From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 516: : Yihong Courtyard

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Although the words of the prostitute when he first entered the door were joking, they also carried undisguised disdain.

Could it be that she really thought her Yihong Courtyard was an ordinary place?

She is a force directly under Happy Valley.

Happy Valley, although there is no way to compare it with the behemoth of a palace and a tower, but it is also an old-fashioned force on one side. It is just that there are two Dou Zong guardians in this Yihong Courtyard, which is evident.

In this way, the prostitute naturally has the qualification to despise Ye Han's words, but the moment she saw Xuanyi, her thoughts changed instantly.

Xuanyi is indeed qualified to become the top card of Yihong Court in Happy Valley.

"Haha! You're not kidding, you really want to sell such a lovely person." The old man turned around Xuanyi and Ye Han twice, and said tentatively.

"If you don't obey, you will sell it, will you accept it?" Ye Han said with a smile.

"No, you bastard, I'm..." Xuanyi became anxious, scolded Ye Han angrily, then looked at the old maid with cold eyes, with a cold suffocation on her body, she was about to report to her family.

It's a pity that Ye Han didn't give her a chance to speak.


The old bustard opened his mouth, looked at Xuanyi, and then looked at Ye Han, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Because at that moment, she actually felt an inexplicable pressure from Xuan Yi's body.

She was obviously just an ordinary person, but the momentum that burst out at that moment made her, the Dou King, feel terrified.

"Don't worry, it's just a sect master of a small sect. If you don't dare to accept it, I'll go to another house." Ye Han smiled lightly.

The old man's face changed for a while, and he obviously didn't believe Ye Han's words.

But after thinking about it, she is just a woman, and she is also a woman with no strength. As long as she falls into her hands, as long as she is given a certain amount of time, her father will stand in front of her, and she will not be regarded as a woman. the same person.

"Since the son sincerely wants to sell, then I have to inspect the goods first, so that I can give you an accurate quotation." After making a decision, the old bustard made a decisive decision.

"Okay! Let's inspect the goods then!" Ye Han cast his curious eyes on the prostitute, wanting to know how she was going to inspect the goods.

The old bustard gave Ye Han a mysterious smile, threw a disgusting wink, and then waited for a while, then twisted his slightly sturdy waist and quickly left Ye Han's private room.

"Don't worry, this place is very good, you will definitely have to eat and drink in the future. From now on, you will no longer have to worry about food." Ye Han said.

Xuanyi's eyes were cold and desperate, and he looked at Ye Han with a look that could not wait to be smashed to ashes.

That hateful gaze made Ye Han feel a chill in his heart, so he couldn't help avoiding Xuan Yi's gaze...

Soon, the prostitute left and returned, but behind her there were four middle-aged women with thick hands and feet.

"Can you hand her over to me, sir?" The old bustard looked at Ye Han with a charming smile on his face.

Ye Han smiled dumbly, and without hesitation, pushed Xuanyi, who was shaking his head, to the prostitute.

The old bustard took the Xuanyi, with a smile like chrysanthemum blooming on his face, and some white flour-like powder fell crisply, which made people look really unappetizing.

She made a color to the four people behind her, and the four women who were obviously doing rough work immediately stepped forward and grabbed Xuanyi's limbs. I took out a cylindrical hollow tube and what looked like a magnifying glass from my own ring...

Ye Han was slightly stunned. At this time, he couldn't guess what Lao Bao was going to do, and what did she mean by inspection.

Although Xuanyi still didn't understand what she had to face, the boundless humiliation made her almost collapse. As she was carried to the table and held there like a lamb to be slaughtered, boundless fear struck her instantly, shrouding her, trying to maintain her stubborn eyes, and finally big tears fell, with pleading eyes. On Ye Han's body.

"Okay, okay, no need to test, she is no longer perfect." Ye Han said, after all, he still couldn't bear it.

The old man's movements paused slightly, then looked at Ye Han, and thought about it for a while. In the face of such a beautiful woman, as long as a few normal men can stand it.

Slightly disappointed, she put away the tools in her hand, and the old man looked at Ye Han and said, "If that's the case, the price will definitely be greatly discounted. Also, I'm going to change her clothes to see how she looks."

