes on her, wanting to know what happened in the dark cloud just now.

Several figures acted directly, and the figures swept across the void like a glimmer of light, and appeared beside Qian Renxue in an instant.

Some people were relatively mild and wanted to come forward to chat, but some people were simple and domineering and wanted to capture Qian Renxue.

The blond hair was messy, Qian Renxue's mouth was bleeding, and she looked a little embarrassed, but she still couldn't hide her beautiful style.

In the face of those with bad intentions, Qian Renxue could only endure the pain in her body in return.

A huge palm covered the sky and blocked the sun, grabbing towards Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's eyes were cold, and just as she stabilized her body, she saw a big hand grabbing towards her shoulder.

In her right hand, golden light filled the air, and a long sword shot out in an instant. With a cold snort, the long sword slashed out with power, and its edge was exposed. The sharp edge carried the restrained power of thunder and slashed down.

The visitor was not afraid, and a vigorous fighting spirit permeated the palm of his hand, turning a blind eye to the sword light that Qian Renxue slashed.

He has already seen Qian Renxue's state. There is no doubt that this mysterious girl has been severely injured, and her strength is indeed strong.

Under the influence of the great changes in the world, his strength increased sharply, from the seven-star fighting saint directly to the nine-star fighting saint's realm. Whether it is strength or character, at this moment, there is an unprecedented expansion.

When the palm collided with the long sword, Qian Renxue taught this man a good lesson.

The golden sword glow is indestructible, swaying like the power of the sky, directly cutting off half of the person's palm, and the most terrifying thing is the power of thunder contained in the sword glow.

The golden arc of thunder jumped and spread out, covering half of his body directly along the injured palm.


The person came screaming, his voice was shrill, like a ghost howl, like killing a pig, and the severe pain made his face a little distorted.

However, Qian Renxue turned a blind eye to this, and turned the long sword in her hand and slashed directly at the person's neck.

There is no doubt that if this blow is successful, the head of this person will definitely be separated.

But at this moment, another attack came.

The first person's action was like a signal, which instantly changed the minds of the other people who were planning to communicate peacefully with Qian Renxue.

Everyone else has already made a move. If I don't make a move, I will definitely fall behind. This is the commonality of human beings and it is unavoidable.

Four or five people shot at the same time, Qian Renxue had no choice but to return to the sword to defend.

The enemy in front of him has lost his mind. Although he can kill the opponent with this blow, he cannot avoid the fate of being seriously injured. Since then, I am afraid that he will only end up being a mermaid, and no one will choose such a loss-making business.

Qian Renxue held the golden long sword in front of her, and the eighteen wings behind her waved a little bit of fluorescent light spread.

But there is a saying in nature that what looks more beautiful is actually poisonous.

At this time, Qian Renxue was like a rose with thorns. Although beautiful, it was deadly.

Qian Renxue stood in front of him with a golden long sword in his hand, and waving eighteen wings behind him, scattering golden feathers like catkins.

At the same time, the golden long sword is also blooming with a sharp edge.

Those golden feathers seem to be weak, but they are even more beautiful, making Qian Renxue's already incomparable face even more noble, beautiful, and stunning.

However, when those people attacked, they suddenly found that these light and catkin-like feathers burst like a thunder in the sky.

Boom! ~

Where are the feathers that are as light as catkins, they are clearly exploding bombs. After encountering the methods of the surrounding attackers, the most violent energy erupts directly.

At the same time, the sharp sword in Qian Renxue's hand was also blooming with due brilliance.

The golden sword glow is like a big sun, full of dignity and domineering, but it is also extremely sharp.

There were screams, and I thought Qian Renxue was a soft persimmon.

It turned out to be a tough bone to crack.

None of the attackers were spared, and all of them were blown to pieces by the energy feathers released by Qian Renxue.

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