From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 513: : I'll sell you if you don't obey

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

As soon as he succeeded in the blow, Xuan Yi became unforgiving, unleashing the ultimate ultimate move, and caught up with Ye Han who flew out in an instant.

However, Ye Han had already reacted at this moment, how could he be hit by her again.

Facing the long sword pierced by Xuanyi, Ye Han stretched out his hands and pinched it precisely so that it could not advance an inch.

"Death to me!"

Xuanyi roared, and made another killing move.

Thousands of sword shadows were mixed in the raging flames, forming a great formation that directly covered Ye Han.

Ye Han let go of his hands and retreated directly, pulling the distance away in an instant, and then the surface of his body glowed with mysterious golden light, and he was immortal and immortal.

Dangdang! ~

Like the collision of fine iron, Ye Han's body surface burst into flames, but apart from the tattered clothes, he did not suffer much injury.

Although the current Xuanyi is already a Dou Sheng cultivation base, it is still not enough to threaten him.

After the vision caused by the collision of Dou Qi, Xuanyi froze for a while when he saw Ye Han appearing in front of him, and then he ran Dou Qi again like crazy, and continued to attack Ye Han with the strongest means.


Seeing this, Ye Han's eyes flashed with cold electricity, and with a roar, a big hand reached out, and the vast power of rules turned into a net that wiped out all of Xuanyi's means, and then directly imprisoned her and pulled her to his body. forward.

"There is no grudge between you and me, but when you come to my alchemy place, I don't believe that you have no other ideas. Although I did cheat on you, I also let you go, so even if the two don't owe each other. , but instead you have bad thoughts towards me, which caused me to be attacked by the medicinal pill, and I can only use you to heal my wounds. Now, with your palm, what do you think, is it true that I dare not kill you." Ye Han grabbed Xuanyi's neck with one hand and said coldly.

"Some kind of kill me now, or I will never die with you." Xuanyi's voice was cold, facing Ye Han without fear.

"Never die, okay! I want to see how you can stay with me forever." Facing Xuanyi, who regarded death as home, Ye Han suddenly smiled.

A subtle magic formation was condensed in the palm of his hand, which directly penetrated into Xuanyi's chest, completely sealing the power of her whole body.

"I almost forgot, you will be my slave from now on. If you don't obey me, I will sell you immediately." Ye Han said with a bright smile on his face.

Xuanyi's eyes shrank slightly, for some reason, facing Ye Han who was smiling, Xuanyi felt more frightening than facing Ye Han who looked cold...

Dusk sunset.

Ye Han walked in front, and Xuanyi, whose strength was sealed, could only reluctantly follow behind with a beautiful face.

She didn't want to do this either, but her strength was sealed. If she didn't follow Ye Han, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to walk ten miles away, and she would have to become a monster for dinner.

The vast wilderness is boundless, and it seems that there is no end in sight.

Ye Han walked slowly, suddenly stopped, looked at the scorched black earth with the mud flying in front of him, felt the chaotic fluctuation of fighting spirit here, and said suspiciously, "There was a war here."

After muttering to himself, he stepped forward again, and soon saw a corpse, and then the expression on his face was a little strange.

"Alas! Poor."

With a long sigh, Ye Han stepped forward and gently closed the man's eyes, glaring angrily.

"It's them."

Xuanyi limped on the muddy ground and came behind Ye Han. When he saw the clothes of the dead man, his pupils shrank slightly, and then his face involuntarily showed a hint of joy.

The deceased was none other than one of the people who formally captured Xuanyi and handed it over to Ye Han, that is, the group who helped Ye Han conceal the breath of the refining medicine.

Of those few people, one person took a ninth-grade medicine pill ghost blood pill from Ye Han's hands, but it was obvious that they were targeted soon after they left.

Ye Han strode through the battlefield, and judging from the traces left by the battle, there were definitely more than one party who started the battle this time.

Ye Han found two corpses in different directions on this battlefield, because after the two died, there seemed to be some small friction among those who benefited.

Of the two people who died, one of them was the Dousheng-level powerhouse, and the other two were missing, and they probably escaped.