"Of course there is no problem with this!" Ye Han laughed.

Xuan Yi just breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little touched by Ye Han in his heart, but this little touch was only annihilated by Ye Han's relatives in an instant.

Then, unable to speak, Xuanyi, whose strength was sealed, was directly stripped off by four women who were doing rough work. When Ye Han's face, he put him into a bathtub that the madam took out, and it was immediately washed.

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's so beautiful that I'm reluctant to sell it."

The so-called people rely on clothes, Buddhas rely on gold clothes, and the black clothes that have been changed into a suit are absolutely worthy of a sentence of national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

Although the prostitute is not very good-looking, and even a little shivering, I have to say that this choice of clothes is indeed a must.

Compared to other women in Yihong Courtyard, a relatively conservative dress was worn on her body, which perfectly outlined the noble and glamorous temperament of Xuanyi, making her royal sister more prominent.

At this moment, let alone Ye Han, even the old bustard and the four middle-aged women were amazed by Xuanyi's dress.

The pale pink clothes are as light as fog, revealing the delicate white collarbone, the crystal-like jade ankles, and a pink belt outlines a perfect and seductive curve. The perfect combination of strength and tenderness can evoke the conquest of all the opposite **** in an instant. desire and protection.

"very good!"

After a long time, the old man came back to his senses and couldn't help but let out a heartfelt admiration, then looked at Ye Han, and cautiously said, "How about ten thousand gold coins?"

"100,000, I won't sell it for a penny less." Ye Han raised a palm and shook it in front of the old bustard.

"This, if it's the eldest daughter of a yellow flower, then there's nothing to say, but now, to be honest, she's not worth it." The old bustard looked embarrassed, hesitated for a while and was about to increase the price for Ye Han.

It's a pity that Ye Han was quite hard-hearted at this time, and he said directly, "120,000 gold coins."

"I, no, at most 80,000." The old man was choked for a while, he had never seen such a counter-offer, but he knew that Ye Han was sitting on the ground to raise the price, so he hurriedly added a sip.

However, when Ye Han heard the words, he spoke directly and said indifferently, "150,000."

"No." The prostitute jumped when he heard it, and almost burst out saying why you didn't grab it.

Originally being sold as a commodity, Xuanyi, who was full of humiliation, felt a long sigh of relief when he heard the old bustard's refusal.

And Ye Han heard the old prostitute's words even more directly. Without saying a word, Liu Yao, who hugged Xuanyi, led her directly to the door.

"Wait, 150,000, deal." The old bustard said almost gnashing his teeth.

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyi's heart, which had already been relaxed, twitched violently, and a pair of small hands involuntarily grabbed the corner of Ye Han's clothes.

"It would be better if it was like this. If that's the case, then she will be yours in the future." Ye Han turned to look at the old man and smiled.

The palm of his hand was lightly forceful, trying to push Xuanyi's body over.

However, Xuan Yi's hands were gripping so tightly that he would not let go.

Seeing this, the old bustard stepped forward directly, and rudely pulled the Xuanyi away.

Xuanyi's beautiful eyes were full of water, looking at Ye Han with prayer and fear, as if the woman who was about to be forced into a prostitute was full of powerlessness and despair, hoping to be rescued.

Now, only he can save himself.

Xuanyi has always thought that she is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and after experiencing that absurd day with Ye Han, she even put her life and death aside, but now, she has discovered that there are things in this world that are more terrifying than death.


Ye Han's control slapped the old bustard's photo with three layers inside and three layers outside, and wrapped a thick layer of foundation, which made her plump face with charm and slapped her. Dengdeng took three steps back.

"Vulgar, you have to be gentle with girls, do you know?" Ye Han stepped forward, pulled Xuanyi back to him, and gently and thoughtfully helped her wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The old man covered his cheeks and looked at Ye Han in shock and anger. Although he knew that Ye Han was not easy, he didn't expect that he was a dignified fighting king. What she felt sad and angry was what Ye Han said.

Be gentle with girls, co-authoring me is not a girl in your eyes!

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