From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 483: : No more Canaan Academy

Chapter 484 No More Canaan Academy

Whether it is Ruolin or Hu Jia, they are already well aware of the relationship between each other and Ye Han.

Hu Jia deduced from the fact that Ye Han asked him to send news to Ruo Lin, while Ruo Lin deduced it from Hu Jia's expression every time he mentioned Ye Han.

Now, the two of them are hugged by Ye Han at the same time, they just feel a little embarrassed, but there is not much resistance in their hearts.

Long time no see, both of them miss Ye Han very much, and naturally they don't want to cause any conflict.

"Let's go! I'll take you out of here." Ye Han kissed the two women's foreheads and said.


The two women were extremely surprised, and both looked at Ye Han.

"Leaving now, don't you think it's too hasty?"

"I'm here to find you. Since you're all fine, it's natural to leave. Do you really want me to destroy this place?" Ye Han smiled and looked at the two women.

"No, no, let's go!" The two women looked a little flustered when they heard the words, but said in unison.

Ye Han came with monstrous anger and defeated the Dean of Canaan College, and he was so excited that it was only for the two of them.

This moved the hearts of both of them, especially Ruo Lin.

Hu Jia is protected by her grandfather in this school, so she will definitely not face danger to her life, so the biggest reason why Ye Han is so popular must be because of her.

Her relationship with Ye Han was exposed. Although she was not imprisoned, she was not allowed to leave the academy for half a step, which was equivalent to house arrest.

Although I know there is a reason for the incident and understand the academy's practices, it is always a place that is restricted, which will inevitably make people feel uncomfortable, but now it's better.

She is finally free.

The moment she was taken away by Ye Han, Ruo Lin lifted her toes, raised her courage, and kissed Ye Han on the cheek, her cheeks were flushed, and she said, "Thank you, thank you."

Ye Han looked at the woman, not knowing why at first, but then immediately knew the reason for her thank you.


Ye Han gave a strange laugh, then leaned into Ruo Lin's ear and said, "This apology is too insincere. Tonight, I want to enjoy the blessings of all people. I wonder if it's possible?"


Hu Jia and Ruo Lin spat secretly together, their cheeks flushed.

Not only did Ruo Lin hear Ye Han's words, but Hu Jia also heard it.

Just as the three of them were about to leave, a voice suddenly interrupted Ye Han's footsteps.

"Ye, Ye Han, can you bring me?" Xiao Yu said pitifully.

Ye Han glanced at Xiao Yu, then under the suspicious gazes of Hu Jia and Ruo Lin, he bit his head and turned his hand back, directly taking Xiao Yu into the space ring.

Ye Han glanced at Ruo Lin and Hu Jia, and smiled awkwardly at their thoughtful gazes.

Ruo Lin and Hu Jia looked at each other, then quickly avoided their gazes, and then gave Ye Han a contemptuous look together, but now there were too many people and neither of them said anything.

Ye Han took a deep breath and was about to leave when another voice sounded.


The crisp sound is pleasant to the ears.

Ye Han turned his head to look, a slim girl of eighteen or nineteen years old appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes.

She was wearing a long purple dress, and her appearance was alluring. Although she was young, she had a bumpy figure, with long purple hair hanging down to her hips, and she was full of royal sisters.

Ye Han's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that after only two years of absence, the little girl turned out to be so shrewd. She really answered the old saying, the eighteenth change of the female college, the more beautiful she became.

"Do you really know my father's whereabouts?" the girl looked at Ye Han and asked.

Ye Han nodded, then shook his head again.

"What do you mean?" The little girl was puzzled.

"I only know about it, but I don't know the specifics." Ye Han said.

This is pure nonsense. The ancient emperor's cave has been destroyed by Bibi Dong. Ye Han naturally doesn't know where the girl's father is.

Maybe that old dragon has already been killed by Bibi Dong, not necessarily.

However, the girl did not know this.

After hearing Ye Han's words, she thought for a while, then looked at Ye Han and said, "I'll go with you, you help me find my father."

"Why?" Ye Han smiled, but did not agree.

"I, I can call you master." The little girl gritted her teeth and said.

"Well! It's not impossible." Ye Han rubbed his chin and smiled, "Call the master first to listen."

"Yes, but if you dare to lie to me, I will definitely eat you in the future." The little girl opened her mouth, her purple eyes widened, and she pretended to be vicious, but it was not lethal, but added a bit of cuteness. .

"If you can't find your father, I will take the initiative to feed you, and I will never resist. Whoever resists is the grandson." Ye Han said with a bright smile.

In my heart, I thought, if I can't find my biological father, then I will find her a godfather. As long as you call me father, then I will find her father for you, right?

Ye Han agreed and simply stood down. The girl was innocent, nodded with satisfaction, and called her master.

But I don't know why, the people around him always feel weird when they hear his words, as if there is something in the words, but they can't grasp the context, and they are a little unclear.

"Master Dean, thank you for taking care of you for so long, I'm leaving, you take care." Looking at the Dean who was created by the audience, the little girl said with a little reluctance.

As soon as Ye Han left, the academy was naturally safe, so the little girl, Hu Jia, and Ruo Lin felt a lot more at ease.

"You really want to go with him?" Mang Tianchi covered his chest with one hand and said with difficulty.

The little girl was brought back from the mountains by him, and her feelings are naturally the same as his. However, now she has to leave with the terrifying man in front of her, how can the dean feel at ease.

However, the little girl has made up her mind and does not allow others to change.

Ye Han took Ruo Lin and Hu Jia, and the little girl next to him rose into the sky and left here...

"Ye, Ye Han, they, don't you take them with you?" Ruo Lin suddenly realized that something was wrong, looked at the strong men who followed Ye Han to Canaan College, and said involuntarily.

"The three of us are together, why are we taking them?" Ye Han smiled.

Since he came, how could he not do something, Canaan Academy, the Supreme Emperor, has existed for too long, and it is time to move his position.

"I didn't act out of your own face, but the people below are not all my subordinates. They have been bullied by Canaan College for too Need to vent, but Don't worry, Canaan Academy will not perish just like this, after all, the dead camel is bigger than the horse..."

"And you, since you decided to follow me, then follow me with peace of mind. With your strength, even if you go back, you won't be able to solve any problems except to cause trouble."

Ye Han comforted Ruo Lin and Hu Jia, then gave a stern warning to the little girl who was gradually slowing down, and then forced the three of them out of here.

After this battle, the vitality of Canaan College was seriously damaged, and most importantly, its reputation was seriously damaged. After defeating the stragglers left by Ye Han, they chose to disband soon.

Since then, there is no Canaan Academy in Dou Qi Continent.

After learning the news, Ruo Lin and Hu Jia burst into tears, and felt a little dissatisfied with Ye Han.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Hu Jia was born in Canaan College, grew up in Canaan College, Ruo Lin regarded it as a holy place in her heart, and was ready to fight there for life, but because of Ye Han, the place had to be disbanded.

(End of this chapter)

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