From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 496: : will you protect me

Dou Zun strong people can open up space tunnels and travel long distances.

And Dou Sheng is naturally more powerful.

However, the Dou Qi Continent is so huge that even a strong Dou Zun cannot reach anywhere in an instant, not even a Dou Sheng.

However, in just a few days, these three top powerhouses have actually crossed the endless territory and appeared here. It is extremely incredible to say it.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Clan, Gu Yuan of the Ancient Clan, Zhu Kun of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and the three Great Nine-Star Fighting Saints gathered together, all of them were attracted by Ye Han's medicinal pills.

"I didn't expect that you are still alive after not seeing you for so many years?" Emperor Soul Tian looked at the purple dragon that appeared, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

After living for so many years, there are fewer and fewer people who used to be of the same era as them. It is indeed a sad thing to be able to meet people of the same era, even if the relationship between them is not very good.

"Haha! Is the old man surprised to see me?" The purple dragon's body flickered with purple light, turning into a burly middle-aged man, hey hey hey laughing and buzzing.

"I'm really surprised, I'm curious, where have you been all these years? I looked at your breath and found that your strength has not increased but decreased, which really puzzles me." Hun Tiandi said.

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Kun's complexion also changed.

Thinking of his dignified nine-star fighting saint level, the patriarch of the Taixu Gulong clan, and the king of thousands of monsters, he was designed by someone to help people see the thousand-year-old gate. Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved. He slapped the door of the cave open open, just looked at him lightly, ignored it, and gave him a chance to escape. If not, he really didn't know when he would be able to leave that ghost place.

Thinking of what happened in the millennium, Zhu Kun couldn't help but have a hint of fear in his eyes, and at the same time he thought of that noble, glamorous, and peerless woman...

Boom! ~

The thunder exploded, and the rich medicinal fragrance filled the air, revitalizing all things, making the dead trees come to spring, and prompting the people around them to breathe continuously. The oily faces showed greed, as if they were sucking the surrounding air dry.

The scent of medicine that is easy to dissipate is really amazing, and practitioners will have some dark wounds on their bodies more or less. However, after breathing this scent of medicine, everyone's injuries healed in an instant, and the cells of the flesh were healed. Vitality has greatly increased, as if reborn and reborn.

The sky was low, and the black clouds were on top, forming a vortex between them, covering the area where Ye Han was.

"It's too much fun now, are you afraid?" Ye Han glanced at the sky, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Queen Medusa in front of him and said.

Queen Medusa's flawless and pretty face, like a beautiful suet jade, was slightly pale, looking at the heavy dark clouds in the sky, her eyes showed obvious fear, and even her body was trembling slightly.

However, when she heard Ye Han's words, for some reason, she suddenly stopped being afraid.

"You will protect me, right?" A mischievous smile suddenly appeared on the pale but still flawless pretty face, looking at Ye Han and said.

"Of course!"

Hearing Queen Medusa's words, Ye Han suddenly felt arrogant and slapped his chest.


Queen Medusa couldn't help being amused by his appearance.

"It's enough to have your words. Even if it is death, I will not waste it..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Han pulled him into his arms, lowered his head and opened his mouth to cover his red lips.

He was slightly startled, but he didn't resist. Instead, he gently hugged Ye Han's neck, slowly closed his beautiful eyes, and responded gently.

There is no coercion, no reluctance, no domineering, some are just tender...

Queen Medusa was relieved, hugged Ye Han's neck, and offered a sweet and active kiss.

In Queen Medusa's heart, Ye Han was no match for this thunder calamity, and she, as his wife, should follow him.

"Fool! It's okay, we have been married for several years, but you don't seem to have seen my true strength. I'll let you see how strong my husband is!" Ye Han took the initiative to raise his head and let go. She touched Queen Medusa's red lips, looked at the woman's delicate and beautiful face, and the faint blush on the other's face, reached out to help her straighten the messy hair around her ears, and smiled.

"I believe you."

Queen Medusa raised her head, looked at the young and beautiful face in front of her, a glimmer of obsession flashed in her eyes, gently raised Qianqiansu's hand, slowly stroked his angular face, and nodded.

"Don't worry, although it's not all the strength, it's enough to deal with a few small fish and shrimp. Just stay there and listen to my instructions later." Ye Han smiled lightly and touched Her Majesty's face with his hand. Then she waved her palm gently, and Queen Medusa felt that the stars were shifting and appeared in another direction, facing Ye Han far away.

"Come on! Nine-turn golden pill, done!"

Ye Han turned around, looked at the nine bright scorching suns that were constantly floating around him, pinched the seal, and condensed the power of the complicated rules into a special symbol, and slammed it into the nine golden pills, roaring furiously.

Boom! ~

There were lightning and thunder in the sky, as if the end was coming, and the roar from the gods was shocking.

Jin Dancheng, divine thunder falls.

The creation of the Jiuzhuan Jindan to seize the heaven and the earth is not tolerated by the heaven and the earth, and deserves to be punished and destroyed by the heavens.

As the maker of the Nine-Rank Golden Elixir, Ye Han was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

The thick thunder fell like a waterfall, with a terrifying aura of destruction.

A splendid black-gold light suddenly burst out from Ye Han's eyes, and a terrifying and ancient aura permeated his body.

The inextinguishable primordial spirit condensed from the Taixuan Sutra is immortal and immortal.

kill! ~

With a roar, Ye Han shot up to the sky, a pair of iron fists smashed everything, and Thunder and Lightning Heaven Punishment quickly collapsed under this domineering punch, and finally turned into an extremely pure source energy and immersed in the nine golden cores and Ye Han's. In the body, UU reading becomes their nourishment.

The more powerful the thunder calamity, the greater the benefits that can be obtained once it is overcome.

After Ye Han used the previous method, his identity as a stowaway was instantly exposed to the will of heaven and earth. Then, the entire thunder sea rioted, and the terrifying rules condensed into chains, attacking Ye Han from all directions.

"Made! Forcing Lao Tzu to go crazy, right!!"

Ye Han let out a roar, and the Unparalleled War Spear, the divine weapon of the Xuanling Clan, appeared, and with a single blow, the chain of the Ten Thousand Heavens Rule was broken...

Soul Heaven Emperor, Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun, all of them were dumbfounded.

The stronger the strength, the more terrifying the attack Ye Han faced. If it were him, several people would shudder.

They felt that they couldn't handle it.

At the same time, the second thunder calamity belonging to the medicinal pill fell, but now, the thunder calamity caused by the nine-turn golden pill seems to be so insignificant. Jin Dan and Ye Han absorbed it.

The power of rules manifested again, condensed into a heavenly saber, punished on behalf of heaven, and wiped out heresy.

With a bang, there was a big chaotic explosion. Where the Heavenly Sword passed, the void shattered, time and space fragments flew around, and dense cracks spread to the entire world.

"Damn it! It's really ruthless. Would you rather destroy this world than let me go?" Ye Han helplessly, looking at the fiercer and more powerful Tiandao, forced to survive the 9th Rank Golden Elixir After the thunder calamity that was attracted, he could only hurriedly seal his cultivation base quickly.

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