From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 492: : Xuanyi and Qingxianzi

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

A strange medicinal fragrance permeates the whole world, like an emperor with unpredictable power.

The more powerful the creature, the more arrogant it can feel in this medicinal fragrance.

One hall, one tower, two sects, three valleys, and Sifang Pavilion, these top forces in Zhongzhou were disturbed at the same time.

"Nine-grade pills? No, nine-grade pills don't have such a big momentum. Is this, is the emperor pill coming into the world?" Danta, a figure muttered to himself, the more he talked, the more excited the eyes became. Sheng.

Randomly, he no longer hesitated, and directly opened the void, his figure flashed slightly, and he disappeared into it.

People who refine pills have the sharpest perception of pills, but others are not much worse, and they can feel the extraordinary power from that medicine.

It was an indescribable realization, as if if you get it, you can soar in the daytime.

Some people open up space passages, some people melt into the void, some people turn into lightning, and it is thousands of miles in an instant...

Although the starlight was dim this night, there were countless streamers shining, making it even more dazzling...

"Nima! Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

In the early morning, Ye Han looked at the dense figures around him, even his scalp felt numb.

Even if he knew that with Xiao Yan's strength in Dou Qi Continent, there would be Dou Zong as many as dogs in the later stage, and Dou Zun would walk everywhere, but seeing hundreds of thousands of Dou Zun gather with his own eyes, Ye Han still felt a bit of a headache.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there are several of them, whose strength is even more inscrutable, obviously beyond the scope of Dou Zun.

"If you can't do anything, run away immediately. The most important thing is to save your own life. Don't try to be brave!" Ye Han expressed a trace of his heart, and said to Queen Medusa and Di Tian and others around him.

"Yeah!" Several people nodded in unison.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han's profile with an unconcealed worry in her expression, and said, "You also need to be careful, the success or failure of the medicinal pill is not important, the important thing is you, you must be safe."

"Don't worry, with a wife who loves me so much, how could I be willing to do anything?" Ye Han took a stab at it, and then immediately held his breath, holding the magic formula in his hand, letting the drops of herbal essence floating in front of him slowly disappear. blend together.

Like Mars hitting the earth, the fusion of each medicinal essence seems to be a comet explosion, constantly impacting his soul.

"Made! It wasn't so difficult when refining the rank nine golden pills in Douluo Continent?" Ye Han couldn't help but scolded, but he couldn't give up halfway. Dazzling, full of fighting spirit, evolves the Yin-Yang Taiji map, builds the heaven and earth furnace, uses manpower to borrow the power of heaven and earth, resists the power of heaven and earth, and uses itself as the medium, and finally makes ten medicinal pills take shape in front of eyes.

Lightning flashed and thundered above the sky, and the deafening roar seemed to shake the sky and capture the soul. Ye Han raised his head and glanced at the thunder that was about to fall at any time, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

With a disdainful smile on his pale face, he stretched out his middle finger.

"When the moon is full, it loses, and when the water is full, it overflows. I understand this principle!" With a flick of the finger, one of the ten medicinal pills flew out of the cauldron of heaven and earth made of Yin-Yang Tai Chi.

Bang! ~

The medicinal pill that had just condensed and had not yet solidified left the cauldron and exploded directly, turning into a dazzling streamer, and a dazzling golden light rain fell on this small area.

The strong medicinal fragrance filled the air, almost making the people around him go crazy and attacking him desperately.

"If you want medicinal pills, just maintain order!" Ye Han glanced at the few powerful creatures whose strength was clearly beyond the Dou Zun level, and a faint voice sounded.

The faces of these people changed slightly, and then they all released their incomparable fighting spirit, suppressing all the restless crowd...

"Everyone, if you want to witness the birth of the medicinal pill, I hope you will not be impulsive."

"The medicinal pill is still in the refining stage, please don't mess around. If you delay the refining of this gentleman, don't blame me for waiting."

Under the shock of powerful strength, the riots were quickly subsided.

Nine splendid golden elixir floated up and down in the cauldron of Yin-Yang Heaven and Earth in front of Ye Han.

Now Ye Han's alchemy is no longer restricted to flames, but directly relies on the rules of heaven and earth, using himself as a medium, the fire of yin and yang is only auxiliary.

At the current stage of elixir refining, there is no need for so much effort. All you need to do is maintain the regular furnace and warm the elixir.

Ye Han looked around and swept across the faces of the strong men around him.

Except for the old men whose cultivation base was obviously beyond Dou Zun's realm, Ye Han's eyes fell on the two women, and his gaze became unbridled admiration.

The women who can get into his eyes are naturally not vulgar. The two women in front of them, whether they are cultivation or physical appearance, are the best choices. The most important thing is that they must have experienced the peak of Dou Zun. The extremely long years, this can be seen from the depth inadvertently revealed in the eyes of the two women, but they are still perfect.

The two looked at the medicinal pill in Ye Han's hands, but Ye Han regarded them as medicinal pills.

The two women felt the moment Ye Han's eyes fell on them. Originally, the two of them didn't intend to pay attention to them. However, Ye Han's eyes were too aggressive, as if they could see through them instantly. The two were uncomfortable.

"Presumptuous!" The woman with a cold face and a full-fledged royal sister, who looked only in her thirties, couldn't help but let out a cold scolding.

As one of the three giants of the Dan Pagoda, high above, Xuanyi can't remember how long she hasn't encountered such a rude look.

Looking at Ye Han at the moment is really and another beautiful woman in t-shirt, her eyes also flashed with anger, but compared to the former, the latter is much gentler, relatively restrained a lot of.

"Dare to ask how old the two are, have they ever been married?" Ye Han said, and it was really a mess, and he didn't hide his thoughts.

"President Xuanyi, Fairy Qing, as far as I know, it seems that you have never been married, and now this little brother even opened his mouth, it can be seen that he is also a man of temperament, the two are not too young, it is better to follow this A little brother..." An old monster whose strength surpassed the level of Dou Zun smirked, obviously selling to Ye Han.

However, some people are not happy.

"Fuck your motherfucker, you old bangzi, if you want to sell your favor, why don't you give your daughter or wife to someone else?" The person who spoke was naturally a person from Danta, and he was also one of the three giants of Danta. one.

"Young man, don't be so angry, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth." The face of Ye Han's best seller changed slightly, and he said gloomily.

If someone else dared to speak to him like this, he would have slapped him to death long ago.

However, as a first-class force in Zhongzhou, Danta is not easy to provoke, and it is famous for alchemy, making extensive friends, and verbally flirting with it doesn't matter, but if it really does it, even if it is a fighting saint, I am afraid that it will have to be weighed.

"Haha! If a young man is not arrogant, can he still be called a young man?" Xuan Leizi, the giant of the Pill Tower, said, but he was not afraid of those who were obviously stronger than him.

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