Chapter 524

In Tianmu Mountain, the tide of spiritual energy receded, and countless figures rushed towards a tunnel that appeared in the sky.

A thin black-clothed figure crossed the crowd first, and rushed into the passage first.

Who is he?

Many people were puzzled, and Feng Qinger, who was robbed of the first place, was even more stunned.

It was this pause that she even lost the second place.

The tall white-robed figure was like walking in a courtyard, seemingly slow, but at a fast speed, it flashed away from her side in an instant and entered the passage.

"It's him!"

Feng Qing'er was stunned for a moment, her expression a little stunned, she recognized Ye Han's identity at a glance, it was the handsome young man who was forced back by her mount just now.

Originally thought that this person was just a silver-like wax-headed gun that didn't work, but who would have known that the other party would have this ability.

It was obvious from the glimpse of the leopard in the tube, Feng Qinger had a good eye, and through Ye Han's calm movements, he immediately discovered his strength, which was definitely not an ordinary person.


The lotus root-like arm flicked, and a mighty vindictive force rushed out, forcing a figure who wanted to pass her back, Feng Qinger didn't delay any longer, and the third entered the tunnel...

The breeze was blowing, and the forest sea surged, spreading to the distance like an endless wave.

Ye Han stood quietly in the grass about a foot high, staring into the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the difference in this world.

Feng Qinger appeared, glanced at the black-clothed figure in the front right, and snorted coldly, then looked at the white-clothed figure not far away, and asked curiously, "Which family are you from?"

Ye Han heard the words, turned around and looked at the girl in a colorful short skirt. He was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to talk to him.

"I see your temperament and strength. You shouldn't be an unknown person, but why have I never heard of you?" Feng Qinger continued.

Ye Han shook his head and said, "It's just a nameless person, it's normal that you don't know each other."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han slightly folded his hands, then raised his feet and left.

It's not that he pretended to be coercive and was unwilling to tell Feng Qing'er his name, but that the gap between the two was too great in terms of identity and strength, and it was destined that there would not be too many intersections, so why bother Waste of lips.

"Humph! I don't believe it anymore. In this Tianmu Mountain, you can completely hide your identity, or in other words, you are Xiao Yan!" Feng Qinger snorted coldly as she looked at Ye Han's disappearing back.


three days later.

Those with a certain strength have passed through layers of obstacles, passed through the vast forest, and came to the bottom of the Tianshan platform, waiting for the opening of the last level.

Time passed, and the Golden Rat clan who lived here all the year round announced the start of crossing the border. At this moment, a thin black figure came in an instant with the sound of breaking wind.

"Sorry! It's late, didn't you delay the time to pass the barrier?" Lazy Yangyang's words attracted everyone's attention, and then everyone looked at him like a fool.

"Who do you think you are? The level here is not set for you alone. If you can catch up, you will be pulled down if you can't catch up. You have a relationship with others, so why delay?"

Someone sneered directly, and then, dozens of figures flashed away and rushed directly to the tall jade platform.

Then, a piercing chirping sounded.

Chi Chi! ~

Many people were immediately shattered by the harsh chirping sound, their souls were injured, their qi and blood flowed backwards, and they vomited blood and flew out.

The emaciated figure in black has a gloomy gaze, but he didn't expect that the road of pretending to be unsatisfactory after a hundred attempts was hit hard this time.

His eyes were swept away, his eyes were cold, and then he stepped into the sound wave formation of the rat tide...

After feeling the power of this formation, he opened his mouth and let out a roar of dragons and tigers. He shook the sound waves with sonic waves. Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, he directly passed the level.

This time, he really pretended to be there.

And the name reported by this person surprised everyone.

"Xiao Yan!"

"He turned out to be anti-inflammatory!"

Just when everyone thought that this breakthrough was coming to an end.

Several more figures appeared slowly, the most striking one was a man and a woman.

The man is dressed in white, floating in the dust, with a sense of detachment and refinement. Most of the people come here, more or less a little embarrassed, but in his body, some are just wind and clouds. The casualness, like a green outing, is so comfortable, it is Ye Han.

On the other hand, a woman was dressed in Tsing Yi, and her delicate face was full of beauty, full of moving meaning, and her beauty was not inferior to Feng Qing'er in the slightest.

This woman is none other than Senior Sister Xingyun Pavilion, Mu Qingluan.

Ye Han turned his head, looked at the woman beside him, and said helplessly, "You're such a big girl, you've been with me for several days, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Mu Qingluan's eyes flashed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "You have a special smell on your body, you can't tell the truth, but I have a feeling that if you follow you, you may gain something."

Hearing such frank words, Ye Han Bubu was a little speechless.

The mere rat tide sound wave is useless to Ye Han, even his clothes can't be blown, naturally it can't pose a threat to him, not to mention when Xiao Yan just broke through the level, he has already shown great power and made these rats sluggish. It's even more impossible to pose a big threat to him now.

And Mu Qingluan did the same, and easily passed the level.

Besides the two of there were actually several people who got away with it because of Xiao Yan.

As a result, the number of people has exceeded the scope of Tianshan Blood Tan.

In the midst of everyone's whispers, Xiao Yan suddenly shot and threw several people out of Tianshan Terrace with one move.

"Do you want to die?" Ye Han looked at Xiao Yan and said in a very calm voice.

But at this moment, Xiao Yan felt a chill to the bones, it was the purest killing intent.

Obviously, he also shot Ye Han just now, but the result was not ideal.

His face changed for a while, Xiao Yan cupped his hands and lowered his head, and said, "Forgive me, brother, it was abrupt, please forgive me for the offense."


With a cold snort, Xiao Yan's body staggered back, his palms covered his chest, and a trace of blood involuntarily spilled from the corners of his mouth.

This scene surprised everyone and made everyone swallow a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

Because no one saw how Ye Han made his move, which meant that Ye Han's strength far surpassed everyone present.

"I can't see someone pretending to be thirteen in front of me." With a soft voice, he glanced at the eyes of everyone around him, and Ye Han shook his head. Now that he was exposed, he didn't bother to hide anymore. He walked straight to the top of the mountain.

The so-called Tianmu Mountain is actually a small world. Ye Han has already checked the secrets around, but he has found nothing.

If there is anything else, it's no surprise, it's definitely on the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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