From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 519: : Green Fairy

Chapter 520 Green Fairy

A monster with a green face and fangs, it only eats women.

The flower-picking thief, the jade-faced gentleman.

Thirty feet tall, with eyes like bronze bells.

A lecherous pervert...

These rumors were all describing Ye Han, and when Ye Han heard this, Jun's face turned black, and he really wanted to find all these people and beat them up.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare.

Under such circumstances, if he dared to appear, he would be greeted by endless troubles. After finally getting out of this vortex, Ye Han didn't dare to step into it easily.

Although there were not many people who could recognize him, Ye Han still disguised himself as a precaution, and then took advantage of the darkness of the night to enter the Huazong's guardian formation.

With Ye Han's formation skills, Dou Qi Continent's formation is too vulgar and useless in his opinion.

But for a while, Ye Han really set foot in the flower sect.

As expected of a sect composed of a group of women, there is an elegant beauty everywhere, every mountain, river, flower and grass, everywhere looks so delicate.

Although there is a large formation to guard, Huazong did not relax because of this. It is still five steps, one post and ten steps and one post. There are manpower everywhere, guarding day and night, and guarding closely.

Unfortunately, these defenses were useless to Ye Han.

Using a stealth method, Ye Han swaggered through the crowd and appeared on the main hall of Huazong.

And Yun Yun is also here.

In terms of Yunyun's qualifications, she has only joined the sect for ten days, and she is not qualified to participate in the assembly composed of the elders of the sect.

However, Yun Yun's aptitude is too high, and she has a Dou Zun level of cultivation, and it is very compatible with the way of Hua Zong's cultivation. After the initial identification of her identity, she was also brought here by exception, but she only appeared. Only on the outermost edge.

Ye Han concealed his figure, quietly stepped forward, then leaned down and blew a warm breath in Yun Yun's ear.


Yun Yun's whole person was struck by lightning, her complexion changed greatly, she almost jumped up in fright due to the sudden change, but fortunately Ye Han had anticipated it, and directly blocked her voice and restricted her movements.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

Ye Han hurriedly spoke, then hugged Yun Yun from behind, and hugged the mature and plump body tightly into his arms.

After hearing Ye Han's voice, Yun Yun couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and then glared angrily behind her.

"Don't mess around, there are a lot of people here." Holding Ye Han's big hand in front of her, Yun Yun hurriedly sent a mental voice and warned.

"Mmmm! I'll be careful..." Ye Han quickly replied.

Because Yun Yun is in the corner, few people pay attention, and because of the angle of view, most people can't see it if they want to.

However, Fairy Qing, the Great Elder of Huazong, who was sitting in the position of the master of the high platform, was the first to discover the abnormality on Yun Yun's side.

Just a casual glance, Fairy Qing retracted her gaze.

"At this time, the critical juncture of Hua Zong's life and death has come. I hope that all elders will not relax. You must urge the disciples to step up their precautions. Within three days, I will definitely find a way to solve this matter. Well, the conference ends here, all go back. Bar!"

Gentle and intellectual, Fairy Qing, who is like everyone's lady, sits on the main seat of the main hall. When she speaks, her voice is soft, but it also carries an inexplicable majesty.

A group of elders with high positions in the Hua Zong immediately saluted and then slowly retreated.

"You, you bastard, didn't you accompany your wife? I think of me now, and, as soon as I came, I knew how to make fun of others." In Yun Yun's boudoir, the woman blushed and looked at her hugging herself tightly. In his arms, wishing to eat his man immediately, he said angrily.

"How do you talk? She's my wife, so what are you? A mistress, or a lover, but there is a saying that there is no wild flower fragrance in the home, let me smell the fragrance..." Ye Han said, directly promoting Nose, took a few deep breaths on Yun Yun's neck, and then said with intoxication, "Well!

Then, Yun Yun grabbed her ear.

"Who's the mistress? Who's the lover?" The woman looked at Ye Han with a murderous look and said viciously.

"Wait, someone is here." Ye Han said with a solemn expression on his face.

Yun Yun was taken aback when she heard the words, and quickly released her palm...

As a result, the next moment her hands were controlled by Ye Han, and her warm lips fell directly into the wolf's mouth. At this time, how could Yun Yun not know that she was fooled.

