From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 504: : 2 female rivalry

Chapter 505


Under Ye Han's swept formation, both Queen Medusa and Yun Yun performed exceptionally well, and their 100% combat power actually increased to 120.


On the other hand, one of the enemies was shattered by Ye Han's slap, and the other was frightened, and the two Dou Zongs were more than half of their strength and their minds were damaged. Their combat strength was less than 70%. He Chang was soon defeated by Yun Yun.


However, this woman is indeed too kind, and she can't even kill her.


Ye Han shook his head and couldn't help but think of Doubaqiang, as if all the people, only Yun Yun had no record of killing people from beginning to end.


"If you don't want to kill, then don't kill."


Ye Han took the hesitant woman into his arms and comforted him.


She protects her own woman, and no one can force her to do anything she doesn't want.


Yun Yun nodded, looking at Ye Han's handsome face, she couldn't help swaying, she was moved, she raised her head and kissed him on the face.


Then she felt a look of cold murderous intent falling on her body as if it were real.


Looking back, it was Queen Medusa's cold phoenix eyes.


Those beautiful and cold eyes seemed to be able to speak, silently conveying a message.


"You bastard, the old lady is working hard here, but you are stealing food there..."


Yun Yun's pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn't flinch. Instead, she glared back fiercely, hugged Ye Han's neck as if showing off, and kissed him again on the lips.


Ye Han "..."


Looking at the overall situation, how could he not find Xiao Jiujiu of the two women? Seeing these two women who are both enemies and comrades secretly intrigue, Ye Han suddenly felt very interesting, and the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up slightly.


Then he felt a little cold in his body, and apparently he was also being targeted by Queen Medusa.


Startled in his heart, Ye Han quickly calmed down, and the corners of his mouth that had just lifted up quietly returned to their original state.


The appearance of Congxin is completely opposite to his previous style.




A cold hum rang in her ears, Queen Medusa glared at Ye Han, and then she vented all her anger on the two people opposite.


The two strong fighting saints were piling up blood one after another, and their defeat was already revealed. Seeing that something was wrong, the two immediately wanted to run away, but how could Ye Han let the two of them do so?


Ye Han stretched out his palm and was about to block it, but when he heard a loud bang, Queen Mengmei Dousha turned into an undead swallowing python.


The huge snake body shone with magnificent nine-colored rays of light, twisting and twisting above the sky like a dragon, occupying the entire sky.


She mouthed one, and suddenly took a breath.


With a bang, the void exploded, and the time and space were disordered. The faces of the two fleeing saint-level powerhouses changed greatly, and they felt a terrifying devouring force coming from all directions, squeezing their bodies, causing their actions to be greatly affected. Obstruction, the body becomes heavier than ever.


In the fierce confrontation, they felt that their souls were about to be sucked out of the body.


At the same time, a colorful snake tail crossed the sky, like a colored lightning, splitting the void, tearing time, and swept away from the two fighting saints.


A flash of brilliance flashed, and everything was clear. Queen Medusa fell from the sky gasping for breath. The towering peaks and mountains continued to rise and fall.


Obviously, the outbreak just now was not easy for her.


Ye Han flashed over with Yun Yun, gently embraced Queen Medusa's weak body, with three points of blame and seven points of doting, helplessly said, "Why are you so brave, can't you leave it to me to solve it? "


"I am Her Majesty the Queen."


When Queen Medusa heard this, she raised her head and looked directly at Ye Han. Her voice was soft and sweet, but her words were strong, and the temperament of a strong woman was unmistakable.


"In front of outsiders, you are Her Majesty the Queen, but in front of me, you are just my woman. You can completely unload all your burdens. From now on, I will bear everything for you." Ye Han said.


Queen Medusa's eyes flickered slightly when she heard Ye Han's words, thinking that this man once forcibly married and robbed herself, and would do anything to tie herself to his chariot. However, it was only a few short years ago. The man who needed her to help him has grown to this point now.