Ye Han shook his head, clapped his palms, looked towards Yuan Kong and could not help but let out a sigh.

"Life is full of joy. Don't let the golden bottle face the moon. Isn't it good to live happily? Why fight and kill?"

Xuanyi was standing not far behind Ye Han. Hearing his first two sentences, he involuntarily glanced at him a little more, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect such a **** to have a little talent.

Concentrating his thoughts, Ye Han continued to walk forward with his hands on his back.

Golden Crow falls, Moon Rabbit rises.

Although Ye Han's pace was slow, it never stopped.

After the strength was sealed, Xuanyi was not much different from ordinary people except for endurance and physical strength. After walking non-stop for so long in this dimly lit wilderness, fatigue was inevitable, but the most important thing was that the road was rough. , the line of sight is obstructed.

She stumbled on something under her feet, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation. Seeing that she was about to fall, she fell into a broad embrace.

"Be careful." Ye Han said indifferently.

"It's up to you." Xuanyi pushed Ye Han's chest with both hands, struggling to stand up again.

"Be careful, it doesn't matter if you break your body. If you break this beautiful face, I'm afraid it won't sell for a good price." Ye Han smiled and touched Xuanyi's face, but his tone was a little cold.

When Xuanyi raised his palm to pat his hand away, he directly released the tender body in his arms without any hesitation.


three days later.


Ye Han looked at the unkempt, disheveled tall woman and asked with a smile.

Hearing the words, Xuanyi gave him a stern look with bloodshot eyes, but he didn't say a word and just snorted coldly.

"If you're tired, just say it. My embrace is very warm, so you can sleep comfortably and have a good night's sleep." Ye Han turned around with a smile and continued on.

"Are you hungry?"

"You're not hungry! But I'm hungry, what should I do?"

Ye Han was talking to himself alone, then stretched out his palm and grabbed it, and a plump fifth-order monster appeared directly in his hand.

The palm of the hand was slightly forced, and with a bang, the lively fifth-order beast was directly twisted and its neck was broken.

A pile of bonfires was burning brightly, and a stripped and washed demon beast was placed on it. The roasted golden oil was bright and it exuded a tempting fragrance.

The crystal clear grease dropped and fell into the burning fire, making a crackling sound...

Ye Han rubbed his palms, and couldn't wait to tear off a piece of crispy, golden roasted meat, and put it into his mouth to take a delicious bite.

"Wow, incense..."

Ye Han raised his head and made an indistinct sound, quickly swallowed the barbecue, then took out the jug, Meimei took a sip, and couldn't help shouting "Cool!"


Xuanyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva involuntarily, not wanting to see or smell it, but at this moment, even the weather-hardened will couldn't control his body.

What made her even more embarrassed was that her stomach made a rumbling sound.

Ye Han turned around and finally remembered that there was a woman by his side who hadn't eaten for several days.

Facing Ye Han's gaze, Xuan Yi's grim face that he had always maintained couldn't hold back any longer, and a faint blush appeared involuntarily.

"I want to eat! If I want to eat, I don't ask you to be called master. Call me Big Brother Ye, how about I give it to you?" Ye Han raised the barbecue in his hand and tempted.

"Bah! Who wants to eat your food, it's disgusting." Xuanyi cursed to divert his attention, and finally summoned up the courage to withdraw his gaze.

"Disgusting, okay!"

Ye Han couldn't help but nodded, he admitted that he was thinking crooked.

Ye Hanhu ate the sea for a and then patted his stomach, fell directly beside the fire and fell asleep.

When Ye Hanhu was eating Haisai, Xuanyi's eyes always glanced this way, and now he saw him falling asleep on the ground, so he didn't care whether he was pretending or not. With his hands and feet close, he carefully tore off a piece of barbecue, and couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth.


At this moment, Ye Han suddenly opened his mouth and made an unintelligible sound, which directly shocked Xuanyi, and almost choked to death with the barbecued meat in his mouth.

After calming down, he realized that Ye Han just turned around.

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