The red clothes are peerless, the noble temperament, and the stunning face are all occupied by the joy of reunion after a long absence.

Feeling the familiar embrace, breathing the familiar taste, there is a love that cannot be concealed on the dignified and elegant face.

"Long time no see, are you okay?" Thousands of words finally turned into the simplest greeting.

"I'm very good."

Ye Han opened his mouth, let go of his embrace, and gently lifted the woman's face. Looking at the face that he hadn't seen for many years, he still looked at the beautiful face, and bowed his head and kissed on the alluring full red lips.

"Yeah! How could you be having a bad time?" the woman said, turning her head to look at the island beside her.

It seems that despite the infinite distance, the beautiful women on the island can also be seen.

"Cough cough!"

Ye Han embarrassedly touched his nose, grabbed the woman's soft weed, stepped forward, walked towards the distance, and changed the subject at the same time, saying, "I heard Ditian say you left, why are you here? Xueer and What about Xiaoxue and the others?"

The red-clothed woman glanced at him and gave a smirk. She also knew the virtues of the person she liked, so she stopped mentioning those disappointing things.

"Hehe! After leaving here, Xiaoxue proposed to find your whereabouts separately and see who can find you first. As a result, I was rather stupid, so I thought of the trick of waiting for the rabbit. In any case, you will definitely come back. I guessed it." The woman smiled.

He said that he was stupid, but his eyes were full of pride. Looking at Ye Han, there was a look in his eyes that you were quick to praise me.

Ye Han couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Among the women owned by Ye Han, Bo Saixi is neither the youngest nor the oldest, but her temperament is the purest and most honest. She belongs to the stupid, naive, and easy to deceive type. It is rare for her to be smart this time. Naturally, Ye Han would not be stingy with praise.

"Boom! Xixi in our family is so smart. We haven't seen you for so many years. Let's go. Your husband will check your body to see if you are fat or thin."

Saying that, Ye Han directly kissed Bo Saixi on the face, then picked her up, ran his grudge, and took her directly to the bottom of the sea.

The so-called one day is like three autumns, the couple who haven't seen each other for more than ten years, got into the depths of the ocean and forgot what happened.

All the thoughts, all the love, have turned into the hottest response.

Entering the bottom of the sea, the two of them got carried away, and after more than ten days of life without shame and impatience, they held hands with satisfaction and left the endless sea.

"Remember what I promised you?" Ye Han looked at Bo Saixi's ruddy face with a gentle, affectionate expression.

"What?" Bo Saixi said, with a little doubt in his eyes, he had long forgotten Ye Han's promise to her back then.

Ye Han saw this, the tenderness in his eyes was even heavier, he gently hugged the woman into his arms, kissed her forehead and said, "In Douluo Continent, I promised you that I would show you this place. The beauty of the world, seeing the vastness of the heavens and the world, now there are only you and me, and I will take you wherever you want to go."

When Bo Saixi heard the words, his expression froze for a moment, and then he remembered the request he made after the two got married.

She dedicated all the good times in the past to a **** who was not worthy of his respect. After marrying Ye Han on the island, she asked Ye Han to show herself all the beautiful scenery of Douluo Continent.

Ye Han did not forget at that time, nor did he break his promise. Unfortunately, Ye Han is always with everyone, and it is impossible to accompany her alone. Although Ye Han took her, he visited almost every corner of Douluo Continent, but, There are always some regrets.

At that time, she didn't know what it was. The sisters were together, lively and happy, and her lover was by her side, so she ignored it.

Now she realizes that she is also jealous.

Now, Ye Han's words moved Bo Saixi deeply.

The slender arms gently wrapped around Ye Han's neck. Bo Saixi was one hundred and eighty centimeters tall, which was only a few centimeters apart from Ye Han's height. .

Soft, moist, and exudes an air of infatuation.

Bo Saixi has always been conservative. Letting her wear a cheongsam that slits up to her thighs will take a long time to coax her like a child. It is rare that she is so emotional today, how could Ye Han not seize the opportunity.

The sky is the quilt and the earth is the bed, shaking to heaven.

"You, you, why can't you always change your anxious personality?" Bo Saixi sighed, a hint of helplessness on his gentle face.

"You can't blame me for that! You are so beautiful."

Ye Han looked at the people under him, and said as if he had put honey on his mouth.

Having already hit the bullseye, Ye Han is not in a hurry.

"Smooth tongue." Bo Saixi opened his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing his emotions, obviously very satisfied with Ye Han's answer.

Then a palm stroked Ye Han's face, and finally gently pulled his head towards him and offered his red lips...

10 days later.

"You, slow, slow..."

Bo Saixi was panting, her voice trembling, and she pleaded a little.


Ye Han slowed down and waited for Bo Saixi behind him to come, stretched out his palm to gently hold her hand, and said with a smile, "How is it, are you tired?"

"I didn't blow it, even if you seal the cultivation base, with the physique of an ordinary person, no one will be my opponent, not to mention that you are a woman, and you are inherently weaker than men in terms of physical strength."

"No way, who made your man so good!"

Hearing Ye Han's boastful words, Bo Saixi couldn't help rolling his eyes, then raised his palm and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I'm not tired, isn't it just dozens of miles of mountain road?" Ye Han said.

While speaking, he also raised his palm to help Po Saixi wipe the sweat from his forehead, and pushed the messy hair behind her ear.

"Aren't you tired?" Bo Saixi said.

There was a hint of slyness deep in his eyes.

"This way, even ordinary people can cross, not to mention, no matter what, I am also a practitioner..." As soon as the words fell, Ye Han felt a slight sinking on his back.

The two big mountains were pressed firmly on the back, which was both heavy and distracting.

"If you're not tired, then go with your back!" Bo Saixi hugged Ye Han's neck, lowered his head, and said in his ear.

Ye Han really wanted to cry but had no tears, but admitting defeat at this time was a bit embarrassing.

For the glory of men, for the dignity of Demacia, for justice, and for the cow he blew, Ye Hanhan's tears, carrying Po Saixi on his back, slowly climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Open your mouth!"

As he walked, a water cup was handed to Ye Han's mouth, and the cool spiritual liquid drank, soothed the dryness of his throat, and lifted Ye Han's spirit.

"If it doesn't work, let me down." Po Saisi smiled.

"Cut! Woman, pay attention to what you say, what's wrong, your man can do it very well." Ye Han said.

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