What made her even more unexpected was that she had unknowingly sunk deep into the mud, was robbed of his heart by him, and surrendered to his charm without complaint or regret.


Now, in the face of Ye Han's soft and uncompressed words, Queen Medusa has no power to resist. She leaned her head gently in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, she could only be silent. Nodding his head, his voice was soft, maintaining his final stubbornness, "I don't want to be a vase."


"No, you will never be a vase." Ye Han hugged the two daughters, gently stroked their hair, and said with a firm expression, "You are all people I like."


"Ye Han, let me practice in your space ring!" Yun Yun raised her head, looked at Ye Han, and said solemnly.


Ye Han looked at him for two seconds, then smiled smoothly, nodded, and said, "Okay!"


"Don't worry! I won't push myself too hard. If you miss me, you can call me out at any time." Yun Yun said.


Just when he said the last sentence, there was an inexplicable blush on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking of.


"Then don't go in at all."


Ye Han said, "There is a saying that if you don't see you for one day, it's like every other day. If I can't see you at first sight, I feel a hundred claws scratching my heart and my whole body is uncomfortable. What do you say?"


Yun Yun's complexion changed. She originally thought that Ye Han had changed her mind, but who knew that she ended up saying such a sentence that made her heart feel like she had eaten honey.


For a while, Yun Yun was sweetened.


"How can it be so exaggerated?" Yun Yun's fair face flushed, a little shy and a little sweet.




At this moment, an untimely voice sounded.


Ye Han and Yun Yun turned their heads at the same time, and saw Queen Medusa looking at them with a disgusting expression, saying, "Disgusting."


Ye Han and Yun Yun looked at each other, Yun Yun lowered her head shyly and acted as an ostrich.


Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but smile slightly. Looking at Queen Medusa, he said with a serious face, "The Dou Sheng powerhouse feels disgusting. Maybe she is pregnant. Come and let me check."


Pfft! ~


Yun Yun couldn't help laughing directly.


Queen Medusa also blushed, and with a look of embarrassment, she slapped away Ye Han's big hand that was making trouble on her belly.


After laughing and playing for a while, Yun Yun entered Ye Han's space ring to practice, leaving only Ye Han and Medusa.


Taking a look at the ruined holy city of the Jama Empire, Ye Han took Queen Medusa's palm and said, "Let's go!"


Under the setting sun, the two figures walked hand in hand to the horizon...


After several times of siege and interception, after more than half a month, everything was calm and no one appeared in front of the two of them. Queen Medusa finally felt at ease.


"I also want to enter your space ring to practice." Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han and said.


"Why?" Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa a little puzzled.


"I'm Her Majesty the Queen, don't I want to lose face? Now my cultivation base can still hold down that woman. In case she really comes behind, although it's unlikely, I have to take precautions." Mei Queen Tussaud said proudly.


Originally, serving with Yun Yun's two daughters as a husband made her very uncomfortable. After realizing that Ye Han had that woman's status in her heart, she could only recognize it with her nose. However, there are some things that cannot be allowed, such as status...


"There's no need for this! You also know that up to now, you are the only wife I am married to in this world. No one can replace this." Ye Han smiled bitterly.


"Humph! So what, is she your first woman in this world?" Queen Medusa was even more upset when she mentioned this.


A pair of cold eyes glanced between Ye Han's legs from time to time, making Ye Han unable to help trembling, his legs trembled a little, and he felt a penetrating coolness from the soles of his feet hitting his brain~www.wuxiamtl. com~ ahem! OK, OK! I promise you it will be. "Ye Han said quickly.


Queen Medusa gave him a meaningful look, her red lips were slightly raised in a beautiful arc, she nodded with satisfaction, and said, "If you encounter any danger, call me out as soon as possible, and we will deal with it together. "




Ye Han hurriedly nodded his head, as if he was quite frightened.


Hahaha! ~


Her Majesty was amused.


(End of this chapter)



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