The avenue is ruthless and unpredictable.

Although practitioners pay attention to acting against the sky, in the end they maintain absolute respect for the sky.

However, Ye Han was carrying out an act against the sky.

He was asking if the Dao of Heaven was invincible, he was roaring, roaring, his murderous aura was almost condensed into reality, and he wanted to kill the sky.

In the face of Ye Han's constant provocation, the sky was shaking with anger, the situation was surging, and the humanized emotions became more and more serious, which was extremely obvious.

"You are very, strong." An incomparably powerful voice emanated from the clouds in the sky, as if it came from ancient times, resounding through the future, deafening and shocking.

Even Ye Han couldn't help shaking his head at this moment, and at this moment he realized that he was going to suffer.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and it can last forever.

That is to say, the way of heaven is ruthless, so that you can be good to me and everyone.

But now, in this ancient world of Doupo, the will of Heaven gave birth to human emotions, and he directly spoke with Ye Han.

This is absolutely shocking, and no one will believe it if it spreads.

However, the unease in Ye Han's heart was suppressed in just an instant.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and it is possible to treat them equally. Only in this way can there be long-term stability and a relatively fair living environment for the creatures living in this world.

Of course, the Tao of Heaven is affectionate and the heaven is also old.

Once the Tao of Heaven has the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, it will have selfishness, so it is impossible to treat everyone equally, and it will inevitably arouse the rebellious psychology of the creatures living in this world. reason.

"Since you already have human intelligence, then let me be the first person to kill the sky." Ye Han grinned, and all his strange emotions were abandoned by him.

With the Wushuang battle armor and the Wushuang war spear in hand, Ye Han's body was like a meteor, directly passing through the space, and entering the cloud vortex alone.

The vortex is deep and contains the power of time and space. It is born with infinite rules, and has two diametrically opposite powers of destruction and regeneration.

The boundless oppressive force is heavier than the sky and thicker than the ground.

Ye Han went up alone and went forward without a break, his aura was like a rainbow of murderous aura.

He seems to have entered a time-space tunnel, which is long and depressing. This is the embodiment of the infinite power of time and space blooming, as if it had gone through a century.

In a trance, under great pressure, he seemed to have traveled through the ancient times, walked through the wilderness, and came to the longest period of Douba Continent, and finally set foot in a seemingly small, but actually vast, empty space.

Here, golden thunder lights are intertwined, forming a seemingly three-foot square garden, but in fact it is a huge sphere that shocks the universe.

The surface of the sphere shone with thunder, bursting with unparalleled destructive power, but within the sphere there was a terrifying vitality.

Ye Han looked at everything, his eyes involuntarily showed a hint of fiery color, what the origin of the earth, compared with the ball in front of him, it really is not worthy of lifting shoes.

If he could obtain the energy in the sphere, Poseysi would only recover in an instant.

Ye Han stabbed with a spear, and the sharp spear ripped apart everything, which was extremely terrifying, but when it landed on the ball, it only caused layers of ripples, not only did not break it, but aroused the appearance of golden thunder Fox's violent counterattack.

"Bold!" A roar, this is the voice of heaven.

Boundless golden thunder arcs jumped out, seemingly small, but in fact each one was as thick as a mountain, and the power of destruction was extremely strong.

Boom! ~

Leiyin shook the world, madly charging down at Ye Han, there was nothing to hide, there was no way to avoid it, so he could only carry it hard.

But since Ye Han came here, he was ready to do everything he could.

The operation of the Taixuan Jing has released Ye Han's most powerful combat power. He has always reserved it, but now it is unnecessary.

Today, either you die or I live.

In other words, whatever it takes to kill you anyway.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, the five internal organs and six internal organs, the world contained in them was fully activated, blooming with unimaginable power, which was provided to Ye Han incessantly, and in addition to him, he had an immortal and indestructible body, all-powerful. attack power.

However, the way of heaven to fight the world is not a cat or a dog, not to mention that at this time, the way of heaven has changed dramatically, and it already has self-awareness. It is like a human being, and it has a stronger fighting consciousness and purpose.

The golden thunder was violent and thick, stronger than the sun, more violent than the collision of stars, thicker than the heaviest gold and iron, Ye Han's every attack must be done with all his strength.

Boom! ~

The dark clouds rolled and the thick thunder shocked the world. Some powerhouses sensed the changes in the celestial phenomenon and used their means to come from all directions. Among them, one was wearing a long golden palace dress, with long golden hair and dazzling eyes, and his face was cold. Gorgeous and noble women are the most eye-catching.

She looks eighteen or nineteen years old, but she is tall and graceful, and her young face has an extremely mature figure.

But the most attractive thing is not these, but the eighteen golden wings behind her.

This girl is none other than Qian Renxue.

There is no doubt Today's Qian Renxue is stronger than when she was on Douluo Continent. Her bloodline has been transformed again, and her strength is further improved. She has eighteen wings and one. Brand new name, Holy to Angel.

Her bloodline has reached the most powerful point, and it is impossible to predict how far she can grow in the future.

Qian Renxue looked at the incomparably thick and slowly rotating clouds above her head, her beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and between the opening and closing of the eyes, a little golden light shone, making her even more beautiful and noble and glamorous.

In the clouds in the sky, she actually felt that her blood vessels were trembling slightly.

"I don't know if You have seen something?" Someone approached and said.

When Qian Renxue heard the words, she retracted her gaze towards the clouds, her eighteen wings slowly stretched, and the crystal energy feathers were scattered, and they were always blooming with amazing beauty.

She glanced at the person who came to her side, her beautiful brows twitched slightly, although the fiery in this person's eyes was deeply hidden, how could she escape Qian Renxue's perception.

However, Qian Renxue's eyes have long been taken for granted, not to mention that this person's strength is quite strong, so there is no need to get angry over such a trivial matter.

Shaking her head gently, Qian Renxue said she didn't know.

"Well, next Zhang San, dare to ask Youfang's name?" Seeing Qian Renxue's cold appearance, that person showed an embarrassed yet polite smile, but said again.

"I am a Taoist companion." Tian Renxue felt helpless.

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