From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 454: : Induction of blood vessels

A man in his 30s or 40s, although his real age is definitely more than that, but at least he looks like a dog on the outside, with an air of arrogance.

However, his name is a bit unbearable to look at.

If it was Ye Han, when he heard the man's introduction, he would definitely reply to him without thinking, "Let's go to Li Si."

It's a pity that Qian Renxue appeared in front of him now.

Although Qian Renxue looks cold and cold, due to her early experience, she has cultivated the mindset that she treats people with others, even if she doesn't like it very much, she will not express her rejection clearly. In short, she will not reject others, especially in person. She couldn't do anything that would make each other unable to stand on the table.

A pair of willow eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Qian Renxue's eyes showed a hint of impatience, but she still politely said, "Qian Renxue."

Although he said his name, the coldness in his expression increased rather than decreased.

Zhang San is not stupid, let alone someone who can cultivate to the eight-star fighting saint realm, how could he be stupid.

He could see the irritability and unhappiness in Qian Renxue's eyes, but Qian Renxue was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her. Even though Zhang San has cultivated to this level, he has seen countless beauties, but he still can't bear it. Live pounding.

"Qian Renxue, a good name, not only the spiritual power it contains, but also a touch of elegance that can't be concealed. It's not as vulgar as my name." Zhang San said eloquently.

When Qian Renxue heard the words, she glanced at Zhang San lightly, as if she was looking at an idiot, she didn't say anything, and you can feel it for yourself.

Then Qian Renxue looked at the thunderclouds in the sky, and there was a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes.

Zhang San looked slightly embarrassed, and then followed Qian Renxue's line of sight to the incomparably thick thundercloud in the sky, with a look of awe that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The thick cloud covers the sky, and the thunder of various colors in it is constantly shining, driving the continuous surging of the thunderclouds in the sky. Occasionally, the thunder is smashed from the sky, and the power it carries is simply earth-shattering. All three felt terrified.

The layers of wings on her back were slowly fanned, Qian Renxue stood tall in the sky, her slender figure was full of grace, and the golden palace dress made her look even more noble and glamorous.

Her eyes were fixed on the thunderclouds in the sky as if they wanted to destroy the world, and the thought in her eyes was even heavier.

She could feel her bloodline calling, as if she had seen a blood relative, so she couldn't help but want to rush up to see what happened.

"Looking at the girl's appearance, you should be interested in this catastrophe, right?" Zhang San retracted his gaze and looked at Tian Renxue with a look he thought he admired, but in fact he looked at Qian Renxue extremely hotly.

The sudden voice made Qian Renxue's bloodline instinct, which was about to be unstoppable, stagnate slightly, and she came back to her senses.

"Listen to what you mean, do you have some understanding of the scene in front of you?" Qian Renxue opened her mouth, her voice was pleasant to the ears, as if it could wash people's hearts.

"I know a little." When Zhang San heard Qian Renxue's words, a bright smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and then he pretended to be lofty.

Qian Renxue looked at Zhang San deeply, then opened her red lips gently, and said, "Since that's the case, I wonder if you can let me know."

"It's just a rare thunder calamity, is it important to the girl?" Zhang San said, his eyes fixed on Qian Renxue, trying to see something.

"Haha! I'm just curious, if fellow Daoist finds it inconvenient, then forget it." Qian Renxue said.

She's not stupid. Telling the other party her name is just too lazy to cover it up, let alone a name. It doesn't matter if she knows it, but how could she just tell others about her thoughts and purposes.

The sudden smile shocked all beings, the world shrouded in clouds seemed to light up at this moment, there was a feeling of bright spring, making people feel like a spring breeze, and the pressure on everyone's heart seemed to be much less.

Zhang San faced Qian Renxue, and instantly felt an electric current hit his heart, making that stable Dao heart thump. At this moment, as long as Qian Renxue said a word, he would be willing to go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire. Will frown.

Zhang San's heart was pounding, and he felt that his youth was back. In a trance, he dreamed that he was eighteen years old, and came to the age when his first love was so beautiful. At that time, the sky was blue, the water was green, and the grass was Green, there are still no chickens and ducks. At that time, debts had to be repaid. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not want your house...

My youth seems to be coming back.

Zhang San's cheeks were flushed, as if a young man who had just started falling in love saw his first love. He was a little shy and a little nervous, and stammered, "No, there's nothing I can't say, I'm also in an ancient book. See, it is said that there is only one possibility for this kind of image, that is heresy, it belongs to the existence that must be destroyed in the soup, only the existence of this sinful creature can cause such a huge thunder ~ without hurting other people."

"So someone should be transcending the calamity?" Qian Renxue's slender willow eyebrows were slightly raised, and her tone was a little hurried.

The induction from the bloodline was too clear, making her eager to know what was calling her.

"Could it be that Chen'er also came to this world?" Such a thought suddenly popped into Qian Renxue's heart.

With this thought, Qian Renxue's face instantly showed a trace of anxiety, and she could not hide her emotions.

Eighteen wings swayed suddenly, and the starting point was brilliant golden light. Qian Renxue's slender and Miaoman's figure was like a glimpse of light, and instantly rushed out at an unbelievable speed.

Qian Renxue's comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth is limited, and she only knows that these people are all regarded as heretics by heaven and earth, and they will be wiped out when they come in, giving them a disgrace and knocking them all down. Now, the more powerful thunder The robbery has risen again, and there is indeed an aura that makes her bloodline echo in the center of the crisis-ridden robbery. This kind of connection between bloodlines is impossible except for the closest people. The induction is too clear. .

The first thing Qian Renxue thought of was Ye Chen, the piece of flesh that fell from her body, that blood relative.

Qian Renxue was short of breath and couldn't care about anything else. At this moment, let alone the dark clouds in front of her and the terrifying thunderbolt, even if the eighteen layers of **** blocked her face, she would not frown.

As a mother, Qian Renxue had no distractions in her heart at this moment, only the deep worry.

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