From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 481: : Attack on Canaan Academy

Chapter 482 Attack on Canaan Academy

Some people close their eyes and their life is over.

Some people close their eyes and open them again, but it is a brand new beginning.

The bright sunlight shone on the large double bed and fell on the sleeping jade face.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, her bright eyes slowly opened, and the next moment, she turned to look beside her.

Then, she looked down at her chest again, her jade-like face blushed instantly, and instinctively opened her mouth and let out a scream.

"My ears!"

The man next to him opened his eyes, glanced at the woman, and rubbed his ears.

"When a person comes to this world naked, you can be considered a real new born. From now on, you will be my woman, and the grievances and grievances of the past will no longer concern you, you know?"

After the body and mind are conquered, everything is nothing but a breeze.


In the face of the man's strong words, the woman's face was blushing, her body was weak and weak, as if she had fallen apart, she could only nod slightly and make a nasal sound to show her obedience.

Since then, within a year, there has been a couple more loving couples in the city of black seals.

On this day, hundreds of Douhuang experts gathered, and under the leadership of Ye Han, they headed for Canaan College in a mighty manner.

The so-called Canaan College law enforcement team, in Ye Han's eyes, was nothing more than a chicken and a dog. Everywhere they walked, all the people of the Canaan College were captured, and no one escaped.

There are many strong people in the Black Corner Domain, but they are all a group of stragglers.

But now, this group of stragglers was all gathered by Ye Han. If there is one leader of this force, it can be regarded as a first-class force.

Now, Ye Han is the one who takes the lead.

A group of stragglers were subdued by him and worked for him.

It's been two years, it's time to reckon with the past, and Ruo Lin, that stupid woman, doesn't know how she's doing now, whether she's alive or dead.

Canaan College...has arrived.

Although it was only the outer courtyard, it still made these stragglers who Ye Han subdued screamed with excitement.

For the Supreme Emperor who has been riding on the heads of everyone, the powerhouses in Heijiaoyu have always been in awe. Although they have coveted, they dare not think about it.

However, today, the sacred and inviolable majesty of Canaan Academy was struck by a crack.

"Isn't this force so invincible?"

This is the common voice of the wandering soldiers gathered by Ye Han at this moment.

One or two chopsticks are easy to break, and one chopstick can stand upright. It’s not that no one understands this principle. For so long, some people have tried to join forces with major forces to deal with the emperor above their heads. The head is always dead, halfway, and died of various accidents.

There are many smart people in this world, and it is natural to think that it is the ghost of the Emperor Taishang above his head.

Being able to stand in the Black Corner Territory and stand above many forces, Canaan College will naturally not be a good person. They plan ahead and stifle the danger in the cradle. They will naturally do it.

But knowing is one thing, and having the ability is another. Over time, most people will admit to it. Anyway, the Supreme Emperor maintains his identity, and in general, he will not shoot at them...

All parties were submissive, and they were at peace with each other until Ye Han appeared.

In two years, the Black Corner Domain was unified. Ye Han had faced several assassinations, but he was still alive. This is the best proof of his strength. Now, under the leadership of Ye Han, all forces finally have a relationship with the emperor. The strength of the challenge.

The Canaan Academy is waiting in full force, looking at the thousands of people approaching like an enemy. The weakest of these people are Dou Ling, and Dou Wang occupies the vast majority. Among them, there are several figures that almost blend with the heaven and the earth. , If it weren't for the Dou Qi wings behind it, I am afraid most people would think that it was a few Dou Zongs.

But obviously, the strength of these people is only one step away from Dou Zong. Perhaps after today's war, they will be able to advance smoothly.

"Canaan Academy is a good place, just right to make a mansion for adults." A strong man near the Dou Zong level nodded and bowed to Ye Han.

"It's a good idea, if that's the case, why don't you do it?"

Ye Han laughed and said he was satisfied with this person's proposal.

"Good! Brothers, don't talk nonsense, rush!" With a loud shout, the man rushed out first.

However, the quicker you go, the faster you come back.

He was slapped out.

To Ye Han's surprise, it was not Mang Tianchi, but a Dou Zong.

"Charm, spooky, dare to come to our courtyard to play wild and seek death." An old man with white hair and beard appeared in front of everyone, shouting violently and shaking the void.

"This subordinate is incompetent, and it is a shame for the adults." The man who was slapped back with a slap wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and ignored the pain of his body, he hurriedly bowed to Ye Han and saluted.

Ye Han didn't even look at the man, looked directly at the old man in front of him, and slapped it with the same slap.

Covering the sky with one hand, the divine might is boundless.

In an instant, the entire sky was blocked by one of his palms.

The huge palm was in the sky, the whole sky was buzzing, and the time and space seemed to be unstable and about to collapse.

The face of the old man on the opposite side changed, and without hesitation, he used his fighting skills to blast Ye Han...

However, just like he fought against the peak Douhuang just now, although he tried his best to block, he couldn't stop the approach of the huge palm in the slightest.

boom! ~

The old body was like a ball, and it was directly slapped hundreds of meters away by Ye Han.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the crystal blood sprinkled down.

The students of Canaan Academy looked at the figure that was like a ball, drawing a parabola in the air and flying into the distance, all of them were stunned and stunned.

That is the great elder of the academy like a god!

It is said that he is already a master of Douzong level, but facing the tall figure wearing an ice is not an enemy of unity.

"Your majesty!~"

At the same time, on Ye Han's side, the sound of harmony resounded through the sky, and the momentum was unprecedentedly high.

Ye Han casually raised his arm, waved it gently, and then the earth-shattering scream resounded through the sky.

All the strong fighting qi burst out, turning into earth-shattering murderous aura, like a wild beast, directly attacking Canaan College.

Most of the students of Canaan College have some combat experience, but, compared with the vicious people led by Ye Han, these students, regardless of their combat experience or cultivation, are as immature as newborn babies, and they are directly attacked by all-rounders. crush.

Bloody wars, cruel bloodthirsty, once they meet, they become white-hot battles...

With just one collision, Canaan College was directly crushed.

Seeing that the school's destruction was imminent, Mang Tianchi, the dean of Canaan College, finally arrived late, revealing the true face of Mount Lu...

(End of this chapter)

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