From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 489: : Queen Chasing Her Husband

Chapter 490

the next day.

In the afternoon, after finishing some trivial matters, Nalan Yanran came to Yun Yun's bedroom again.

But the building was already empty, and there was only a letter lying quietly on a desk waiting for the master's blessing.

"Nalan Yanran personally opened it!"

Looking at the graceful small print on the envelope, the expression on Nalan Yanran's face was unpredictable.

But in the end, she still opened the envelope.

"Yanran, when you read this letter, I was already gone, please forgive my selfishness, when I find him, we will come back to see you after a while, the Yunlan Sect is handed over to you, take care! "

There were only a few dozen beautiful small characters, but Nalan Yanran's eyes were filled with mist.

The teacher left and went to find her lover, but she could only watch them both live and fly, alone in the Cloud Lanzong. For a while, Nalan Yanran was full of grievances.

The only thing that made her feel a little bit of comfort was that the teacher went to find the other party by herself, not the other party who came to pick her up. This made Nalan Yanran feel a lot better and made her feel that she and the teacher were in Ye Han's heart. position is the same.

After being sad for a while alone, Nalan Yanran wiped away tears, then left Yun Yun's bedroom and helped her close the door.

"How is it? Listen to me right! Now, can you go with me in peace?" The figures of Ye Han and Yun Yun appeared out of thin air, Ye Han looked at hiding in his arms with a look of unbearable expression on his face. The cloudy rhythm of color, said.

Obviously, he taught Yun Yun to write that letter.

Everyone has a heart of jealousy, just more or less. The reason why I write this is just to make Nalan Yanran feel a little bit of balance. The reason why I don't see Nalan Yanran is because of trouble, and it will definitely be again at that time. After crying and crying, thinking about Ye Han makes his head big.

"Come on! Come on, now you can ride me too." Ye Han walked up to Yun Yun, patted his back, and motioned her to lie on his back.

Yun Yun heard the words, her ethereal pretty face blushed slightly, she didn't know what to think, she secretly spit, looking at the broad back in front of her, she hesitated.

"Come on! If you miss today, you are trying to get revenge, then you have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse." Ye Hanxi laughed.


Yun Yun was embarrassed, let out a cold snort, and lay on Ye Han's back gently, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, her thighs clamped his waist, and her calf kicked Ye Han's thigh hard, with a soft drink in her mouth " drive!".

This is really treating Ye Han as a horse.

However, Ye Han didn't take it seriously, instead he let out a neighing sound of a horse, and then he rushed out of the palace with Yun Yun on his back and left the Yun Lan Sect.

Such an occasional role change is also a kind of sentiment.

A space tunnel opened, Ye Han stepped out with Yun Yun on his back, and disappeared from Yun Yun's bedroom.

Not long after the two of them left, another deep vortex appeared in the sky above Yun Lanzong.

Immediately, under the attention of all people, a woman dressed in red, bewitching all beings and bewitching the heavens, stepped out from the deep vortex with bare feet like jade.

The mature and plump figure is so bright and dazzling under the wrapping of a red robe. As soon as it appears, it becomes the focus of the whole world, and it makes men feel hot and dry, and makes women feel ashamed and dare not marry. its staring.

Eyes twitching, with all kinds of amorous feelings, but there is also an air of majesty that permeates.

"Nalan Yanran, what about him?" The woman looked at the woman in white who came out of the Sect Master's hall, and spoke lightly. Her tone was cold, but for some reason, there was always a kind of ecstasy, which made people endure. Can't stop feeling uneasy.

Nalan Yanran looked at the woman in red who suddenly visited Yunlanzong again, and couldn't help being a little lost.

A few years ago, this woman who turned all beings upside down came to Yunlanzong for the first time to find that man, and this time too.

And the rest of the Yunlan Sect had even more strange eyes. The red-clothed woman looking at the sky showed an unconcealed fiery and thoughtful look in her eyes.

Who was the person she was looking for?

What is your identity?

And what is the relationship with the Yunlan Sect?

Why, with her vicious name, came to Yunlanzong repeatedly to find someone?

Most importantly, her relationship with that person?

It was difficult for everyone in the Yunlan Sect to hide their curiosity, but the woman turned a blind eye to those eyes.

The scorching sun in the early morning was dazzling, and she put a layer of golden gauze on the woman, making her look even more beautiful and mysterious.

At this moment, the woman's eyes were only Nalan Yanran, and she turned a blind eye to the eyes around her.

Nalan Yanran rose into the air and came to the woman.

"I have seen Queen Medusa."

A slight salute, this is not only respect for Her Majesty the Queen, but also because of Ye Han's relationship.

The person here is none other than the Queen Medusa who has been famous for many years in the Jiama Empire.

She was delayed for a few days because of the matter. Although she hurried back, she still missed her three-year appointment with Ye Han.

When Ye Han left, she immediately thought of the Yunlan Sect.

A man, who has been away from his hometown for many years, the person he wants to see most after he returns, besides his family and friends, is his old lover.

Therefore, Queen Medusa was non-stop and rushed over immediately.

"Yes, the strength has reached the level of a six-star Dou Emperor so quickly." Looking at Nalan Yanran who appeared in front of her, in just a few years, a former little Dou Ling had reached the Dou Emperor realm. Ascension, even Her Majesty feels a little weird.

"This..." When Nalan Yanran heard the words, her pretty face couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Thinking of the reason and process of her strength improvement, she was really hard to explain, and she didn't know how to tell Her Majesty the Queen.

Randomly, he could only change the topic and say, "Didn't he go back to the Demonic Beast Mountains?"

Queen Medusa shook her and then felt the release, she wanted to find Yun Yun, but she did not find Yun Yun's breath.

"Where's your teacher?" Queen Medusa frowned, looking at Nalan Yanran and asked.

"Old, the teacher has gone to him too!" Nalan Yanran's red lips parted lightly, the sound transmission entered the secret, and the voice directly entered the ears of Queen Medusa.

"I heard Yun Yun say that you have been following him all these years. Do you know where he is most likely to go?" Queen Medusa said after a while of silence.

"Here, it's possible to go to the imperial capital!" Nalan Yanran said, Ye Han was not in the Demonic Beast Mountains, nor did he come to find a teacher, so he might have gone to the imperial capital to look for Yaoye, but Nalan Yanran The voice is not very sure.

Looking deeply at Nalan Yanran, Queen Medusa nodded and turned away without saying a word.

Queen Medusa didn't want to ask about Ye Han and this little girl.

She also knows Ye Han's cultivation status. Queen Medusa is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She belongs to the standard knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted. She looks cool and aggressive. After the deep feelings in her heart, her mind was completely on Ye Han, everything was dominated by him, with him as the center, everything was considered for him first...

The deep space passage opened, and Queen Medusa stepped in, leaving everyone with a reverie back, and then the space passage disappeared without a trace.

End of this chapter

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