Staring at the cunning and proud man with shame, Yun Yun was so angry that her teeth were itching but she couldn't do anything. Then, under Ye Han's fierce attack, she became confused and forgot what she was doing.

"Wait, someone is here."

Suddenly, Ye Han grabbed Yun Yun's hands that were tearing at his clothes and said.

When Yun Yun heard the words, she gave Ye Han a roll of eyes, she didn't believe what he said at all, and then directly threw him down...

"Your sister, someone is really here!"

Ye Han wanted to cry but had no tears, but at this moment he couldn't help thinking of the story of the wolf coming.

"Cough cough!~"

A soft cough sounded, interrupting Yun Yun's wild offensive.

Yun Yun's movements suddenly stopped, and for a while, she felt thunder rolling over her head, and her scalp was numb...

"Come out and talk!"

A soft voice with a little majesty lingered in Ye Han's ears.

"Look! I didn't lie to you!" Ye Han looked at Yun Yun with a helpless look on his face. He didn't say anything, but everything was in his eyes.

Yun Yun was extremely embarrassed, and at this moment she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Enter the space ring!" Ye Han said.

In this regard, Yun Yun, who was too ashamed to see people, naturally had no meaning at all.

Put Yun Yun into the space ring, Ye Han got up, dressed neatly, and then left the room slowly.

In the elegant courtyard, in her thirties, a gentle and beautiful woman in green clothes had a sad look that could not be concealed between her eyebrows, and Ye Han's eye stickers appeared.

On that beautiful and dignified face, because he saw something he shouldn't see, at this moment, with a slight blush, his expression was a little embarrassed, but it also revealed a touch of firmness.

At this time, her mind was extremely complicated.

This person is none other than the Great Elder of Hua Zong, Fairy Qing.

Originally came here to ask for help, but unexpectedly broke the good things of others, but to let her leave, because she was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, and abandoned the sect, she... can't do it.

She stood awkwardly outside the door and waited for a long time.

Finally, with a soft creak, the closed door opened.

Fairy Qing turned around and saw at a glance that tall and straight figure bathed in the moonlight, conferred a **** like jade, elegant and handsome.

"I'm curious, how did you find me." Eyes facing each other, Ye Han looked at Beauty under the Moon, straight to the point, and directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Before I answer your question, can you answer me a question?" The woman looked at Ye Han and said softly.

"Let's hear it, but I don't promise to answer." Ye Han smiled and stepped forward, sitting down in the pavilion beside the woman.

At this moment, Fairy Qing couldn't help but have an illusion in her heart, feeling that Ye Han was the master of this flower sect.

"You should be the mysterious pharmacist who stirred up the situation in the mainland and made the major forces boil!" Fairy Qing took a deep breath and suppressed the thoughts that shouldn't be in her opened the mouth and said, while speaking, A pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be soft, but in fact they revealed shrewdness. Looking at Ye Han, he was unwilling to let go of any clues.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to know quite a lot." Ye Han said with a smile, neither denying nor admitting, the answer was already obvious.

The woman heard the words, her eyes flashed slightly, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings for a moment.

Although she had already guessed the answer, hearing it with her own ears always made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Hua Zong encountered today's crisis, thanks to this person, but now she has to bow her head and beg him, and even...

"That day, the scene where you brought Yun Yun into the great formation happened to be seen by me." The woman said.

"I said! Originally, I was wondering how smoothly Yun Yun's entry into the Flower Sect went, but now it seems that you are behind everything." Ye Han said.

"That's right, originally I just wanted to use Yun Yun to see what your idea was, but now, I want to ask you to help Hua Zong." The woman Yingying bowed and gave a Wanfu gift, keeping her posture low.

"I can indeed help your sect through this disaster, but why should I help you?" Ye Han smiled, shook his head, and said, "Is it possible that you think Yun Yun has joined the flower sect, and I will help you? ?"

"As long as you help Huazong through this disaster, I promise that all the resources in Huazong will be open to Yunyun unconditionally, to help her grow, and all the members of Huazong will appreciate your kindness and keep it in your heart." The woman's eyes widened and she begged.

(End of this chapter)

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