From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 500: : Consort of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 501 Dragon Consort

One of the nine medicinal pills was released by Ye Han, and then, Ye Han and Queen Medusa each used one. used one.

Seven of the nine medicinal pills have been removed, and the last one left is a question of who to give or not to give, not to mention that Ye Han doesn't want to give it to anyone.

What to do in this case can only be a fool.

In the end, the three of them seemed to be very good at talking, and they nodded in agreement, even if they were angry, because the great formation arranged by Ye Han had also been the same for Gu Yuan, whose clansmen died.

When the three of them heard that there was only one pill left, they couldn't help but look at each other with dazzling sparks in their eyes, but unfortunately no one was willing to give in, and no one was willing to take a half step back. With persuasion, he temporarily put aside his grievances and planned to find medicinal materials to re-refine the medicine pill according to what Ye Han said.

After getting the pill formula given by Ye Han, even though the ancient clan has a long and unfathomable history, he couldn't help but change his face at this moment, his expression was extremely ugly.

Because of the medicinal herbs that Ye Han gave, even the ancients had only heard about them in legends and had never seen them.

However, despite this, the three powerhouses held back their anger and nodded silently.

"Little brother, this place is dangerous. If there is nothing else, you can take my sister-in-law to the ancient clan with me. My family's Xun'er often talks about you in my ear. If you go with me this time, the little girl will see you. You will be very happy." Gu Yuan suddenly changed the subject.

Ye Han "..."

As soon as he finished fooling others, others began to fool him.

If he hadn't been very clear about his relationship with Xiao Xun'er, he would have almost believed Gu Yuan's nonsense.

Seeing this elegant-looking, otherworldly patriarch of the ancient clan telling shameless lies in a serious manner, Ye Han was so impressed that he almost patted him on the shoulder and called him brother and brother.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Ye Han grabbed Queen Meidousha's soft weeds and said, "My wife and I have been away from the world for a long time. After some travel, the ancient clan will naturally go there in the future, but at that time, I am afraid that the ancient clan chief will not welcome you!"

Ye Han said this beautifully, but the meaning of refusal is that everyone can understand it.

But who is the patriarch of the ancient clan? That is a living king who has lived for thousands of years. His face has been polished over time, so it is naturally extraordinary.

Hearing Ye Han's words, he laughed and said, "Since that's the case, I'll be greeted by a couch when I go back. I look forward to the two of you coming to visit my ancient clan as soon as possible."

"Bah! Gu Yuan, you really don't even want your face for the medicine pill." Zhu Kun couldn't help but sneered.

Then he looked at Ye Han and said, "Little brother travels the mainland, but don't forget my overseas Dragon Island. Our Dragon Island is not only rich in products, but also has the strange girl that you humans like the most!"

As Zhu Kun approached, he spoke softly and gave Ye Han a look that a man could understand.


"Zhu Kun, you won my heart!" Ye Han couldn't help but sigh, and then he felt a faint gaze fell on his face.

Ye Han turned around and looked at Queen Medusa's more charming and sultry face after being nourished by the rain and dew. He couldn't help smiling, and said, "Cough, no matter how beautiful a strange girl is, she will definitely not be as beautiful as my wife, but... "

With this opening, her self-rescue ability exploded, and it made Queen Medusa's face show a look of your interest. However, before she was too happy, she heard Ye Han's last one...

"I heard that Zhukun, the Dragon King of the Ancient Dragon Clan of Taixu, gave birth to a daughter, eighteen years old, beautiful as a flower. When the time comes, she will go to your Dragon Island, but you must let me see it!" Ye Han said.

But while speaking, the corners of his mouth were twitching slightly at an untraceable speed, and he felt that a piece of soft flesh around his waist was about to be twisted off.

When Zhu Kun heard this, his face changed, and he almost cursed his mother.

However, I also understand that the person in front of me can't be easily offended, and it is better to try to win over as much as possible. If I didn't see it, even that old thing Gu Yuan could hold back!

A high-level pharmacist will be given preferential treatment no matter where he goes, especially Ye Han can refine that incredible medicine pill. Such a person cannot easily offend him, not to mention that there are other people around him who are staring at him.

If you offend someone, and they turn around and throw themselves into the arms of other forces, then there is really no place to cry.

The three nine-star fighting saints came aggressively and competed in hard power. Although Ye Han couldn't match it, he used his identity to find that delicate balance and put himself in a safe zone for the time being.

"Haha, but there is a daughter below, and she came quickly to adore heroes, especially such a talented and handsome young hero like the little brother. If the little brother can come to my Dragon Island, the little girl will be delighted and treat each other with courtesy. Little brother is interested, it is not impossible for us to have a kiss." Zhu Kun said.

Ye Han "..."

If it wasn't for Zi Yan now practicing in her space ring, Ye Han might have really believed Zhu Kun's nonsense.

These old guys who have lived for many years are shameless, that's true, I'm invincible.

"How can you be more pro-French?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"I promised my daughter to you, and then I will call you brother, and you will call me dad." Zhu Kun said.

"I'll kill you with a **** sip of salt soda! I call you brothers, but you actually want me to call you dad." Ye Han glared and said angrily, "It's useless, bring the token."

Zhu Kun thought for a while, then took out a dragon scale token from his body and handed it to Ye Han, "This is the consort order of our Taixu ancient dragon clan. With this token, one person is below ten thousand people, little brother can think about it. It's clear, once you take this token, you are a member of my Taixu Gulong clan."

The old monster who has lived for so long has empty eyelashes and many thieves.

Seemingly random and hasty decision, but it is also the result of careful consideration.

If you can really get married with Ye, it is not impossible to consider, after all, the medicinal pills refined by Ye Han are related to the chance of becoming a Dou Di!

Ye Han took away the small hand that was playing on his waist without a trace, squeezed it lightly, then looked at Zhu Kun and said, "A gentleman can't chase after a horse."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to take the token in Zhu Kun's hand. He looked at it and saw that the word "consort" was written on it, and the material was condensed from the dragon scales of Ten Thousand Heavens, so it could not be faked.

"Xiao Yan'er, did you hear that? You will be mine from now on." Ye Han raised his left hand and lowered his head towards the ring in his hand.

Zhu Kun looked confused, not knowing what Ye Han was doing.

However, the next moment, I heard a tender, longing, and full of grievance voice ringing in my ears.

Although he didn't see anyone, the sound alone caused Zhu Kun's tall body to tremble slightly, his blood vessels churned for a while, his nose was sore, and there was an urge to cry.

"Is that your father?"

As the voice fell, a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old girl with white clothes and purple hair, a young and beautiful girl, appeared in front of Zhu Kun's eyes.

"Yah, girl, you, you are, my daughter, Zi Yan." Zhu Kun's eyes widened, looking at the little girl in front of him incredulously, his father's love was surging, and his old eyes were a little wet for a while.

The connection between the bloodlines made Lao Long instantly recognize Zi Yan's identity, and Zi Yan also recognized Zhu Kun.

The father and daughter hugged in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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